New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)

Cheers bro, yeah man it's one of those intense strong sour lemon dutch hybrids. Na I've got Black Domina x g13 going with 4 OE, 3 vietnamese pheno clones and a chinese pheno mother that's really thick and short which is pretty cool.

Yeah I've looked at those daylight hour explorer thing but it all depends on the season, 2012 the growing season only started november and 2013 was real early like late september-october. From all the old school growers they say to put clones out when the weather is perfect and they just take off like there's no tomorrow.

I'll be keen for that trade real soon bro, I'll pm you.

Sounds tasty! Very nice selection you've got going. Im wondering how the Taskenti will yield outdoors this coming season. I, gonna try and get her big, fat and resinous.

Yea dunno how this season is going to turn out. Hopfully good! What light schedule should I go on if im going out from seed in mid to late October?

Oh yeah and hit me up and well sort the PDC out. This shit will be killer I reckon.
Unlike you lucky bastards there's shit loads of people up here ready to steal our stuff and we just don't have the country to get away with 15-20 ft plants( in Tauranga anyway) that break with the winds. Shit if I had land I'd grow 20 ft monsters and grow in glasshouse's etc and plant early as too. Yeah I know about the whole clone and seed differences outdoors, 15/9 is good for mid-late october.

I'm keen plant some Orient Express and Panama Deep Chunk(Afghani hashplant with Panama sativa F1)
Might also plant some G13/Black Domina depending on how the smoke turns out, I'll chuck some pics up of it

yeah rippers suck ay, still plenty down here, my mate lost over 60 of his babies last year mustve been kids, idiots or pigs as they were chopped before budding even started. ive had plent stolen over the years and ive given up on growing in easyish accessed spots, all my areas now will mean someone really wants and already knows my shits there, eg. in the middle of thick gorse blackberry and bush nettle!!! its not much fun getting on your hands and knees to get to your patch but I tell you what rippers don't seem to go there either and you only leave a tiny tunnel that just looks like pig/goat trail.

have you ever tried training an outdoors plant? scrogged or something? would be 1 way to make a monster plant not stick out so much.
yeah rippers suck ay, still plenty down here, my mate lost over 60 of his babies last year mustve been kids, idiots or pigs as they were chopped before budding even started. ive had plent stolen over the years and ive given up on growing in easyish accessed spots, all my areas now will mean someone really wants and already knows my shits there, eg. in the middle of thick gorse blackberry and bush nettle!!! its not much fun getting on your hands and knees to get to your patch but I tell you what rippers don't seem to go there either and you only leave a tiny tunnel that just looks like pig/goat trail.

have you ever tried training an outdoors plant? scrogged or something? would be 1 way to make a monster plant not stick out so much.

I wouldn't even bother with outdoors without some wheels to get out of the burbs and into the country.
So Im pretty sure my plants are in the early stags of showing sex. So far I think ive got one female and one male and possibly another female but im yet to fully confirm.
Posting some pics out of total boredom. Female I think I can see a pistil? Its still early days though. Its the most short and bushy one but nice and healthy also growth is pretty slow over winter atm. The plant to the far left is the runty one.
Gave them a epsom salt foiler feed today aswell.

One tiny Hair on the left.

And this is the big stretchy but healthy vigorous male I think but im not deciding sex until they show properly.



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Sounds tasty! Very nice selection you've got going. Im wondering how the Taskenti will yield outdoors this coming season. I, gonna try and get her big, fat and resinous.

Yea dunno how this season is going to turn out. Hopfully good! What light schedule should I go on if im going out from seed in mid to late October?

Oh yeah and hit me up and well sort the PDC out. This shit will be killer I reckon.

