Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

I just shot it to death with my Daisy bb gun. Direct hit, it exploded.
He was a biggun. I got into a fight with one yesterday when I was watering the veggies lol. I blasted him with the hose and then crushed him with a stake.....Or maybe it was worse, a her. All I need right now is for some more damn eggs to hatch haha. Fuck grasshoppers!!
@mwooten102 I have too, but I have also been seeing lots of praying mantis'. Nice little balance I have going on in my yard. I have only seen one ladybug alll year though. Kinda strange because I usually have them all over my front yard. Maybe all the praying mantis' are eating them too?? lol
like those frogs crazy people lick to get high.....eww.
Yeah the smart pot drag is a great work out lol. I hauled off all of my leftover smart pots from the light dep this morning... luckily I had my girl to assist with lifting into the wheelbarrow. I don't need back problems midseason.
That's funny my wife has to help lug mine around and I hope to not have to keep moving it. This gets heavy after a good rain

I'm the champ. everyone else is below me jk lol


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My wife don't smoke but living in not legalize marijuana place I say move she has to jump not being funny but I'm the breadwinner and cannabis relieves my migraine and helps with my adhd

I'm the champ. everyone else is below me jk lol