First Timer Needs Help


Active Member
Hi, well doing my first grow with some bag seeds, just some regular. Plants are almost a mont old 3 are doing good I think, the one in the pics here looks to be dying. Any help is really appreciated.....Thanks



New Member
Hmmm ... too much water? What do you guys think?

By the way, some of that bag seed turns out great with proper growing skills.



Well-Known Member
Use a moisture meter and you will never have problems with over watering again.

Are you mixing something in the water? Your plants are counting on you to feed them. Try Fox Farm Grow Big.

Have you checked them for spider mites? Did you clean your grow room before you put your plant(s) in there? Did you clean the pot before putting the plant into that?

What size of light are you using?


Active Member
I am using fox farm grow big. Checked for spider mites havent seen any. Completely cleaned and disinfected entire room before I started. Yes I cleaned pots before hand. I am using 1 250w mh lite plus a t5 flo lite.
My other plants in my gallery to me seem to be doing pretty good. I really like the t5 light for first 2 weeks the plants under that light grew like wild while the ones under 250w did good but not as bushy just taller. Oh total of 4 plants


Well-Known Member
Looks like they could use some water bro, at 3 weeks old i water my plants with the Flood and Dry method (tks Garden Knowm).. what i do is, i give the plants a massive amount of water, about 1/2 to 1 time the capacity of the pot, (u need excellent drainage for this or u may rot the roots) then i let the soil dry (about 3" from the top) untill i water again....this watering system allows roots to develope through all around the entire pot and not just down (wich causes root bound very quickly)...the other advantage is that u dont need to go and water every day...plants seem to love it...