noob grow purple chemo`s


Well-Known Member
well a little update for ya. just been giving water, and tonight i pulled them all out to give a good look over. the 3 untopped ones seem to be pretty much finished so in the next few days they will be coming down. the others that were topped are still shooting new calyxes so i may even nute them nest watering in a couple days?
got some great pic`s tonight at day 48 now flowering time, i may even start cutting the hours back slowly soon to 10 hours.
pic`s on next post i forgot to load onto this site first right back sorry


Well-Known Member
well that sucks i cant get my pic`s on to this thread. idid get them loaded into the post your pic`s thread under marijuana plants. try search chemo seems to work for me till i get this figures out with staff again.

i havent submitted any yet, i was waiting to get some from closer to harvest, and that is real soon.
my soil is pro mix hp with worm castings, kelp meal, vermiculite and perilite. i needed more of that stuff, seemed to be watering quite a bit. little adjustment for next one.
sorry for the no pic`s :peace:

blueberry kid

Well-Known Member
o thnx i wanted to know because ur plants looked so great and i thought i could be like u and get some good lookin plants


Well-Known Member
try this recipe. i use similar. like it says depends what i can get my hands on. ORGANICS IS THE WAY.

1 Bale sunshine mix #2 or promix (3.8 cu ft)
8 cups Bone Meal - phosphorus source
4 cups Blood Meal - nitrogen source
1 1/3 cups Epsom salts - magnesium source
3-4 cups dolomite lime -calcium source & pH buffering
1 tsp fritted trace elements
4 cups kelp meal.
9kg (25 lbs) bag pure worm castings

- Mix thoroughly, moisten, and let sit 1-2 weeks before use.

- The original recipe was a success, but I simply needed to experiment. In addition, sometimes not all ingredients were always available. Therefore, here are some possible additions and/or substitutions:

Blood & Bone Meal - when trying to cut costs
Kelp Meal - contains over 62 trace minerals. Good supplement for reducing the manure content to speed availability of soil.
Worm castings - excellent source of micro nutrients.
Bat guano - excellent for top dressing a week into flowering.
Seabird guano


Well-Known Member
Forget the pictures---Use one of those envelopes on your window sill to mail me your submission and I will report back to you on the results :P :D


Well-Known Member
it`s realy hard to say jow long now, cause they have started producing new calyxes. it`s supposed to be an 8 weeker but at 7 weeks now thier going for thier last swell i think. so a week or 2 left for harvest.

thx for the compliments guys when i`ve got some time i `will enter these pic`s and let ya know what happens


Well-Known Member
well heres another update. day 50 today and i gave the topped plants another hit of go fast juice. i didn`t give the 3 other ones anything but water, i`ll start thier flush now for a bit, trichs are cloudy now so by the time i`m finished the flush they should be just right for what i want for a high. the others are still shooting new calyxes like crazy so thats why i nuted them again. i wished i had more room, i couldn`t tie them out proper so the inside of some of the plants have real light coloured green nugs, almost like dam albino`s.
well heres some more juicy pic`s for ya peoples, thx for folowing this journal.

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Well-Known Member
nice job there bonz,i really like the tight bunching of your chemo,those are chemo right,mine just finished up and cured,i really liked the purple pheno of the chemo,i found that the chemo and its differant phenos had a range of highs,the light green chemo was a more sativa high,the sad part is i cloned all of them except the purple strain,because it didnt turn purple untill 5 weeks and i had no room to clone at that time,the god bud had a few hermies,i wish the genetics were more stable but it is what it is,i crossed a chemo with a rhino,im planting the seeds from those now,i was going to cross those but the chemo has so many phenos it will be a real crap shoot,but none of mine had your tight bunching,i hope you cloned that one,good luck.


Well-Known Member
That looks awesome. I hope that I have some buds that look that good in like 3 weeks. Really a good job.