The UK Growers Thread!


rambo22, post: 10606251, member: 720865"]your right zedd n i know that
alcohol is the only detox that can actually kill u..

i dont envy u matey i know ho wbad that one is....

i still say clump a copper[

Alcohol withdrawal will only kill u if u don't do it properly,ie drinking a couple of bottles of spirits every day then stopping suddenly,if u do it right and take diazepam (real diazepam!) ul be dinky do in 3 days,that's a medical fact,but often ppl with alcohol addictions use it to cover underlying issues like anxiety so when they dry out and feel anxious again they mistake it for withdrawals.I've been in rehab twice cause of the bevy and the withdrawals nothing compared with,say,opiates


Well-Known Member
Hydro just bought 180e worth of bitcoins off localbitcoin site....very smooth real nice irish lad n were with the same bank so nice n cheap transfer costs n it just landed into my phones wallet woop woop agora here I come lol

After all costs I'm left with 173.63 from the 180e


Well-Known Member
err shouldnt u have wiated for the first lot to arrive first?
Im ordering off of different ppl on there to try as many different grades as I can

Need it all to arrive b4 she leaves on the 28th n since nothing is sent express it can take donkeys


New Member
Good evening fellow UK Growers...

I have a question... I am growing Big Buddha Cheese and they are (according to Canna Nutes Grow Guide) about 7 week into 12/12 - 4 week of Veg Phase II and 3 week into Flower Period, temps are in the 60-75deg range during sleep time and around 80-85 deg during awake time (growing in this weather sucks) they are budding nicely and looking pretty healthy but as yet there is no smell, even if i stick my head in, and I thought cheese was a prety potent smell, is this normal, not really concerened as the lack of smell is always appreciated.

Any one know if its normal for there not to be a smell this far into flower ?



Well-Known Member
big jay in the house, what happened man?.

you were all getting set up with your wilmas etc then it went quiet for a few months, you had a few of us worried, hope all is well mate.
ahh man was getting 2 heated in here for my liking lol but yer man im all good still going with systems been pulling 40s off the 8 drilled wilmas so roots go into tank few airstones in there works wonders ,one off in 3 weeks then doing 15 bublers lol....but yer lads im all good sorry if had ppl worrid...but think a lot would agree at the time it was a bit hot in here lol.............


Well-Known Member
foto_no_exif (5).jpg Here ya go relax, just for u mate ;)
She had her 1st vet check at my vets 2day and shes in perfect condition, good weight, no under or over bite and good hips,