The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Well the exo has been chopped and ia hanging drying now, 2moz is my last day off work so didnt wNna be trimming then up for work early nxt morn so got it all done 2nite, think im gpnna hit about 5 or 6 oz off this exo when its dry possibly even slightly more, the buds are the biggest and densest of all the exo ive ever grown


Well-Known Member
Well the exo has been chopped and ia hanging drying now, 2moz is my last day off work so didnt wNna be trimming then up for work early nxt morn so got it all done 2nite, think im gpnna hit about 5 or 6 oz off this exo when its dry possibly even slightly more, the buds are the biggest and densest of all the exo ive ever grown
she love nutes long time


Well-Known Member
she love nutes long time
Yeah she was a real hungry bitch, was on a shit load of nutes this time round, and as u can see I pulled her back fr8m the yellowing to nice dark green again, shes only a bit yellow again now cos been on ripen for almostn2 weeks


Well-Known Member
Got sick of waiting for that thundering whoooore to come back from hols n since I need the money bad I got 25g of paki gold stamped for just over 100e I'll still make 150 on it n that will go towards the 100g when that lad comes back.

Nearly impulse both some synthetic cocaine lol naughty,naughty not till I've disposable income my friend lol fuckin monkeys

Guess who opened up a tattoo studio in ireland...


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Well-Known Member
Got sick of waiting for that thundering whoooore to come back from hols n since I need the money bad I got 25g of paki gold stamped for just over 100e I'll still make 150 on it n that will go towards the 100g when that lad comes back.

Nearly impulse both some synthetic cocaine lol naughty,naughty not till I've disposable income my friend lol fuckin monkeys

Guess who opened up a tattoo studio in ireland...
u cant polish turds


Well-Known Member
Prolapse mother fucker lol
Talking to an irish vendor on agora n he's making some money for his small deal n ks 2

The bubblegum goes 10k a key.
The other standard irish grown is 6k, have only listed that on sr."


Well-Known Member
Top of the morning séan me ol boy. Yeah there was other cheaper run of the Mil hash i nearly bought till the lad said it didn't bubble, of i were eating something I'd have spit it in that cunts face! Well screen but ja get me drift.

Fyi,tbh if shit dont bubble n isn't palatable I'll sell it off at 30e an 8th...fuckin bargain

That irish lad selling on agora is charging 146e for 7grams lol fucking madness
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Well-Known Member
Aye top a the morning Tonya tommy.....u never really know how good it is till you got it do can be decieving can't they...god every time I talk about hash i want some lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah at the end of the day soap bar sells for 35 e an 8th n 70 a q ( back in my day it was 25 punt n 45 a q) over here so if I sell at those prices I'll still make 150 n that will pay for the 100g so happy daze.
It's this site Shawn fucking all we talk about is pot n necrophilia 24/7 lol I've a few quid left I'n my wallet might get a few gram hashes n test out the extract/ hash attachments for the vape. You toy with the idea of getting a volcano anymore?