Hawaii Growers

Hopefully it will turn away a bit or diffuse, but it doesn't look like that's how it's going to roll at the moment. I'm not that ready. I'm pretty sure my plants can handle 40 mph winds with how I have them tied down, but I don't know about 53+mph which is what they're predicting for Maui. I'm not excited to go check them out Friday or Saturday morning and then they're predicting Julio should be here by Sunday. Things were going to easy I guess.

How's things on your side of the pond Mo?
Tied my chickens together, and got my football helmet on.

Bodhi is probably one of the best commercial available products, but even though he is from Santa Cruz, he in no way breeds for outdoor plants. He will do a release for the outdoor guys Malawi, Ethiopian, Aruba(molded like fuck on me in a GH in Kau) and such, but his gear isn't taylormade for humid weather. His males Snow Lotus and Appalachia are good and I think the Appy crosses do better here. I just went into the back yesterday to find my Silver Mountain(Super Silver Haze x Appy) completely molded and it was topped and only half way through flower. I did just order his NL5 the other day because of its supposed resistance.
The best outdoor breeders I have been able to find are Classic Seeds(breeder from Oregon, Seed Boutique), Coastal Seeds(from Santa Cruz not available anywhere except Kind Peoples in Santa Cruz) Snow High(Nor Cal guy, Attitude, Cannazon) and OldProLg(Florida guy, DankDidz). I'm done with indoor seeds, mostly. Best plant so far overall and mold free is the Molokai Frost and her crosses.......but that is BI, grew for years on the beach in Kaaawa everything on Attitude with hardly ever any mold.
My daughter flies home from Oahu on Tuesday! She and my wife are both freaking about the storms. Are there any good waves yet?

The weather here is finally getting bearable with a nice ocean breeze. The UV index is off the charts though! I really want to spend some time outside finishing the screenhouse. We've lost so many fruits and veggies to the critters. One night they had a pool party!

Have any of you tried Blue Dream? It has really impressed me with its vigor, smell, taste, and perfect dreamy stone.

Trying to turn away the storms with my thoughts :)

I drove home made (from rebar) stakes through the bottom of the dog kennel, added 2x4 roof support, and cargo strapped everything down. Half of my outdoor is between 6 to 8 weeks in. Those got moved indoor and others are between 1-4 weeks they are staying out. Hopefully they don't get destroyed. I picked up some water and 12 gal of gas for my generator. I'm as ready as I'm gonna get.
thats why I chopped the last of mine a week ago... Now its time to sprout some more with this full moon and humidity coming our way! chee
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Tied my chickens together, and got my football helmet on.

Bodhi is probably one of the best commercial available products, but even though he is from Santa Cruz, he in no way breeds for outdoor plants. He will do a release for the outdoor guys Malawi, Ethiopian, Aruba(molded like fuck on me in a GH in Kau) and such, but his gear isn't taylormade for humid weather. His males Snow Lotus and Appalachia are good and I think the Appy crosses do better here. I just went into the back yesterday to find my Silver Mountain(Super Silver Haze x Appy) completely molded and it was topped and only half way through flower. I did just order his NL5 the other day because of its supposed resistance.
The best outdoor breeders I have been able to find are Classic Seeds(breeder from Oregon, Seed Boutique), Coastal Seeds(from Santa Cruz not available anywhere except Kind Peoples in Santa Cruz) Snow High(Nor Cal guy, Attitude, Cannazon) and OldProLg(Florida guy, DankDidz). I'm done with indoor seeds, mostly. Best plant so far overall and mold free is the Molokai Frost and her crosses.......but that is BI, grew for years on the beach in Kaaawa everything on Attitude with hardly ever any mold.

Thanks Surfd for the list of breeders that have good strains for more humid climates. That's some invaluable information right there. I'm glad to hear Snow High's gear is good here. I've looked at his strains a bunch of times and I've read good reviews about his stuff too.

I just read a post a couple of days ago by Bodhi on breedbay where I could of swore he said he breeds for his humid climate, but maybe I read it wrong or his humid climate ain't got nothin' on our humid climate.

And I can agree on the Appy crosses for doing well with at least the Bay 11 I have which is half Appalachia. We had a really wet winter and spring and the Bay 11 had very little mold and what mold it did have was probably caused by budworms.

Sorry to hear about your Silver Mountain. What's the RH in Kau? I would think you wouldn't have too high of RH there. I guess it depends where in Kau, but a lot of the Kau district seems like it would be a nearly perfect growing climate.
My daughter flies home from Oahu on Tuesday! She and my wife are both freaking about the storms. Are there any good waves yet?

The weather here is finally getting bearable with a nice ocean breeze. The UV index is off the charts though! I really want to spend some time outside finishing the screenhouse. We've lost so many fruits and veggies to the critters. One night they had a pool party!

Have any of you tried Blue Dream? It has really impressed me with its vigor, smell, taste, and perfect dreamy stone.

Trying to turn away the storms with my thoughts :)

Hey Mo, you're probably getting updates, but this storm isn't too bad. Pretty strong winds, but we shouldn't lose our roof.

And I've heard the real Blue Dream is a great strain, but I don't know anybody personally that's getting cuts sent from the mainland. Maybe she'll come around some day though.
I looked back a couple weeks on the main Bodhi thread at Seed bay, couldn't find it, I'll keep looking. I like threading Bodhi discussing stuff. In Kau I was up so high it was cold every night, dew and cold...mold city. I'm in Puna now....it is 1:20 am and we are still getting pounded.
We (Oahu) got lucky this storm didn't hit us. Pele kicked that huricanes ass. Small kine rain and wind this morning but that's it. Hopefully the next one turns north and misses us too. Did you guys see the craigslist adds for water. Fukas was selling water fo $100 case.
I didn't see the Craigslist ads, but I heard people were selling cases for $40-$50 bucks... crazy. I filled up about a weeks worth of water so I wasn't worried. Waikapu River has clean enough water to drink if you go high enough in the valley . I used to drink out of it everyday so that's an option too.
Glad I brought all the girls inside yesterday. What sounded like thunder was the falling trees all around the neighborhood. I stopped counting after 50. Doesn't take much wind to bring down 80-100 ft albezia trees. Glad I didn't have any on my property or the empty lots around mine. But now I have to move my autos outside now after being used to a 18/6 schedule because the power is still out and who knows when HELCO will get them back on. They only got a couple weeks left, so I don't know what to expect now with the shorter light period and super high humidity after being pampered inside for so long.
Aloha everybody, long time follower of this thread first time poster. Stopped everything cannabis once I became a teacher, then started again when I ruptured a disc in my back and fractured my tailbone. My first year of having my card is almost up so just wanted to share the action over the first year. Hopefully the second year will be better.

Started with a little home made setup last December. A friend gave me some seeds to start off. No strain name

Only two came out female

Missing some timeline pics, trying to find them but these are clones from one of the females

One of the original girls, the other one was a scraggly one. Not picture worthy. These went to my friends property

Out of the 6 (2 original and 4 clones) I only got stuff from this big mama. My friend said the other 5 got washed away in a storm lol... umm yeah

I was able to save one clone from the big mama in February I threw it in the ground

This is where it was early July

Last week, finally starting to show signs of flowering

I wish I knew the name of this strain, it took along time to flower so hopefully its worth the wait
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Another unknown strain, a friend of mine gave me the load of seeds. Started in April

I have a two stragglers still in pots, this was the strongest girl of the bunch

This pic was 2 weeks ago, shes about 6' now. Got knocked over a little from the wind yesterday so tied her up today. Starting to flower, hopefully good yeild