FOX Admits Obamacare Works!!!


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about that the other day... When your wife goes to her jr college or technical school for her classes what does she say you do for a living??? Does she tell her friends that you grow pot?? Maybe she says you are in the CIA??? LOL!!!

I love the acronym treadmill salesman because for all your activity you are going absolutely nowhere in life....
she's done with her PhD. she tells her colleagues i grow pot, because i do.

way less embarrassing than "he scrubs shit off of pools for a living".


Well-Known Member
she's done with her PhD. she tells her colleagues i grow pot, because i do.

way less embarrassing than "he scrubs shit off of pools for a living".
What is embarrassing about physical labor?

What is embarrassing about making less than 13 bucks an hour?

I am proud that I work hard and do what I say I am going to do. I am proud to have built up a business and sold it (with you shitting on me the whole way) for a profit.

Why do you feel the need to constantly attack people?

Have another beer bucky!!