After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........


Well-Known Member
This is a little early for a BBQ thread, but there has been so much talk of the BBQ, I thought we should go ahead and get a thread started.
Location: Camp Far West Lake...20 miles N of Sacramento Ca. This is a privately run campground with a lake boat ramp small store & restroom facilities. There is a small parking/camping fee. There is camping on site & motels are12 miles away in Marysville or Rocklin..More info here:
We pretty much have the place to ourselves in mid Dec. It's BYOB & Pot Luck, bring your favorite salad or desert/edibles..this is a private lake so we won't be bothered by any pesky Park Rangers....:eyesmoke:
We will roast a pig with potatoes, corn, beans, garlic bread. I would like to rent an RV to park on site for the weekend & have a cord of firewood delivered. We have and $800 budget for this.
$300 Pig
$300 RV
$200 Firewood
If we get 40 people to attend and chip in $20 each = $800...
$20 gets you all you can smoke & all you can eat, for 3 days & 2 nights. The RV has sleeping for 4-5, so there's room to sleep there..
I will pass the plate around until we get $800, if those that can afford more can contribute more please feel free, so that those that cannot contribute can also attend. Nobody making any profit here, this is FUBU affair..come on people, we can make this happen.....
Comments & questions?
pig roast 12-14-2013 034.JPG pig roast 12-14-2013 022.JPG
Thanks guy's it's always a fun time. I'm still on the fence about the RV, but we have plenty of time to work it out......see you there
I'll be there probably Saturday morning. My horse feeder may be in school and leaving for anywhere on a Friday can be iffy. I'll gladly chip in $40 bux. :-)
I was thinking of asking my lady friend who is a great cook if tamales could be made, steamed and frozen for me to bring as my contribution. Anyone like authentic, made by a Mexican with lard in the masa with delicious filling? :-)