Testing InnoLed's 120w horticultural led fixture= Let there be warm white/ high cri light!:)

PSUAGRO - Do you still have room to move the light higher to have better coverage? I wouldn't normally recommend taking the lens off, but from looking at your situation, you might have to for better spread. Just a thought, do what you see fit.

Not to question your method or how you grow, but i'm curious to why you don't train your plants as well as lolipopping the bottom. I'm here to learn from the experts as well.
PSUAGRO - Do you still have room to move the light higher to have better coverage? I wouldn't normally recommend taking the lens off, but from looking at your situation, you might have to for better spread. Just a thought, do what you see fit.

Not to question your method or how you grow, but i'm curious to why you don't train your plants as well as lolipopping the bottom. I'm here to learn from the experts as well.

I'm a big believer in leaving the plants alone if they behave under indoor lighting..........I watched the stretch, thought it was over and they went another 16 inches above. Too late for light training with a low wattage single point light source, decided to snap the stems in the center but changed my mind when fungal issues arose. I have sanitized this room, but spores are always present.

001.JPG ........center of the plant , already doused them with neem/rosemary oil and praying:)..........I will not lose my entire crop for higher yields from training.

I will continue the grow with rotations(better air flow) and keep the lens on, it won't make a big difference at this point now IMO.
Type of optical glass used ,please ,for confirmation of claim.

Judging from the len's curvature,it's a type of glass with low refraction index ..
And it must withstand heat ,without cracking or chipping ...

Like Schott BOROFLOAT™ or Corning Pyrex 7740®....

It can be also S-FSL5,N-BK7,N-K5,B270/S1,Schott Zerodur®,N-SK11,
N-BaK4 or N-BaK1 .....


5-7% lumen lost ,is a pretty low figure ...
(Specially for that kind of thickness involved. )

So,of which glass type are those lenses made ?

SDS - So I finally got a chance to follow up with some of the glass/lens manufactures that you recommended. Here is the outcome. Schott's rep said they don't make lenses any more. I guess they don't sell enough of it to keep that department open. Edmund optics lens cost 7 times more than what we get our lens for and most of there lenses comes from overseas. I'm sure from the same factory that everyone get there lenses from. Corning Pyrex doesn't have a lens that would work with our LED size chip. Thanks for the recommendation but we'll stick to our supplier for now. We don't want to add additional cost to the end user. Remember the most important thing here is the light engine, everything else is cosmetic.
SDS - So I finally got a chance to follow up with some of the glass/lens manufactures that you recommended. Here is the outcome. Schott's rep said they don't make lenses any more. I guess they don't sell enough of it to keep that department open. Edmund optics lens cost 7 times more than what we get our lens for and most of there lenses comes from overseas. I'm sure from the same factory that everyone get there lenses from. Corning Pyrex doesn't have a lens that would work with our LED size chip. Thanks for the recommendation but we'll stick to our supplier for now. We don't want to add additional cost to the end user. Remember the most important thing here is the light engine, everything else is cosmetic.

Can't agree

Inferior lenses will cloud up over time. Just 5% will seriously impact umole output
Alright time for an update....................shit went south on me

001.JPG 003.JPG .....Looks like a thermal issue IMO, beta panel failed completely 4 days ago. Thought my timer went and then I checked the cob, fuck. The massive stretch I got makes sense now, I thought It was dimmer in the room but blew it off for the girls blocking out all the light. The panel held it's own for 2 weeks into flower and then they just became light starved and went a foot/half higher. Bummer, had no idea because it's a single light source, never checked it off; Well they went a day in the dark and I got the old panel out from storage(I never keep unused grow gear at my place for the pigs to confiscate :)). Innoled should thank their lucky stars that I'm a lazy mofo and never returned it! got the return label three weeks+ ago....lol.

Anyways this beta panel was using a new thermal pad by intermatic, well it ain't cutting it in my room conditions. Also the fixture being out of the wall fan's reach doesn't help at all with a passively cooled heatsink.

