Calling All Racists..... a new vacation destination

Right there is the Democratic problem with the Koch brothers. They are just not commie enough.

The Charles Koch Foundation currently gives grants to about 250 universities and colleges across the country. We support the study of free societies and well-being in a variety of ways, including research and educational opportunities such as lecture series and reading groups. The Foundation’s goal in supporting colleges and universities is twofold. We hope to promote a better understanding of the link between free societies and prosperity and to provide additional resources to expand students’ educational opportunities and career development.
again they don't exclude, but you do have to qualify.
again what happened to your 350+ years head-start for you to even need help in attending college. Did your family not take advantage of privileges that this country had to offer your people?

I am Irish... My family was in Ireland at the time of slavery....
thank you for agreeing that the GOP attaches amendments that have nothing to do with the bill.

Is there some congressional law that an amendment has to have something to do with the bill? Did the law change recently?

The Democrats excel at adding pork not related to legislation to bills.

Hypocrite much??
Nobody alive today, suffered 400 years of persecution.

so no one alive today has a dad who was denied their right to vote or buy a gallon of gas? no one alive today has a grandpa who was denied a loan to own that house or farm that would have been their stepping stone out of generational poverty? no one alive today has a great grandpa who was lynched by the KKK, deepening the generational poverty their family faced?

like always, you are wrong.

Do you think they can do something about your jump shot, to level the playing field.? .... and your rebounding is pretty girly too.

nice race bait. we can always count on you for that.
Human interactions that require force can only be just when they are done in a defensive way to REPEL an act of initiated aggression.

civil rights was done to repel the aggression and hostility of racists like yourself. thus, by your own definition, just.
Even the framers knew there were limits to the rights of those holding private property.
Civil rights made it truer for all
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