World Of Hempy

I put two tomato plants in Hempy buckets, the first was a volunteer and the other one of the two I bought of the same strain. One in a Hempy bucket and one in a 30 pot of organic growing material, I will feed them the same formula and see how it turns out.
Give me something to do till the fall grow starts.
I've done hempy tomatoes the last 2 summers, I live at 6100ft only the cherry tomatoes worked well in the buckets but I have a hard time here with maters in the ground also. Please lmk how it turns out come fall.
So the KT I just put into flowering is stretching beyond my space and overcrowding the closet, so I've decided to take some clones so that I can hang on to the strain and junk it. I am a little annoyed with myself for not managing this one better while it was in veg and was afraid this was going to happen. Oh well. Onward and upward.
So the KT I just put into flowering is stretching beyond my space and overcrowding the closet, so I've decided to take some clones so that I can hang on to the strain and junk it. I am a little annoyed with myself for not managing this one better while it was in veg and was afraid this was going to happen. Oh well. Onward and upward.

It's a shame you don't have the room to stretch it out under a screen.
Yea, the issue here is twofold. I've yet to devise a way to fit a screen on to my DWC buckets and still have access to the roots and res and the other issue is that I have 2 others in my flowering closet and it was way too crowded. The only reason I threw her in there was because she was exploding in veg and I saw this coming. Oh well....I took 6 cuts and will better plan and train like I did the mother.
I've got an update. I had to pull a girl out from under the light also, there just not room for 5 in my area, plus the freebie lemon kush is taking more than it's share of the room. I pulled the Acapulco Gold, it was an easy choice, after my son let me know that all his AC clones were hermie's. I'm going to put it outside and see if it continues to flower or if it will re-veg.

Here's the rest at day 13 after flip, Back row left - Satori (10wk pheno) right - the Lemon Kush Front row are Satori (9wk pheno) these are the ones where their main socks just layed over, they've made a lot of upward progress in the last wk.
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AG heading outside
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Well I started my outdoor yesterday The AG & a Purple Maroc which is 6wk since planting seed. I've really messed with this poor plant, it should have been planted directly in the ground and left alone, but I topped it at wk 3 it didn't like that, then during wks 4&5 it was on a 24/0 light schedule while starting clone in the veg box it didn't like that. So it spent a wk at 18/6 and it showed much improvement. Yesterday afternoon went outside, endured a 40 degree temp swing for the first time, and direct sun for 10 hrs, dried out completly ... she's fu*?ed.

For corrective action I mixed a gal (8 times the normal watering) with a little cal/mag, superthrive, flora +, and a full dose of Hygrozyme. Moved her to under the eve, so 5hrs direct and that is early morning only, and put the pot inside another pot to keep the pot out of direct sun. We'll see how it goes over the next wk. Got any other ideas I'm open.
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Well I started my outdoor yesterday The AG & a Purple Maroc which is 6wk since planting seed. I've really messed with this poor plant, it should have been planted directly in the ground and left alone, but I topped it at wk 3 it didn't like that, then during wks 4&5 it was on a 24/0 light schedule while starting clone in the veg box it didn't like that. So it spent a wk at 18/6 and it showed much improvement. Yesterday afternoon went outside, endured a 40 degree temp swing for the first time, and direct sun for 10 hrs, dried out completly ... she's fu*?ed.

