Slavery and other items of note....


Well-Known Member
I'm just not understanding a person like that even having children...
I'm not understanding a MAN who would make up lies just to be able to insult a women. I'm speaking hypothetically while you do it IRL. I can only assume you are single.


Well-Known Member
I'm not understanding a MAN who would make up lies just to be able to insult a women. I'm speaking hypothetically while you do it IRL. I can only assume you are single.
as usually you are wrong..been married quite awhile to the same lady. I know she would never sell our kids under any on the other hand would sell yours because you were hungry. I'm starting to believe you might be a big fat lazy unfit mother.


Well-Known Member
as usually you are wrong..been married quite awhile to the same lady. I know she would never sell our kids under any on the other hand would sell yours because you were hungry. I'm starting to believe you might be a big fat lazy unfit mother.
No, you're making up stories so you can feel like a big man.

Go tell your wife how you are bashing a girl online. See if she approves.

I would never bring a child into a world of poverty. Therefore i would never sell my own children. There are however, people who do. I think being alive and being a slave would be a better option than being DEAD. Don't you? Or would you allow your children to die out of your own pride? Kind of tells what kind of parent you would make.


Well-Known Member
No, you're making up stories so you can feel like a big man.

Go tell your wife how you are bashing a girl online. See if she approves.

I would never bring a child into a world of poverty. Therefore i would never sell my own children. There are however, people who do. I think being alive and being a slave would be a better option than being DEAD. Don't you? Or would you allow your children to die out of your own pride? Kind of tells what kind of parent you would make.
Slavery opens doors for people who would have no life otherwise.
please explain how a child who is sold as a sex slave is helping opening doors ???? Are you blind to what some children are sold for or do you just run your mouth without thinking of the shit that comes out of it. You can't be a mother fuckingway..and if you are I bet you are a lousy one, in which your kids despise you.


Well-Known Member
please explain how a child who is sold as a sex slave is helping opening doors ???? Are you blind to what some children are sold for or do you just run your mouth without thinking of the shit that comes out of it. You can't be a mother fuckingway..and if you are I bet you are a lousy one, in which your kids despise you.

You seem to really be stuck on the whole child sex thing. You need to take yourself over to the pedo thread.


Well-Known Member
If everyone chose death over slavery there would have never been any slaves. Anywhere. Ever.

Sometimes people are forced to chose the lesser of 2 evils.

When you chose slavery over death the door to staying alive opens.


Well-Known Member
thanks for doing it for me.
What's racist about that statement of mine?

The fact is there are plenty of families that have noticed that loophole in our laws and planned to be here just in time to make the whole family legal.

The only difference between that and billionaires taking advantage of some tax loophole to save millions is the social status and wealth.

it's form over substance. It's an abuse of law, cheating, and has costs tax payers billions.

now are you going to call me a racist?

If I were king I'd have check in stations at the border and anyone could come here who was not a threat to the safety and security of others.

I don't hate brown people. I dislike the whole family getting to stay because they cheated the system.

It's also unfair to men because men can squeeze out babies.


Well-Known Member
most remained in Africa, or were sent to the Muslim World. where slavery still exists.
I just know on sugar plantations in the Caribbean and in Brazil they were treated terrible.

The Pope (several actually) issued all kinds of Bulls in the late 15th century that made slavery ok. If you converted to Christianity prior to your capture, you were supposed to be immune to slavery.