

I tried about a x 25 extract smoked from a bong with a torch lighter, I actually normally dab away thus me having the torch and I tried balls thing was what I saw what completely differently from real life for example i saw that I was laying down on the road and I could walk on it so I did until I hit the wall hahaha I thought it was like a dream, anyways I don't think I'll try it again.
i can't even smoke that crap.. tried it once, gagged down a bowl full, and never even got off..
then i had to throw out the bowl i smoked it out of as i couldn't get rid of that ass taste, and that pissed me off as it was a brand new bowl.. it was a pos though, but still... :(
i can't even smoke that crap.. tried it once, gagged down a bowl full, and never even got off..
then i had to throw out the bowl i smoked it out of as i couldn't get rid of that ass taste, and that pissed me off as it was a brand new bowl.. it was a pos though, but still... :(
I must agree the taste is god awful and hard to get rid, I used a special mixture to get it removed. but yeah I completely understand.
I think about 999/1000 people don't like the effects from salvia.
I must agree I have read many trip reports and of course friends that have tried it, I imagine that other then you know tripping balls what makes it really uncomfortable is the body buzz it's so intense that you feel your own blood prickling you, not sure if this is common effect but with my fellow friends report the same
Never smoked the stuff

but sublingul is OK, it's not realy a hallucinogen that way , but kind of a strange relaxant , it has opioid propertys
I ordered a small clone plant years ago.
It came rooted but got sorta busted up in transit.
Broken parts of the plant were bruised black.

I cut the black parts off and tried to clone those branches, fail.
I let the leafs dry and smoked them.
It was a weird taste, almost like the smell of a victorian house.

The plant in time died and I smoked those leafs.
Never got off other than the taste of 1800's.

I read about salvia and taking trip back in time.
Mostly it was done by using fresh-healthy leafs placed under the tongue.
Sorta like chew.
I ordered a small clone plant years ago.
It came rooted but got sorta busted up in transit.
Broken parts of the plant were bruised black.

I cut the black parts off and tried to clone those branches, fail.
I let the leafs dry and smoked them.
It was a weird taste, almost like the smell of a victorian house.

The plant in time died and I smoked those leafs.
Never got off other than the taste of 1800's.

I read about salvia and taking trip back in time.
Mostly it was done by using fresh-healthy leafs placed under the tongue.
Sorta like chew.

Yes, that is one of the best descriptions I have read of the taste.
I'll never forget my first and only salvia trip, my buddy riped it first an while I was takin my hit he look at me as asked for help, I didn't know what to do so I ignored him, after he told me he never felt so abandoned, heh, it's just no fun
I tried the 80x concentrate by itself , then on a bowl of weed. I was listening to some beats at the time, and the beats came alive with pixelated bunnies jumping to the beat in unison . I lolled quite a bit too . lasted about 10 min the second time, the weed really mellowed out the taste and prolonged the hullucination . Gave me a headache after. THat night I had the most vivid dreams.
Remember to keep HEAT on it the entire time you are inhaling. Keep the lighter on the boul the entire time you are hitting it. Its some pretty wild stuff. I use to dabble with it years ago I had the 5 and 10x and it was pretty intense. I just recall it being heat activated so keep the flame on it the entire time you are hitting it! It should only take 2 hits and you'll be good.
Salvia is powerful! Smoke some really trippy sativa or good bud and get high as fuck then smoke some salvia and woooow. Very visual haha Probably a bit to intense for some people and even me.
smoke dmt,do dabs..


what effects,other than halitosis?

For me, it was wave upon wave of intense crushing pressure, it literally knocked me over onto my side all while my vision rotated like a windmill. And as it rotated it made everything look like the Super Mario Brothers video game, especially colors and forms of the background of the game. Also, as these waves of force kept rolling over me I had the feeling like my existence was being ripped away. I was leaving, non-existing, I experienced my own non-existence, almost. Then I was at the foot of the driveway of the house I grew up in, standing there looking up at the house. And there was a whisper in the back of my mind, that gave me some advice. Then I was back. The pressure waves kept coming, but lessened each time they rolled over. I needed to chill out by myself for a little while after that. For me, it was intense.
For me, it was wave upon wave of intense crushing pressure, it literally knocked me over onto my side all while my vision rotated like a windmill. And as it rotated it made everything look like the Super Mario Brothers video game, especially colors and forms of the background of the game. Also, as these waves of force kept rolling over me I had the feeling like my existence was being ripped away. I was leaving, non-existing, I experienced my own non-existence, almost. Then I was at the foot of the driveway of the house I grew up in, standing there looking up at the house. And there was a whisper in the back of my mind, that gave me some advice. Then I was back. The pressure waves kept coming, but lessened each time they rolled over. I needed to chill out by myself for a little while after that. For me, it was intense.

I know whatcha mean by that description, and it was always intense for me too... Not in a good way though and I didn't really gain anything positive from any of the experiences that I can think of.
i took 60x extract to the dome,got a headache,bad taste for an hour,and little pinwheels very faint in my vision,like i had finished a small nitrous balloon...garbage at least be ok with shit if there was a trip involved....