For corrective action I mixed a gal (8 times the normal watering) with a little cal/mag, superthrive, flora +, and a full dose of Hygrozyme. Moved her to under the eve, so 5hrs direct and that is early morning only, and put the pot inside another pot to keep the pot out of direct sun. We'll see how it goes over the next wk. Got any other ideas I'm open.
It looks tough but I think it will do okay....BTW awesome "corrective action" plan
It looks tough but I think it will do okay....BTW awesome "corrective action" plan

I think it was too late for any corrective action, I do believe. I baked the roots, it looked much worse the next day, and off to the dumpster it went. So I explained my hardship to my friend who grows in the ground in his back yard. He told me he had extras and to come on by, said they needed to be transplanted now.
Sour Diesel on the left and Jackie-O on the right (Jackie-O = Jillybean cross Heritage Red a local strain from yrs back)
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Thinking of topping & putting both in a 10gal rubbermaid mixed coco hempy tote and attach my 3x3 scrog screen to the tote. I've never tried a scrog outdoors before. I think it might work. The shade from a full screen would shade the tote to help keep the temp down.
Fucking spider mites have invade my grow space. No webbing or infestation, but enough to concern me and to start remediation.

I must have carried them in after messing around in my veggie garden and going straight to the indoor space. I also dump my DWC buckets in my garden when changing the res, so I could have brought them in that way.

Using 2 called Green clean and the other is Azamax.
I am very sorry to hear about this BLJ, but really appreciate your sharing
your experience as you deal with them.

One of the lighter touches, and one that can be used on flowering plants,
is the Hot-Shot Pest strips. They give off a gas that will not persist and
affect smoke.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.


P.S. What type of product is Green Clean? (the oil?)
It's all good JD, we adjust and keep it movin.

Green Clean is some locally made product, that is a insect, mite and powdery mildew killer that is purportedly safe to use through harvest. I've eliminated white flies outside with it pretty successfully. I actually think I may have the mites under control.

My guy at the hydro shop gave me a sample of the stuff. It's pretty concentrated, as 2 oz will make 1-4 gallons of water.

The guy who makes it can be emailed at [email protected]. Azamax won't kill, but will repel and prevent breeding, where the Green Clean will kill on contact. It looks and smells like dish soap with a hint of alcohol.
I think it was too late for any corrective action, I do believe. I baked the roots, it looked much worse the next day, and off to the dumpster it went. So I explained my hardship to my friend who grows in the ground in his back yard. He told me he had extras and to come on by, said they needed to be transplanted now.
Sour Diesel on the left and Jackie-O on the right (Jackie-O = Jillybean cross Heritage Red a local strain from yrs back)

Thinking of topping & putting both in a 10gal rubbermaid mixed coco hempy tote and attach my 3x3 scrog screen to the tote. I've never tried a scrog outdoors before. I think it might work. The shade from a full screen would shade the tote to help keep the temp down.
.that Jackie-O is sure tall already, it will become a giant in a 10 gallon bucket, should be an interesting grow as an outdoor scrog...

My grow is going very slow do to the lack of sunny weather, but things are starting to perk up now
BLJ, for the record- one spider mite is an infestation lol
I'm telling you man, don't wade through all the bs and just throw a no pest strip in for 48-72 hours and those fucks will be gone. Besides you smoke enough weed to kill the cancer it'll give you anyhow!
I went ahead and ordered an no pest strip. I noticed they were still alive when I checked a few minutes ago, upped the concentration level and sprayed them down again. When I put the microscope on them again they weren't moving, but I am not going to fuck around.

I am a little concerned with the fact my grow room is inside my house, but I can make sure the room is secure while I am blasting these fucks.
I haven't had luck with the no pest strip, I'm sure it has to do with my ventilation, in the summer, I'm moving around 400cfm 24/7 thru the rm.

The best products I've found are available at garden centers, they are Neem based (70%) with pyethins & butoxide. They are concentrates generally 1oz/gal. 3 sprayings 5/6 days apart will generally stop most infestations. But I don't like to use neem after 21 days 12/12. If used weekly from seedling to wk2 12/12 it will most times keep the little SOB's away.

Something I've always wanted to try is the use of a sacrificial anode. Grow another plant in the room that is a preferred food for the SM
I've never had a SM problem with any outdoors grows, which makes me think that pot isn't a preferred food when many other plants are available. Outdoors I've found the little bastards on tomatoes, and they seem to really like lilacs. I need to study this some more.