AMA Big and Bushy

I have no sexual interest in children.

I have not had a cock in my mouth in a very long time. I only did it to be nice. I have since taken a cue from bucks wife and determined that giving oral sex is unnecessary.
but you said that it's not pedophilia if they are like 12 it's only wrong if they are 5. you're a fucking junkie fuck. go shoot up again
but you said that it's not pedophilia if they are like 12 it's only wrong if they are 5. you're a fucking junkie fuck. go shoot up again
I didn't say it wasn't wrong (or right) for a 12 year old.

Mexico says it is legal.

You invoked the law as a moral guide for this. So weed is immoral because it's illegal?

Sex with a 12 year old is legal in Mexico.

The 5 year old is universally immoral.

The 12 year old isnt.
If your dick is inside another man, you might not be gay.

If you routinely seek out to have a cock put up your butt, you're probably gay.

Why is this so hard for you guys to understand?
it's not, it's called 'bi'...

why is that so hard to understand?

now if it was once or even twice, experimental, even underage, it might not be.

but you can't just pretend it never happened, or that you didn't have fun (or you'd have stopped, repulsed, left the scene of the 'crime'). especially after sympathizing in another thread, showing you're not a 'homophobe'.

not knocking you dude, promise. for realsies.
I didn't say it wasn't wrong (or right) for a 12 year old.

Mexico says it is legal.

You invoked the law as a moral guide for this. So weed is immoral because it's illegal?

Sex with a 12 year old is legal in Mexico.

The 5 year old is universally immoral.

The 12 year old isnt.

i was actually gonna back you up on this one, from your earlier posts. i don't think you're a pedo.

i just think you're bi, or gay in the closet.
dude if you have any interaction with another mans penis voluntarily, your probably gay.
what i said a few posts ago was a joke but seems to be the truth to you :lol:

but the word gay doesnt mean being attracted to the same sex in your make believe dictionary, if youd be so kind to look up gay in there and tell me what it means. and i mean your dictionary, not the one with definitions that anyone who properly speaks english would use, the one that says "Intelligence is like a cloud. IQ is like lightning. Thunder is the voice."
I didn't say it wasn't wrong (or right) for a 12 year old.

Mexico says it is legal.

You invoked the law as a moral guide for this. So weed is immoral because it's illegal?

Sex with a 12 year old is legal in Mexico.

The 5 year old is universally immoral.

The 12 year old isnt.
no you sick fuck there is no comparison between choosing to smoke weed and fucking 12 yo's. your trolling is even consistent. why would our white society look at what mexico does as alright? it's an obvious reason as to why our race is superior to there's. You seriously sound like you've been raised by zulu's with your liberal attitude towards pedophilia.
dude if you have any interaction with another mans penis voluntarily, your probably gay.
what i said a few posts ago was a joke but seems to be the truth to you :lol:

but the word gay doesnt mean being attracted to the same sex in your make believe dictionary, if youd be so kind to look up gay in there and tell me what it means. and i mean your dictionary, not the one with definitions that anyone who properly speaks english would use, the one that says "Intelligence is like a cloud. IQ is like lightning. Thunder is the voice."
If a hot man walks by and you stare and lust you're gay.

I never initiate or desire sex with men.

I only have eyes for girls.

I don't like the way men look, and i cant stand kissing a dude.

But ill cum in just about any hole.
no you sick fuck there is no comparison between choosing to smoke weed and fucking 12 yo's. your trolling is even consistent. why would our white society look at what mexico does as alright? it's an obvious reason as to why our race is superior to there's. You seriously sound like you've been raised by zulu's with your liberal attitude towards pedophilia.
no you sick fuck there is no comparison between choosing to smoke weed and fucking 12 yo's. your trolling is even consistent. why would our white society look at what mexico does as alright? it's an obvious reason as to why our race is superior to there's. You seriously sound like you've been raised by zulu's with your liberal attitude towards pedophilia.
In many ways the societies of Latin America are superior to those of North America.
And you're a fucktard that has given the power of your words to books written by men who are now dead.
You can go on believing whatever you want like some uncivilized savage cuz again nobody gives a fuck about the twisted reality you have shot up into. you really have nothing going for yourself other than you used to be a junkie sucking cocks for a fix. might as well look into scoring again.