What strains would you cross breed?

The (Female) Plant that you choose to use will become a full male with two x chromosomes
( XX not XY)
(male flowers with female genetics) Not a hermi.
Accuracy is very important when mixing the GA-3. That's why I use the MJ Femseeds website I posted.
All packets of GA-3 are pre measured.

Here's the website below
How to harvest pollen
There are many ways to do this

You need to be very careful to keep the male flowered clone away from the plants you want to keep seedless.

Pollen is Easily collected by placing a shot glass, baggy or a similar item under the flower of which you would like to harvest the pollen from.
there are many ways to do this.
While harvesting Tap the Flowers gently as not to disturb other male flowers on the plant. An agressive Tap will cause pollen to fall from other finished flowers on the plant resulting in a loss of viable pollen

Giving a gentle tap to the "ripe" flower with an object such as a pair of tweezers will often cause it to spring open like a parachute and occasionally fall into the glass, "remove them as they fall". It is very important not to let anything that will cause moisture to build in the glass which will result in your pollen caking up on you. Pull the flower from the glass with your tweezers and give it a good tap on the rim of the glass to remove remaining pollen stuck to the flower.

I normally I keep my feminized male in a room of its own, like a closet with no oscillating fans as this will spread pollen all over the place. Put tinfoil under plants pot. Then take another piece of tinfoil that's big enough to cover top of pot, cut half way through a piece and place on top of pot with stem of plant in between cut. This will help you collect falling pollen

When I feel like enough pollen sacs are open, I take the male clone that's ready to harvest, and put it in a big Ziploc bag on its side, then shake the shit out of it. All that's left to do is mark the bag with the strain of pollen.

The way I feminize seeds Is as follows

Take two Clones from each plant that you have chosen. ( still in veg lighting ) I make a male and a female of each.
The male plant MUST Remain in veg lighting till you GA-3 it like in the video
The male plant MUST Remain on a 12/12 schedule after

( After you do the GA-3 )
Keep the ones you want to be males away from the females.
It is preferable to have sufficient lighting such as a compact fluorescent fixture, or a few CFL will work
If the male does not have ample lighting it will in most cases cease to finish the flowering cycle followed by complete shutdown of pollen production within several days

"Male flowers open over a period of several days, during this time you should gather what you deem to be enough for your project, working around the plant as the flowers are ready.
A little goes a long way.
It is also helpful if you remove flowers that you have already collected pollen from after each harvest. This is done so that each time you visit your male you can easily Identify Newly ripened flowers."

It is common to catch enough for a small project over a period of 5 days or so after the male flowers have begun to open. At this time the male can either be discarded, consumed, or cloned for future use

The males flower earlier than the females in order to allow for a sufficient overlap.

By the time you have finished collecting your pollen, the girls should be just about ready to be pollenated, most Indica Strains should be pollinated within 10 to 17 days of 12/12 allowing at least 4 weeks for the seeds to finish.
It would be preferable to let them finish with the buds, the longer you let your seed ripen the more viable they will be.

You put the pollen on the new pistols wile there white.

How to pollenate your bud
Take a cotton swab and gently dab it into the pollen collecting a small amount on the head of the swab, then hovering over the selected buds "female Flowers" that you wish to pollinate give the q-tip a gentle tap with your forefinger and you will see a golden cloud of pollen drift into the bud, try to avoid touching the "hairs" during flowering, It does harm them making them die and wither off. use your breath very gently as you tap Q-tip to crate a little wind into the buds.
It helps.
Make sure to pollenate the cannabis no later then week 4.
The plant will put most of it's energy into the seeds, even if it is just one branch. If you are going to bother making seeds you should just do the whole plant, get 500-1000 seeds and go through them to look for some amazing phenotypes.

The larger the population, the greater chance you will get something special. Small populations of seeds tend to lead, quickly to gene loses, which in turn lower your chances of something special, but raise your chances of something "stable

I tend to cross a male X female of each
male X female

Spineapple X Twilight
Twilight X Spineapple
I pick the ideal phenos then cross them to stabilize the traits I like.
This part can take a long time (Generations of crossing phenos), but it's so worth every bit of time spent.

( I normally do the whole plant )
You can store your new seeds in refrigerator for years. You should be able to store your pollen in the freezer for at least 6 months, Some breeders say up to 18 months.