Day 52 under the "120w" Innoled fixture, 12/12 from seed==== with my 4 northenberry stretchy bitches

001.JPG 002.JPG 003.JPG 004.JPG 005.JPG ......way brighter with the old panel up and the light is hitting the bottom again(kept the 100 degree lens on for now).

Still nothing but de-chlorinated water..........my soil mix is still hanging in; love how stupid easy it is so far.

006.JPG ........Rh is still in the low 50%, but way better after hurricane passed by us........beautiful weather the last couple of days here. Fungal issue seems in check and hasn't spread.....fingers crossed.

I'm gonna finish this grow no matter what dammit!!...........well, actually if this panel also burns up, then I'm done:P

be safe and happy growing RIU
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Wow..doubt it's the heatsink. Maybe just pushing the led too hard. The cree household bulb 18w version get scorching and still have a 10 year warranty

Onward with the backup!
Well that is why it is a test right? You did it right and proper the whole time. And just because this test light is done for now, doesn't mean the backups won't carry this to a beautiful finish.
Just as with all less(cobs or standard), more of them and running softer is the way to go.
I'm sure this feedback is valuable and will help the inno make the changes needed.
Thanks for the update PSUAGRO, sorry to hear about the light. We use this heat sink on 100W before without any issues, so we know it can dissipate the heat. The only thing I can think of is the new heat pad that they just came out with. It doesn't look like it's transferring the heat from the COB to the heat sink that well / fast enough. The unit that you got is the first one used with that heat pad, that's why it a beta test unit. We're also trying out different thickness of the pad to see which thickness is best with different wattage chip. We want to make sure these issues are addressed and resolved before it goes to market for production. Once we get the bad unit back, we will conduct our own test to see what went wrong. I'm glad you're testing the light for us. Third party testing is always best because they're unbiased. We got your back on this project. We have a back up unit for you if you need it. Hopefully nothing else goes wrong. A hundred things can go wrong and only one thing can go right with growing.;-)
A random thought...the Lenz is keeping the heat enclosed...I know my cxas throw off a lot of frontal heat...with no where to escape...it builds up over a 12 hour period and combined with the heat on its back end prepares eggs for frying

Lol..true that. Just putting reflectors on heats my sink up more than without..can imagine what an enclosed one does.

Ledil even has a warning on its website to be mindful of heat when using it's enclosed 3590 lens. 3590 must melt it :fire:..lol

Good luck getting that working right. Bout' time someone tries to make a specific horti led
I dont like my eggz THAT well done....

I don't like my eggs well done at all...........runnnnnnnnnyyyyy for the win

Well that is why it is a test right? You did it right and proper the whole time. And just because this test light is done for now, doesn't mean the backups won't carry this to a beautiful finish.
Just as with all less(cobs or standard), more of them and running softer is the way to go.
I'm sure this feedback is valuable and will help the inno make the changes needed.

Hope so friend........................I have my doubts due to the height of these lanky bitches with no training.

Wow..doubt it's the heatsink. Maybe just pushing the led too hard. The cree household bulb 18w version get scorching and still have a 10 year warranty

Onward with the backup!

The old panel is untouchable when running in an 85f room with no air circulating around it.............will see

A random thought...the Lenz is keeping the heat enclosed...I know my cxas throw off a lot of frontal heat...with no where to escape...it builds up over a 12 hour period and combined with the heat on its back end prepares eggs for frying

thought about it allot, but their so tall now unfortunately and will lose half the light to the middle of the plant........idk, I'm stuck.

Thanks for the update PSUAGRO, sorry to hear about the light. We use this heat sink on 100W before without any issues, so we know it can dissipate the heat. The only thing I can think of is the new heat pad that they just came out with. It doesn't look like it's transferring the heat from the COB to the heat sink that well / fast enough. The unit that you got is the first one used with that heat pad, that's why it a beta test unit. We're also trying out different thickness of the pad to see which thickness is best with different wattage chip. We want to make sure these issues are addressed and resolved before it goes to market for production. Once we get the bad unit back, we will conduct our own test to see what went wrong. I'm glad you're testing the light for us. Third party testing is always best because they're unbiased. We got your back on this project. We have a back up unit for you if you need it. Hopefully nothing else goes wrong. A hundred things can go wrong and only one thing can go right with growing.;-)

