fucked!! cops are planning to kick down my door

Just paranoid

Active Member
I just found out that the police have been watching my house. i talked to guy who has a brother on the sherrif department. he said its just a matter of time. im throwing away all my seeds and will get rid of my pipes tonight.

this is bullshit, i dont sell drugs,cause trouble, or do anything illegal except for a 20 sack twice a month. i gotta cut ties with my connect. have to cancle all plans to grow. there is no freedom in texas. fuck the police! fuck this town!

im so pissed i could go postal on this whole fucking city. becareful who you allow to come to your home. i dont have the right to have visitors the cops even talked to my landlord so i might be kicked out of my home.

if they broke in right now, all i have is two pipes and a bong. no weed, no seeds, no plants, no drugs.

i cant believe this shit. trying to bust a 40 dollar a month weed smoker. yeah cops are really looking out for public safety here.
kick down your door for exactly watt? i am pretty sure you don't have a grow going from reading some of your posts..
what are they gonna do, kick down your door and steal your bong and take your gram of weed and bury you under the jail?
not trying to be a dick here, just don't understand what is going on, and why you're on the fbi's most wanted is all..
i only know one black guy that brings me weed. i dont have anything growing, never sold weed, never sold drugs, never caused trouble. they wont find anything but a couple pipes and a bong. they could take my disability if im busted for drugs.

this is all real, not paranoid. he said its only a matter of time before they search my house. im not sure what the landlord will do.
i get paid 721 dollars on the first. i dont know how to move and find a place to live off that little cash. i dont have a car.
i dont know what im supposed to be doing. i used to smoke weed with the guy that warned me. i guess they think im dealing or growing.
i only know one black guy that brings me weed. i dont have anything growing, never sold weed, never sold drugs, never caused trouble. they wont find anything but a couple pipes and a bong. they could take my disability if im busted for drugs.

this is all real, not paranoid. he said its only a matter of time before they search my house. im not sure what the landlord will do.

I don't know if you only know one black guy or if the only black guy in town is your "dealer" but you should just inform on him now BEFORE the police (who have nothing better to do than kick in the door of some poor stoner who smokes an 1/8th of swag a month) call the SWAT team and shoot you for the horrible criminal that you are. Cops like racists so you can be friends again, problem solved. You're welcome.
im one of the few white guys in this hood. its because i have long hair but nothing will make me cut my hair. im gonna try to find a new place to move to quickly. fuck everyone in this shitty town.