Yeah I had a mean old school sweet musky pheno of CC last year that I wish I cloned. I reckon put the Taskenti out November just because it could flower being a pure indica( Some flower on 14/10!) but It will yield massively grown properly. With your knowledge and use of Bat Guano,water crystals etc you could easily get 2lb+ if put out in a good spot. Put it in all day sun and the yields could be outrageous.
For the light schedule just put it 1 hour maximum above what the light hours are outside, the call it the fudge period or something like that. Anymore and they'll flower apparently.

yeah rippers suck ay, still plenty down here, my mate lost over 60 of his babies last year mustve been kids, idiots or pigs as they were chopped before budding even started. ive had plent stolen over the years and ive given up on growing in easyish accessed spots, all my areas now will mean someone really wants and already knows my shits there, eg. in the middle of thick gorse blackberry and bush nettle!!! its not much fun getting on your hands and knees to get to your patch but I tell you what rippers don't seem to go there either and you only leave a tiny tunnel that just looks like pig/goat trail.

have you ever tried training an outdoors plant? scrogged or something? would be 1 way to make a monster plant not stick out so much.

Yeah man dedicated rippers deserve broken bones, lazy assholes lol. I've ripped before but only 4 oz from 250-300 plants.
I like the way you think, gorse is key and no human trails. Hunters always make good guerilla growers.

I've tried training in my back yard but i'm not keen on trainng the plants I hardly go to because of our unpredictable high winds that'll snap them where they're tied back too and I'm not keen on massive out of control plants that break and fall over at harvest.
Yeah I had a mean old school sweet musky pheno of CC last year that I wish I cloned. I reckon put the Taskenti out November just because it could flower being a pure indica( Some flower on 14/10!) but It will yield massively grown properly. With your knowledge and use of Bat Guano,water crystals etc you could easily get 2lb+ if put out in a good spot. Put it in all day sun and the yields could be outrageous.
For the light schedule just put it 1 hour maximum above what the light hours are outside, the call it the fudge period or something like that. Anymore and they'll flower apparently.

Nice id be keen on that lol Yeah I don't want the Taskenti flowering earlyI be pissed as! Im hoping I can get her to yield pretty decent but Im struggling to find a spot that gets all day sun. Ive still got some spots up my sleeve that I'm gonna check out though, its kinda hard to tell because the suns so low at the moment and theirs no leaves on the trees. So maybe 14/10 or 16/8 or something?

Were did you buy your guano from? Ive been trying to buy some organic bud a bloom booster NPK 4.10.7 for flowering and some bat guano NPK 10.3.1 but no one will ship it here.
The guano was that dr earth one I mentioned earlier in the thread. What are you gonna use for veg and flowering?

I wish they'd ship these, I don't wanna have to go feeding liquid nutes again this season I just want to build a decent soil.
Nice id be keen on that lol Yeah I don't want the Taskenti flowering earlyI be pissed as! Im hoping I can get her to yield pretty decent but Im struggling to find a spot that gets all day sun. Ive still got some spots up my sleeve that I'm gonna check out though, its kinda hard to tell because the suns so low at the moment and theirs no leaves on the trees. So maybe 14/10 or 16/8 or something?

Were did you buy your guano from? Ive been trying to buy some organic bud a bloom booster NPK 4.10.7 for flowering and some bat guano NPK 10.3.1 but no one will ship it here.
The guano was that dr earth one I mentioned earlier in the thread. What are you gonna use for veg and flowering?

I wish they'd ship these, I don't wanna have to go feeding liquid nutes again this season I just want to build a decent soil.

Yeah nothing worse than pre flower in veg, may aswell rip the plants and put new ones in lol.
I'm going for a mission today or tomorrow to suss some new spots out. Maybe 16/8 then slowly drop the light hours to within an hour of what they are outside. 14/10 could flower some indicas so be careful.

I think amazon, here's some of the best veg bat guano. Pretty bloody tempted to buy this

it has all phases of plant growth fertilisers, veg-transitional-flower-strong flower. Mexican,Jamaican and Indonesian and an all purpose transitional.

Na screw liquid fertilisers guerilla growing, waste of time really unless you can visit it every week. I use liquid when it's in my back yard.
I think this year I'm going to use Mexican bat guano(10-1-1) from sunleaves and Volcano bat from earth juice(0-10-1) and I'm most definitely going to be using this read the whole description bro it looks like it'll keep those vine hoppers away and give good nutrients to the plants as well, from NZ too which is a bonus.

