i was driving home from longmont yesterday, down the 287. doing about 62 in a 55 when i notice some asshole riding 3 inches from my bumper. there's plenty of traffic ahead of me and a red light about a quarter mile ahead.
dude makes some unhinged psycho pass nearly clipping a car in the right lane to get ahead of me, then starts slamming on the brakes down to 30 or so (i was prepared, i could see it coming and had already slowed).
about 10 seconds later i get into the left turn lane at the stop light and we are sitting right next to each other.
so of course i leaned over, gave him a big smile and a wave, and asked him if it was worth it while the cars around him are honking and flipping him off. he just rolled up his window. i waved goodbye as i got the green arrow to make a left.
road rage FAIL by that guy.