Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Always wanted to try shoreline since Beech told me about it, he pointed me in the direction of the AK48s instead though. Said I was looking for a heavy hitter so fingers crossed.
shit i was raised in texas
it got to the point shoreline was swag its not in any way but if its all you can get and then you get your hands on some kush or something your not used too well you know how it goes


Well-Known Member
Got some beans in the mail yesterday from an order that got snatched by customs 3 mths ago. It was the 3rd order in a row they snagged, so I emailed seedbank and told them not to worry about it anymore. As it wasn't worth the time or effort for just a few beans.
Last thing I was expecting when i went to mailbox was to see a letter from Barcelona, lol. The best thing is, they sent extra beans and even sent some from a strain they no longer carry that I truly loved . I lost my last cuttings from her during a 6dy power outage this past winter.
Maybe this friggin buzzard has finally gotten off my shoulder. lol
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