Well-Known Member
Was I speaking about cops. I'm speaking about the military. Much bigger difference between cops and the military. Both risk there lives and both have people that shouldn't be in them. But for the military every one I've came into contact with had said the same thing. Being in the military this is something we talking about on the daily. I have no idea about police officers because I'm not one and do not talk to any about the subject. It does seem more prominent in the special operations community that we won't turn on our own. Once again that's from friends I served with who are now currently active in special operations units.
Also no one will drag me to a FEMA camp I have strong beliefs and will die for my beliefs lol people have forgotten about rising up against the oppressor and in this situation it would be our own government.
A lot of cops are ex-military. To say the military would never fire upon their own citizens is rather naive. They have done it in the past, there is really no reason they wouldn't do it again. If armed citizens came at them I think they wouldn't hesitate in the least bit to fire upon them. Just because someone says "I would never do that" doesn't mean they won't. Until put in the situation they have no way of knowing what they would or wouldn't do.