Weirdest drug ever, Diphenhydramine

they were mentioned, muscarine, or datura, scopolamine are deleriants.

I believe diphenhydramine was mixed with methaqualone to make pills called mandrax. It was said to intensify the effects. I never got my hands on a mandrax.
they sell em in africa..locals mix it wit weed and smoke it...
Of all my life's choices so far ALCOHOL would have, if I didn't stop.. and will kill me if I start again. Everyone is different but alcohol is the strongest deadliest drug to "me", props to those that can enjoy getting mellow with a few drinks. I tried the straight edge lifestyle after a program or two;) doesn't work for me. Without marijuana, psychedelics, Kratom etc...I'd be dead:)
ill be 5 months sober in august,and feel.the exact same way bro..except kratom..still havent tried it..back keeps getting worse off and i will soon enuf!
well,dont listen to me,but know that "tripping here and there" is not compareable to getting the casual trip might not compare to a bottle of benadryl,but a real trip makes it look like drinking a glass of water.imo.
ill be 5 months sober in august,and feel.the exact same way bro..except kratom..still havent tried it..back keeps getting worse off and i will soon enuf!
It's unreal for pain. The "bali" strain is the best for pain and euphoric mood lift...I wouldn't sleep EVER without it. The enhanced bali will have you nodding out and lucid dreaming in the beginning with a larger dose. It works just like an opiate but isn't an opioid or tests as one. I'm not sure if it targets the same receptors. HEY, CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SOBRIETY, that's fantastic. Keep it up, we will be the enlightened ones;)
LOL....Now that its over..HA ....Ya I got a hold of a sheet @ a Phil lesh and friends concert...Double sided jerry garcia ti dies.......Had a strip folded up for a buddy and two for me...Long story short got em flipped around threw em in my mouth...Bout 2 min later i was like WTF is this and pulled it out...Whole strip there new I was in for a LONG day
:spew::wall::o:wall::o :shock:
ive seen things that were not there materalize on lsd,and on mda buddy was holding a snorkle upside down by the ridgid tube and flipping the mouthpiece arount,catching trails ofc it..i looked over and it has become this giant writhing snake,he was wrestling with it,trying to keep it from his face and it was striking within an inch of him! i.jumped a little,almost got out of the hot tub,but blinked,and reality came back..also seen a ufo that night,but im still a skeptic(i think it was the drugs)..
seen my buddy talk to jenny mccarthy thru the t.v once also..has a 15 min convo with her..
hmm..getting spun and benadryl..theres an interesting combo...
LOL....Now that its over..HA ....Ya I got a hold of a sheet @ a Phil lesh and friends concert...Double sided jerry garcia ti dies.......Had a strip folded up for a bussy and two for me...Long story short got em flipped around threw em in my mouth...Bout 2 min later i was like WTF is this and pulled it out...Whole strip there new I was in for a LONG day
:spew::wall::o:wall::o :shock:
bwahah..prints on tour are allways heavy..and expensive ime..
Ya it was a summer day so I could see the heat waves coming off the ground everything was on fire around me...Blink it would be normal then back on fire ....I completly agree.....Ate a quarter of GT's one night and thought i was jim morrison reincarnated LMFAO:hump: ....Then had a whole conversation in my head with a giant mushroom god...Also happened to shake my weiner at my 70 yr old neighbor who was on her porch:hump::shock::hump::shock:
It's unreal for pain. The "bali" strain is"..... the best for pain and euphoric mood lift...I wouldn't sleep EVER without it. The enhanced bali will have you nodding out and lucid dreaming in the beginning with a larger dose. It works just like an opiate but isn't an opioid or tests as one. I'm not sure if it targets the same receptors. HEY, CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SOBRIETY, that's fantastic. Keep it up, we will be the enlightened ones;)
thanks dude..well be snow white doves!
not wanting to get a buzz,just kill the immense shooting pain i get..hell,it hurts to stand up everytime now! top it off i fell down the stairs(fell on my ass) and hit all 12 stairs on the slide my right hip is fucked,in conjunction with my back its like 2 gangmembers kicking the shit outta me..i had big problems with opiates so i m reluctant even tho i know they are not the same..ny friend gave me 4 caps at a fest a month ago,but iended up givin em back(he has worse pain,and had to drive on a martyr.:- ) )
Ya it a summer day so I could see the heat waves coming off the ground everything was on fire around me...Blink it would be normal then back on fire ....I completly agree.....Ate a quarter of GT's one night and thought i was jim morrison reincarnated LMFAO:hump: ....Then had a whole conversation in my head with a giant mushroom god...Also happened to shake my weiner at my 70 yr old neighbor who was on her porch:hump::shock::hump::shock:
hey,thats alot of entertainment for one bag of shrooms! you made her night!
Not sure what you mean by 10X, But the stuff will increase your load vastly at a sane dose (2 pills 25mg ??)

It's actually not hallucinogenic but a dissociative , with simmilar effects as scopolamine ,and jimson weed

Its a delieraint, i dont know exactly what you mean but it does make you hallucinate madly. i talked to a leperchaun for an hour while playing halo. it looked more real than anything, i believed it. but the weird thing is, i never questioned why it was there, it seemed perfectly normal, rationally it was obviously not real, but it seemed like it was as normal as anything else. also the audio halluc, was also extremely realistic.
thanks dude..well be snow white doves!
not wanting to get a buzz,just kill the immense shooting pain i get..hell,it hurts to stand up everytime now! top it off i fell down the stairs(fell on my ass) and hit all 12 stairs on the slide my right hip is fucked,in conjunction with my back its like 2 gangmembers kicking the shit outta me..i had big problems with opiates so i m reluctant even tho i know they are not the same..ny friend gave me 4 caps at a fest a month ago,but iended up givin em back(he has worse pain,and had to drive on a martyr.:- ) )
well now I feel like an ass for excepting them back lol. I'll send you some Bali capsules this week.

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