Club 600


Well-Known Member
What a shitty weekend it's been.

Been sick since Friday and this shit just won't go away! :(

If it's not gone tomorrow it's time to go see the doc...

Hope everyone in the 6 is having a great Sunday tho!


Well-Known Member
Check out this "warning" on somking cannabis from that same article about puffpuffchat:
Smoking cannabis even casually can damage core structures of the brain, an authoritative study has found.

Just using the drug once or twice a week affects the size and shape of two key brain regions involved in emotion and motivation, the research shows.

Previous studies have focused on heavy users of cannabis - revealing that the active compound in the drug effectively ‘rewires’ the brain.

But this is the first study that has revealed the impact of casual marijuana use.

The scientists, from Harvard Medical School and Northwestern University in Chicago, analysed MRI brain scans of 20 young cannabis users aged 18 to 25.

They compared them to the brain scans 20 young people who never smoked the drug.

Professor Hans Breiter, one of the researchers from Northwestern University said: ‘This study raises a strong challenge to the idea that casual marijuana use is not associated with bad consequences.’


Notice that they say the brain is re-wired in areas of the brain that affect emotions and motivation....

They never say that this so-called re-wiring is detrimental or deleterious (fuck yeah, I'm a hardcore 24/7 stoner with a vocabulary).
They don't want to admit that the rewiring is beneficial to our development into more fully realized Human Beings and that it helps our emotional well-being, and motivates us to not fall into the trap of "normalcy" so that we can be better and to do better in all things we engage in while high.
Music, art, food, drink, engineering, anything Theoretical, and physical labor, are all enhanced by the use of cannabis.
I get more done when I'm high, and it's of better quality when I'm done when I'm burning the herbs.


Well-Known Member
A little something different for a Sunday....
Done by a talented guitarist who busks in Brighton (slide guitar is his forte), and a couple of his mates:



Well-Known Member
You like black and white movies and telly too?
Oh, yes!
Love the old movies.
I spent some time taking classes on Motion Picture where we learned about movies from the first one onward.
Was one of the coolest classes.
Just watch old, classic movies, and then dissect the writing, directing, camera work, acting, lighting, sound, music, and also delve into any social statements that might be used as subtext.
I dig old B&W TV shows, too.
But I unplugged my TV 3-1/2 years ago.