I reckon I'm going to put those granules in a month or 2 before and do it again on plantation.
Yeah nothing worse than pre flower in veg, may aswell rip the plants and put new ones in lol.
I'm going for a mission today or tomorrow to suss some new spots out. Maybe 16/8 then slowly drop the light hours to within an hour of what they are outside. 14/10 could flower some indicas so be careful.

I think amazon, here's some of the best veg bat guano. Pretty bloody tempted to buy this

it has all phases of plant growth fertilisers, veg-transitional-flower-strong flower. Mexican,Jamaican and Indonesian and an all purpose transitional.

Na screw liquid fertilisers guerilla growing, waste of time really unless you can visit it every week. I use liquid when it's in my back yard.
I think this year I'm going to use Mexican bat guano(10-1-1) from sunleaves and Volcano bat from earth juice(0-10-1) and I'm most definitely going to be using this read the whole description bro it looks like it'll keep those vine hoppers away and give good nutrients to the plants as well, from NZ too which is a bonus.

I reckon I'm going to put those granules in a month or 2 before and do it again on plantation.
Sweet as yeah 16/8 sounds good, Ill probably stat poping seeds around October. I will probably only be bale to keep them inside for 2 weeks, 3 weeks max.
Yeah I went for a spot mish last week but im going for another one this week ive been checking out google maps for possible areas.

Legend for linking that e bay guano ferts im defiantly gonna buy that kit. Ill probably get some potash aswell. This ones the same but with cheaper shipping? Link:

Thats what I was thinking, because I wont have the time to visit my plants two times per week for feeding liquid ferts and messing around with all that. Hmm might have to invest in some of those granules to be honest they looks great. I might just get a smaller pack.

So far for my soil set up at this stage it looks like its going to be: Soil, compost, dolomite lime, Mexican bat guano (At first), water crystals and hopefully some neem.
The soil gets quite muddy so I was thinking of perlite but now im not so sure Ill need it since they wont be in pots.
How much you feeding? try upping you nutrients a tad. The top end of your plant is exactly what mine look like when they're
begging for food, then i up the nutes and the leaves start to perk up within a few days.
They're being fed twice a week with about 1.5 - 2ml of liquid nitrosol and a litre of water. Also a little root blast. The last feed was sundae and I was planning to feed them tonight.
I'm most definitely going to be using this read the whole description bro it looks like it'll keep those vine hoppers away and give good nutrients to the plants as well, from NZ too which is a bonus.

I reckon I'm going to put those granules in a month or 2 before and do it again on plantation.
I'm trying to level-up my organics and that's just the shit.
Nice find for a cheap 5kg bag - good work. Bunnings sell smaller packs of Neem meal too, as well as Mitre10 etc.

I'm really looking for alfalfa meal in NZ - anyone know where to source it? Think it often is called lucerne in NZ - found plenty of lucerne hay and chaff at animal feed stockists, but I really want the powder.
They're being fed twice a week with about 1.5 - 2ml of liquid nitrosol and a litre of water. Also a little root blast. The last feed was sundae and I was planning to feed them tonight.
Ive had enough of using liquid ferts in my backyard ive got onto some decent gear thats made in australia worked well on my chilli plants when I experimented with it.....power feed and nitrosil give me killer plants till flower then it was all downhill from there ....bout time I lifted me game seamungus, rocket fuel and kabloom im using this year all made by neutrog.cant get the real deal bat guano for outdoor here in aust not that I know of anyway
I'm trying to level-up my organics and that's just the shit.
Nice find for a cheap 5kg bag - good work. Bunnings sell smaller packs of Neem meal too, as well as Mitre10 etc.

I'm really looking for alfalfa meal in NZ - anyone know where to source it? Think it often is called lucerne in NZ - found plenty of lucerne hay and chaff at animal feed stockists, but I really want the powder.
Bunnings has shitloads more than other places I have found.....get on the neutrog website and check thier organic stuff out im gonna sound like a friggen salesman for them but its got the goods I reckon the neutrog brand stocks at bunnings to