Commander Strax
Well-Known Member
why do you find this "Quoting" thing so hard??
I think they eliminated it
this is my new sigcheck out my first post dick before u judge in the inosent party , u should all be ashemed,
check out my first post dick before u judge in the inosent party , u should all be ashemed,
maybe you should just use your new evillone account, and read, learn, and ask stuff, instead of trying to give answers and tips?check out my first post dick before u judge in the inosent party , u should all be ashemed,
google doesn't translate dumbgolianI can't seem to get google translate to work on any of this guys stuff.
i don't even know what qouting means, im really shit with big words which have a really simple meaning like my landlord phoned me up to say she couldn't requem my rent money in her bank i said , " what the fuck does requiem mean" she got angry and said means cant find,,, i said " so why didn't u say so, my point being is all you lot talk shit and askapro is the truth,,,,, thank u and good night,,,,why do you find this "Quoting" thing so hard??
I think they eliminated it
check out my first post dick before u judge in the inosent party , u should all be ashemed,
she is a good driver though,,urban dictionary
(noun) the feeling of shame a man has when a girl can do something he can't.
I was ashemed when I realized my girlfriend could drive better than me.
i don't even know what qouting means, im really shit with big words which have a really simple meaning like my landlord phoned me up to say she couldn't requem my rent money in her bank i said , " what the fuck does requiem mean" she got angry and said means cant find,,, i said " so why didn't u say so, my point being is all you lot talk shit and askapro is the truth,,,,, thank u and good night,,,,
she is a good driver though,,see if I type in here I am fucked up
which is one syllable...You guys are just meanies. The guy tells ya he has a hard time with words more than one syllable and you throw douche into the mix...
she is a good driver though,, even if it is on the wrong side of the road
he started one today,'s not too late to start over with a new user name, something less douchie
like "Senior Douche Bag"