Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Well-Known Member
Yes because being insulted by a stranger who strings together non sequiturs is really just owning and roasting. None of that shits worth replying to, it's more like a child throwing a fit. Engaging with trolls is a stupid waste of energy. I was hoping to learn more about GGG.


Well-Known Member
i would look for the GGG site if i was looking for info on something GGG.
that's what i did..

the dude gud,has been doing what he do,for a long time...and talks to all the same way,do not reply to him,if you do not want him to keep it going..

how can one guy/grower on the net,on a weed site,with pics of bud,get under anybody's skin?

people need to come out front and say what they feel,not hide...


Well-Known Member
Grape Stomper OG (Restocked at BOG 25 May!! ) along with more Diamonds & Dust & D-Cure :weed:

- Limited Releases -

Peacemaker [Cindy la Pew x Joseph OG]
Oak Tree [Purple Kush x Joseph OG]
Talisman [Underdawg/Chemdawg OG x Joseph OG]
Healing Fields [Cindy la Pew x Freedom Baby]

- New Releases -

Golden Gage [Golden Goat x Joseph OG]
Orange Juice [COOG x Joseph OG]
Blue in Green [Super Blue Dream x Freedom Baby]

Attitude is dropping all the new gear next week, expected Monday/Tuesday :peace:...

Check out the GGG forums for more info' into releases and test grows, pic's, etc. Also BOG store now open over on the Greenpool (:

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I'd love to try the golden goat one. Anyone with experience?
GandalfdaGreen ran Blue in Green last year, it was a test, not even named yet... I am buying those beans for sure. One of the most epic runs I have seen in my life. I am getting as many packs as I can afford. OUTDOOR RUN!! WOOHOOOO!!!!

I am currently running Golden Gage TY... It is a very, VERY good cross so far. There is one big surprise, an expression of mint aromas over almost all phenos. Couple that with strong citrus, and OG funk.

Plants are remarkably uniform, I have one oddball pheno that is a bit more sparse than the rest. 10/11 female count. ZERO inter-sexing issues, super vigor. They give you a pure Sat kind of veg period, with this insane satty/kushy bud structure. Imagine a Kush plant where the nodes actually join up and you can get the picture.

I have a few weeks to go on them, but TY, start saving the money... Because I am buying at least 2 packs and I am telling all my friends to do the same. It will sell FAST. I am making certain of that. She will reward anybody that runs her. Feels like a good Bodhi cross, except not a million phenos, just two main ones. It feels very well tested and tweaked mate. True F1 experience.

Now that I know they HAVE been tested... m4k you LEGEND. What a nice one to drop in with the rest man. THANK YOU. I have never gotten a pre-release pack before. I feel very, very honored :)

All the plants in the foreground are Golden Gage

Topped at node 4, no other work...

This is what I mean with the colas... Starting to stack now.

You want this one. It has a strong Cheesey undertone that totally takes over on a stem-rub, so Amos wants it too.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Yes because being insulted by a stranger who strings together non sequiturs is really just owning and roasting. None of that shits worth replying to, it's more like a child throwing a fit. Engaging with trolls is a stupid waste of energy. I was hoping to learn more about GGG.
You are getting to learn about Gage :) And also about the canna community at large, about tolerance, your own personal boundaries and comfort-zone. As you say, it is your choice whether or not to inter-act.
Our culture preaches tolerance. So practice on Gud :) Seriously, once you are used to the fella he is one helluva laugh. You guys should really all give each other a shot, I have spoken to all of you and enjoyed the conversations. You are all good people.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate. Sounds awesome. I loved that cheese, shit, skunk funk smell that golden goat has. While I usually have only had a few females of each of my Bodhi strains, I can't say all of them are over the map. As I've stated before, with the four female superstitious I had, they were all nearly identical in structure, smell, taste, and high. Only one stood out with a more bluish tint on the foliage. But with polyhybrids, i expect some variation. TBH, I don't give a fuck. I got no time or patience for nonsense man. Everyone has their days, but it's the Internet dude, I ain't getting worked up over a stranger. But beautiful plants Mad.


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all who is. GUD


Well-Known Member
people need to come out front and say what they feel,not hide...
OK. Here's what I feel....

Genetics are a big part of any seed purchase. But do you know what else matters? The people behind the seeds. My first pack of GGG seeds was a let down. Disappointing, but that shit happens. I was willing to buy more packs though because I really like MH and Gandalf, and on top of that SkunkMunky sent me a PM offering to make things right. That kind of customer service means something to me, and I would guess many others. Since then, all I have seen is people that represent Gage (testers), running around this site with their hair on fire ripping anyone that has something remotely negative to say about GGG. If this were my company I'd tell my testers to keep their fucking mouths shut and do their job of growing out, and displaying my genetics. Pissing off potential customers is a bad business move no matter what it is you're peddling. There are a million seed companies vying for business, and 90% of them are quarterbacked by some douche-nozzle like swerve who I would never give my business to no matter how great they claim their genetics are. Bodhi is on the other end of that spectrum, and he gets my respect, and my business.


Well-Known Member
Yea I have never understood arrogance or attitude from a business perspective. I deal with clients, sometimes they are a pain in the ass, flat out wrong and annoying. Instead of coming back with the same attitude, I attempt to make things right. Why piss off someone who is paying me, and will recommend me to others? Granted I've learned this the hard way when I sued a difficult client for non payment, but cooler heads prevailed, the situation was remedied and a relationship was salvaged.
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Well-Known Member
so who are these tester?names?
who are they ripping..?

or are you just still mad you put yourself in the shit class?
Well, you for starters. I take no offense to what you feel about my growing abilities, but carrying on for pages like a teenager would piss me off if I were the owner of this company. My opinion only, but you're not the type that I would want representing my business. Professionalism isn't you're forte. They may as well have some wanna be gangsta like Gud sporting their wares.

I also felt MH was out of line getting all over kgp for his honest feedback..... and I said as much when it happened. He at least had the common sense to admit he was out of line and moved on. You on the other hand seem to prefer the juvenile pissing matches.

Carry on.....


Well-Known Member
so who are these tester?names?
who are they ripping..?

or are you just still mad you put yourself in the shit class?
I never claimed to be the smartest man but I think he's talking about you. Lol

And im I'm guessing it might have to do with liking your boyfriends post about him bring a white trash pill junkie.

A tad bit racist and maybe a bit offensive. Seeing he has medical issues and all.

I am a great example of what he's saying here. I spoke honestly about my results of ggg. Several ggg testers jumped my ass.
Doesn't that go against everything ggg is standing for?

My opinion is valid. I don't need anyone to try and discredit what I say. Make me out to be a liar, a shitty grower, or a kid.

people's opinions of me on here don't matter. I know who I am. I speak my feelings. No sugar coating. I am a man of my word with honesty, morals, and ethics.

Nothing anyone can say would offend me. But I dont like to see others being offended. That is why I made this post.

Treat people with respect. You are not better than anyone.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
You fellas don't get it so let me inform you what Gud is doing: He is testing you. Seeing how you hold together. He is teaching you about yourself by forcing a confrontation with your dark side.
With all due respect, do you actually read what you type sometimes? Why are you the apologist for every dickhead that smokes the same brands of pot you smoke? I dig your skills, MH, and have followed you for a long time, but I honestly have no idea how you could post such tripe..........unless.......oh, wait....are you testing us ? :roll:


Well-Known Member
show me one post,by me talking s%^t to someone.........waiting

i like the post with the pics.........damn me to hell for it.

show some post of someone(me)talking s%^t....

and if you think im not gonna reply,to a post about me....then you are wrong.
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