White Girl Bleed A Lot

I was hoping it was for a tampon commercial...

The author of the "book"
you should read his accolades
it is like a who's who of the white pride set
with one black guy

before this "no one ever heard of" book
He actually wrote 2 chapters in a writing contest
The author of the "book"
you should read his accolades
it is like a who's who of the white pride set
with one black guy

before this "no one ever heard of" book
He actually wrote 2 chapters in a writing contest

I think I will pass..Sometimes it is good to not know.
Well, your military pension was EARNED, not FREE. As for the grant money? I'm really not into having things given to me. I try to EARN everything I have. ;-)

Look, everybody has their own hussle. It's not my thing but if that's what gets you by, then that's awesome! :clap:

so i trust you will go back and delete all your comments about cheese eaters then?

lol, i thought so.
There is a very simple reason there is no "smoking gun", or any other kind of evidence. Put away your paranoid suspicions abut what I "really think" and the reason for the lack of evidence ought to be crystal clear.

i love reading back on these threads knowing now what i didn't know then.
shoulda been a dead giveaway.

hindsight makes things so much clearer.
How much in your head must I be for you to go back years to find a quote and twist into to something that's simply not there.

I own you dude. You think about me daily and quote 90% of my posts getting it wrong the majority of time, while I go about my productive and meaningful life.

You are so much my bitch that I bet you quote this even after I call you my bitch for it.
How much in your head must I be for you to go back years to find a quote and twist into to something that's simply not there.

I own you dude. You think about me daily and quote 90% of my posts getting it wrong the majority of time.

You are so much my bitch that I bet you quote this even after I call you my bitch for it.

Actually, he doesn't get it wrong, he intentionally twists and lies cause that's what propagandists do. The only allies he has are wishful thinking progtards who simply want what they want, laws and morality not withstanding. That is a prescription for the failure of our country but that is beside the point for these vandals.
sorry for riling you little white supremacists up, i was just reading about the author being popular in white nationalism circles, american renaissance, and doing interviews with white nationalist radio shows.

i took a quick glance through stormfront and niggermania and saw that this was also high up on their radar screens as well.

i remembered that desert dude made a thread about this (before he joined RIU's short-lived white supremacy group) and just thought i would troll through with the power of hindsight.

You really African American buck, 4 realz?

at least desert ballerina and ginwillamina are in good company, getting likes from sheskank (poster of the infamous niglet pics) and donvega, who says that it's not freedom unless he is allowed to deny service to blacks simply for being black.

it's the company you keep, guys.

at least there is no longer any doubt about any of you. we've come a long way.
sorry for riling you little white supremacists up, i was just reading about the author being popular in white nationalism circles, american renaissance, and doing interviews with white nationalist radio shows.

i took a quick glance through stormfront and niggermania and saw that this was also high up on their radar screens as well.

i remembered that desert dude made a thread about this (before he joined RIU's short-lived white supremacy group) and just thought i would troll through with the power of hindsight.

at least desert ballerina and ginwillamina are in good company, getting likes from sheskank (poster of the infamous niglet pics) and donvega, who says that it's not freedom unless he is allowed to deny service to blacks simply for being black.

it's the company you keep, guys.

at least there is no longer any doubt about any of you. we've come a long way.

I do say that. freedom, has the capacity for good and evil. that doesn't change the definition of freedom. I have admitted that it is a conundrum. but, I have faith in people; you do not. you are a bitter, besotted cynic.
so now you're taking cues from the guy who calls the president by racial slurs and says having to serve blacks if you own a gas station is enslavement?

it's the company you keep, princess.

I keep company with people from all walks of life. I don't consider posting on a forum as keeping company tho, you really need to turn off the computer and meet real people.