Have you received the beta panel yet?? wanna know for certain what the issue was..............get back to me

Update time as tomorrow I'm going to a world cup party and will be too blitzed to care:P

Day 57 of 12/12 from seed under the Innoled "120w" fixture with my stretchy northernberry girls:

001.JPG 002.JPG003.JPG 004.JPG 005.JPG 006.JPG "Old sparky" still hanging in. Very uneven canopy and I cannot go any higher with the light , but they should be OK till the end. Haven't been rotating that much anymore due to my lazyness. Flowering seems better and are filling in some of the gaps, nothing show stopping though. My vegan soil mix has impressed me so far, no defs or fade that I notice, may go the distance!! lol, probably not.

007.JPG 008.JPG ......didn't change time/date because we'll probably lose fucking power again if I do:). RH isn't that great and removed more leaves with fungal issues=== still in check IMO.

be safe and happy growing RIU
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PSUGRO - looks like your girls are filling up nicely. When do you think those will finished 3 weeks? Can't wait to see the finished product.

I got the fixture yesterday and mounted another 100w chip on the fixture and left it on overnight to see if the heat sink is the issue. Came in this morning to test the temp on the chip, it measure 91C. 91C is pushing the limits of operating temp of 85C with the ambient temp being 75F. Your room temp is averaging between 82-85F with really no fan circulation to cool the heat sink down. So the chip temp is running around 100C with the lens on it could be a lot hotter. I have no way of testing the chip's temp with the lens on so I can't give you an accurate number. My conclusion is the chip fried because of the high temp environment that the fixture was in. Doesn't look like the thermal pad is the issue, it's the heat sink in this case. We're going to use a bigger heat sink in the future just to be on the safe side.

In the past other small grower average room temp is between 74-76F with AC and fans running so it was never an issue.


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PSUGRO - looks like your girls are filling up nicely. When do you think those will finished 3 weeks? Can't wait to see the finished product.

I got the fixture yesterday and mounted another 100w chip on the fixture and left it on overnight to see if the heat sink is the issue. Came in this morning to test the temp on the chip, it measure 91C. 91C is pushing the limits of operating temp of 85C with the ambient temp being 75F. Your room temp is averaging between 82-85F with really no fan circulation to cool the heat sink down. So the chip temp is running around 100C with the lens on it could be a lot hotter. I have no way of testing the chip's temp with the lens on so I can't give you an accurate number. My conclusion is the chip fried because of the high temp environment that the fixture was in. Doesn't look like the thermal pad is the issue, it's the heat sink in this case. We're going to use a bigger heat sink in the future just to be on the safe side.

In the past other small grower average room temp is between 74-76F with AC and fans running so it was never an issue.

Yeah another 3 weeks from today and they should be where I want them(15%-20% amber:shock:), I like that "heavy" smoke...

Good call on increasing the heatsink size==== should be able too run smoothly up to 90F room temps, most growers won't push it over that hopefully. Hans panel went 10 days 100-105F in this room before, spaced out emitters and remote ballast saved it.

I'm confused. Did you have 2 fixtures from innoled or did they send you a replacement? You had the 118w. Now the 120w?

Really????????? read post #148^^ again friend..............:hump:

DAY 66 of 12/12 from seed under "120"w Innoled fixture..........with my 4 stretchy Northernberry girls.

001.JPG 002.JPG 003.JPG 004.JPG 006.JPG ...........just counting down the days, no problems with my vegan soil mix. Couple of burns on the tops from the cob heat, no biggie though as I can't raise the light any higher; out of options(can see the ratchet hanger line in the pics^^ maxed out). Some pot rotations continue as I'm trying to get something off this run:bigjoint: Absolutely no smell this far into flower, great stealth strain.

005.JPG007.JPG .... cooler weather here in philly last couple of days, but still battling fungal issues. Slight Pm "dusting" the middle areas and I'm removing the affected leaves and spraying/praying for decent finish..

be safe and happy growing RIU