Club 600

Hey I am wondering if anyone prefers 600w cooltube over open air?I dont think heat will be too much of an issue. I have limited height and am stuck between the two choices. I was leaning towards open air with a light diffuser. what do you think?
Open air I usually don't want the canopy less than 15 inches from the bulb, it gets a bit intense but also any closer and your light spread is poo. So in that case the hight issue can be an issue.

Iv used those light defusers in the past but can't really say what happened, I had allot going on at the time.

Can't really say bc I know next to nothing about your setup, but if heat ISN'T an issue but hight might be,,, I'd do a scrog with bare bulb.
I run a cooltube too and it's only because I don't want to have to run my AC unit in order to keep the room cool. It's for emergencies only, lol

EDIT: I am running a 940 watt HPS conversion bulb at the moment though. I can get away with running a single bare 600 in my room without having to run the AC except for during the hottest days.
If you can get all the way around the light like the setup who had it makes great use of the entire light. Shelves can help too so you dont have to veg monsters from the floor up.

I still really like flat scrogs though. with the right light they are great. To me it is all about maximizing the efficiency of the equipment being used so not much time and $$ is wasted.
well i think if it was not for the people in the 600 & you...not that you're not part of the 600...but the threads you post help ME a whole bunch..frfr
i told you befor you got that "green print"

Sun System® LEC 315 utilizes cutting edge Light Emitting Ceramic Metal Halide (MH) technology. Highly efficient agriculturally engineered CDM-T Elite 315/930/U/E Agro Lamp (lamp included). Greatly improved full color light spectrum out of next generation ceramic lamps. Higher amounts of beneficial UV and far red spectrums increase the lamps growth power to the plants. Very high 1.95 PPF per second light source. 3100K color temperature, high 92 CRI, 33,000 initial lumens (105Lm/W). Long life 20,000 hour lamp. High 90% lumen maintenance @ 8000 hr./High 85% PPF maintenance @ 20,000 hr. Unique open rated lamp construction reduces radiant heat from the arc tube and is suitable for open fixture use. 50/60 Hz low frequency, square wave, highly efficient electronic ballast rated for 50,000 hour ballast life. LEC 315 driver incorporates built in thermal protection. One year warranty lamp.

Philips Ceramic MH Specs:
  • Superior color quality. Crisp white light
  • Very High 1.95 PPF per second light source
  • 3100k color temperature, High 92cri, 33,000 initial lumens (105Lm/W)
  • High 90% lumen maintenance at 8,000 hr / High 85% PPF maintenance at 20,000 hr
  • Unique Open Rated Lamp construction reduces radiant heat from the arc tube and is suitable for open fixture use
  • 3100k color temperature, High 92cri, 33,000 initial lumens (105Lm/W)

Thats whats doing it. 92 cri is pretty awesome. I am guessing that is why the 3000k white leds are doing great and with 80cri. Most hps lamps are 20-25 cri at most.

Looked it up. looks like a pretty bad ass lamp. Cant bitch about the Gpw on that one. :-)