Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

nice cascade of pointless shitposts bucky.

soon the termite fiasco will be buried behind a wall of irrelevant unsourced claims and poorly framed ad hominems, and nobody will ever see how badly you got assraped by the facts.

but youll still know bucky.

youll still remember

and when the cold wind blows in from the north, and your butthurt rheumatism starts actin up, youll be reminded of the way your ass got tanned, again, and how you had to try to bury it to stop the pain.

but the pain just wouldnt go away.

it burns so bad.

try this :

you really have zero room to speak at all.

you are a confusionist. your job is to take a shitty claim, ride it until it gets debunked, and then move on to the next retarded and shitty claim.

my argument has remained the same: human activities contribute to the global warming we are seeing.

you have gone from questioning where scientists build their laboratories, to how much CO2 we actually put out, to CO2 is not important at all, to repeating lies about "climategate" endlessly, to "less than half is more than half", to termite farts, and beyond.

you are a joke, and reality disagrees with you at every turn.

plus, you are a white supremacist. see my sig.
are you back on the solar cells again?

youre distracting from bucky's distractions to distract from the termite distraction that he tried to use to distract from his inability to do the math that was used to defeat for his previous distraction from how badly he was getting paddled on his global warming distractions from the fairly stable, lack of significant warming over the past 18 years.

why you wanna distract from the distractions red?

what are you trying to hide?
I find I do a lot less typing with BuckHole on ignore. You should try it.
I find I do a lot less typing with BuckHole on ignore. You should try it.
sometimes it's fun to watch him flail and throw distractions.

but back to the subject at hand.

if you load 1000 pounds of concrete in the back of your pickup, somehow bucky and pada think they can make the case that the wife gaining 10 lbs over the winter is why the truck bottoms out on a speed bump

yeah, sounds legit.

i lived down the road in san jose for a while too, and am familiar with what the prices are like there as well.

but if kynes can't handle listed prices at safeway vallejo, then he sure as shit wouldn't tolerate my recollection of prices from my time in san jose (which oddly enough, failed to make me a racist like he said it would).
you just gonna willfully ignore this, after i went through and collected screenshots for you, denialist?

you are dumb. really fucking dumb.

Proof that bucky isnt a lonely loser

it's a screenshot!

provide a citation from a reputable scientific journal that supports your claims of grocery prices in Vallejo ca between june 1 2014 and june 7 2014, untill then you are an Economics Denialist.



safeway funds democrat politics and thus must be tainted by liberal bias.

see, look a t that, just look at it.

<penis references>
<more penis references>
<addresses opponent with female name>
<ad hom based on assumptions made in previous posts>
<out of context reference to unrelated discussion in unrelated thread from 2-3 years ago for no particular reason>
<penis reference>
<crudely drawn penis picture>
<restate previously defeated claims>
<unrelated image macro from icanhazcheezburger or lolcatz>
<valid assertion, possibly accidental>
<insert colour crayon big font text here>
<moar penis references>
"That's Racist!!"
<another penis drawing, even more crudely done than the last>
<anecdote about defecating on the floor of a restaurant mens room>
<image of dope drying over feculent cat boxes>
<image of somebody else's dope (sans cat piss) and derisive verbiage>
<moar ad homs>
<another penis drawing>
<political cartoon with fake citation to lend an air of credibility to it's unsupported allegations>
< link to wikipedia page full of errors and bad math>
<moar penises>
"U R Gay!!"
<more penises>
<crude but hilarious cartoon of clowns fucking>

cool, now that that is settled, you can go back to bitching about republicans and making wild claims about trayvon martin and benghazi.
sometimes it's fun to watch him flail and throw distractions.

but back to the subject at hand.

if you load 1000 pounds of concrete in the back of your pickup, somehow bucky and pada think they can make the case that the wife gaining 10 lbs over the winter is why the truck bottoms out on a speed bump

yeah, sounds legit.
It's just as legit as anything else they say.
actually a while back bucky made an assertion about growing sunflowers that was spot on.

i think he deleted that post in embarrassment though.

it was dragging down his shitpost %

"i was wrong" would have been much easier and more to the point, but you are too good for being wrong all the time, which you are.

cheer up though, this toaster can cook an egg.


see that toast? sure, it looks like an english muffin, the type you pilfer from your cousin whenever he is off frequenting a $10 hooker, but it is safeway white bread. $1.09 for 16 oz worth, coming in $0.29 under BLS list price.

see that motherfucking egg? got 12 of then for $1.88, a full $0.24 under BLS list price.

here's something else you may want:


you may have to take out a second mortgage on the pile of tires sitting in your front lawn to afford those, but they will help you.
Mars lost its atmosphere when its core solidified and it lost its magnetic field, allowing solar "wind" to blow it away.
We don't know that. There is evidence of volcanic activity on Mars in the past few million years. A blink of the eye geologically speaking.

Solar winds are not actually wind.
We don't know that. There is evidence of volcanic activity on Mars in the past few million years. A blink of the eye geologically speaking.

Solar winds are not actually wind.
when you "Break Wind" you arent really making real wind either, but we still call it that.

the sun's particle and radiation release "Acts Like Wind" as an acceptable analogy, instead of dumping 15kgs of math on our heads and waiting for the dust to settle.
We don't know that. There is evidence of volcanic activity on Mars in the past few million years. A blink of the eye geologically speaking.

Solar winds are not actually wind.
So how long does it take to lose an atmosphere, geologically speaking? A few million years?