You can find info on storing pollen in other threads
I'll post one on this comment in a few min
ok I just got my seeds and they are in tiny ziplock bags do I just set them in the fridge or a dark dry cabinet?
Cannabis seeds contain lil drops of water in them to help them germinate, I feel that it is unlikely the seeds will stay viable any longer than 6 years. By 10 years they may be no good.
(From another grower written on Dec-13-2008 ) " The average is 4-6 years but I heard of even 14 years haha, me and my friend found his dads old pot seeds labled 1976 and we counted over 700 and outta 700 about 340 were hard and didnt crack, outta all those seeds 2 germinated but died right after "

(From another grower written on Dec-15-2008) had one seed that was 7 years old and popped along with 3 others all different strains the rest 16 total turned black and died, so old stuff can sprout odds are against you though Good luck

I keep mine in the fridge. Have some that are still good after 3 years. Just popped 5 out of 6.
I just popped (5) 3 year olds that were not refrigerated, all but one popped.
That could happen with fresher seeds just as easily .
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Cannabis seeds contain lil drops of water in them to help them germinate, I feel that it is unlikely the seeds will stay viable any longer than 6 years. By 10 years they may be no good.
I just popped (5) 3 year olds that were not refrigerated, all but one popped.
Damn Brother. You as crappy as me. Can't even pop a seed. Did I mention that I am going to find you and take all that pretty weed? No. Not really but I am sure going to get some to grow. Damn it's pretty.
Cannabis seeds contain lil drops of water in them to help them germinate, I feel that it is unlikely the seeds will stay viable any longer than 6 years. By 10 years they may be no good.
(From another grower written on Dec-13-2008 ) " The average is 4-6 years but I heard of even 14 years haha, me and my friend found his dads old pot seeds labled 1976 and we counted over 700 and outta 700 about 340 were hard and didnt crack, outta all those seeds 2 germinated but died right after "

(From another grower written on Dec-15-2008) had one seed that was 7 years old and popped along with 3 others all different strains the rest 16 total turned black and died, so old stuff can sprout odds are against you though Good luck

I just popped (5) 3 year olds that were not refrigerated, all but one popped.
That could happen with fresher seeds just as easily .

Seeds remain viable for a very long time if properly stored. Scientists have germinated thousand+ year old seeds taken from Egyptian tombs. You have to baby them more though. Sometimes you need to help them along with the proper hormones.

You won't get 100% viability, but you should still have viability.

I've personally sprouted seeds over 10 years old successfully that were not properly stored. I only ended up with 1/10 for both, but like I said, totally improperly stored (they werent mine).
Damn Brother. You as crappy as me. Can't even pop a seed. Did I mention that I am going to find you and take all that pretty weed? No. Not really but I am sure going to get some to grow. Damn it's pretty.
some seed just don't pop fast enough. It's not that it would not pop.
If you put ten seeds in a cup of water they may all pop, anywhere between 1 to 4 day's

If mine do not pop in two days I chuck them.
3 days max, and that's only if they popped the second day and had to finish up.

I do not want the genetics from the phenotype that is going come from the seed that will take a long time to pop, geting mixed into my genetics any more than they are already.
I do what I can to use only the best of the seed batch I get, This is the first genetic characteristic I look at in my plants.
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Seeds remain viable for a very long time if properly stored. Scientists have germinated thousand+ year old seeds taken from Egyptian tombs. You have to baby them more though. Sometimes you need to help them along with the proper hormones.

You won't get 100% viability, but you should still have viability.

I've personally sprouted seeds over 10 years old successfully that were not properly stored. I only ended up with 1/10 for both, but like I said, totally improperly stored (they werent mine).
That is what I have heard.
the oldest I personally encountered came out of a fridge, They were 15 years old
buddy popped 15 of 20 in 48 hours
the last 5 popped by day 3, (but not so well)
one of the last 5 popped well
Chucked the last 5
one of my dads friends seeds
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Seeds remain viable for a very long time if properly stored. Scientists have germinated thousand+ year old seeds taken from Egyptian tombs. You have to baby them more though. Sometimes you need to help them along with the proper hormones.

You won't get 100% viability, but you should still have viability.

I've personally sprouted seeds over 10 years old successfully that were not properly stored. I only ended up with 1/10 for both, but like I said, totally improperly stored (they werent mine).
so I just put them individually in tiny ziplock bags inside of a jar inside of a thermos inside of the fridge. is that ok?

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