Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Just so you know dank, I'll prob want to grow one out before I start getting some to you. I need to be sure the cross works out good.

Who knows, maybe it will be some fire and I can submit my pics to high times. Lol
;) everything was allot cheaper back then.. Hell I remember a gallon of gas being 60 cents :) I think I remember cheaper, but see that CRSD is kicking in again.. haha ;)
Yeah nowadays we make more to spend more
Funny Sh*t CRSD. My wife says mine is selective lmao:D

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Dabs gettin' me all fucked up.

Been cleaning out the closest the 600 is in, vaccuumed up four spiders, and like 2 handfuls of dead leaves, and a bunch of dirt and dust haha. Whipping down the cool tube and the fans, then I'm going to fire the beast up, hopefully she still lives lol.

Hey SGT, when you said you did a 12/12 fs under a 400, you remember how big the plant got? What kind of training did you do?
Something has always weighed on my mind. lol Who's ever thought about all these pop stars/singers/actors that's "died" suddenly, unsuspected, not really ill, that may have faked their own death? :confused: one that really sticks in my mind is a video I recall seeing a few months back. "Let me state I have NOTHING against any of them". ;) But 1 in particular (video) really got me. IDK if anyone else noted it but when MJ (Michael Jackson) passed away, as the helicopter was passing by, I guess another air craft was near the other air craft, well I was looking in to see if I could see his body on the gurney, what I seen was allot more then that! I seen what I thought @ that time his (MJ) body sit straight up.. Now maybe this just could have been his body reaction to rigamortis setting in, or a trick of the camera... but IDK. looks like he sit up to me. lol Who else seen it :confused:
not saying he is alive, wasn't a huge fan, but did like his 80's music such as Billy Jean, and Thriller. :)
You are a nut! lol...I've heard of bodies sitting up in the morgue before because of that rigor mortis shit though ;) my aunt used to work for a funeral home. Guess thats why I liked the show 6 feet under so much :) I never went back there or nothin..didn't want to!! lol good to know you liked MJ before he turned into a middle aged white woman LOL...I loved his stuff from the eighties myself :) btw your link isn't working...repost?
Dabs gettin' me all fucked up.

Been cleaning out the closest the 600 is in, vaccuumed up four spiders, and like 2 handfuls of dead leaves, and a bunch of dirt and dust haha. Whipping down the cool tube and the fans, then I'm going to fire the beast up, hopefully she still lives lol.

Hey SGT, when you said you did a 12/12 fs under a 400, you remember how big the plant got? What kind of training did you do?
I didn't train them on the 12/12fs, but yes I remember how big they got and I can even show you.
First we have my bagseed.. (Yes, it looks like shit, gave me issues the whole run)
DSCN1639.jpg IMG_20131117_164215160.jpg DSCN1664.jpg

Next is the g13 pineapple express(same as in my avatar)The cola was bigger than a smart water bottle. The box is nearly 2ft from side to side. :mrgreen:

I noticed dank still replies over at MP.. :lol:
I got an email saying that he replied into his thread over there. haha
Yeah he got an alert saying someone posted over their and he checked it out. Put in his last "two cents" :lol: I think Giggy is still over there though...

DUDE!!! your plants are awesome!! that one nug your holding, is it me or does it look tinged with gold? sweet ;)
Yeah he got an alert saying someone posted over their and he checked it out. Put in his last "two cents" :lol: I think Giggy is still over there though...

DUDE!!! your plants are awesome!! that one nug your holding, is it me or does it look tinged with gold? sweet ;)
Yea, I read what he wrote. :wink: and thanks!!!
It was more orange than gold.. Here is a better pic
But you'd suggest training now though right? I'm not a big 12/12 guy so just trying to learn everything I need to.
Yea, I would..
I just decided to do it and let them grow to see what I could do on it.. If I were to do it again, I would top and train. It works well if you need to bang out a harvest real quick.. Works almost like an auto and as soon as its ready, it will flower.. So you are usually looking at a 1-3week semi veg, but with less hours to grow. It does go right into it and some will start to flower quicker than others... It almost makes sense just to give them a 2 week veg, do what you need to do to them and the switch.
That was a bagseed I grew out. :lol: Was pretty potent as well.
Shit THAT's bagseed??? sweet!! I'd had some bagseed that was straight fire before. Grew that shit out and she had them same orange hairs and stank to high heaven! talk about knockin your socks off :lol: that auto looks good bro!
But you'd suggest training now though right? I'm not a big 12/12 guy so just trying to learn everything I need to.
Sup my brotha from anotha motha? :D
Shit THAT's bagseed??? sweet!! I'd had some bagseed that was straight fire before. Grew that shit out and she had them same orange hairs and stank to high heaven! talk about knockin your socks off :lol: that auto looks good bro!
Sup my brotha from anotha motha? :D
Yep and dank as hell. It was a nice plant to smoke, except it gave me my lowest yield as of yet. Only like 3oz, but I did just grow it on 12/12fs and it gave me so many issues.. Not sure cause the PE was grown the same exact way in the same exact soil and she thrived.. The PE was also grown in MG soil.. :wink:
Yep and dank as hell. It was a nice plant to smoke, except it gave me my lowest yield as of yet. Only like 3oz, but I did just grow it on 12/12fs and it gave me so many issues.. Not sure cause the PE was grown the same exact way in the same exact soil and she thrived.. The PE was also grown in MG soil.. :wink:
Damnit man..I probably would have pulled a couple ounces off mine but a neighborhood kid fuckin jacked my tops straight off of it and my other two plants on my back deck. Climbed up and stole them. Sorry SOB..
Damnit man..I probably would have pulled a couple ounces off mine but a neighborhood kid fuckin jacked my tops straight off of it and my other two plants on my back deck. Climbed up and stole them. Sorry SOB..
Damn, see, now that is what freaks me out about growing outside. I'm gonna have cameras everywhere and a sign that says if you can read this you are in range.. :grin:
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Yea, I would..
I just decided to do it and let them grow to see what I could do on it.. If I were to do it again, I would top and train. It works well if you need to bang out a harvest real quick.. Works almost like an auto and as soon as its ready, it will flower.. So you are usually looking at a 1-3week semi veg, but with less hours to grow. It does go right into it and some will start to flower quicker than others... It almost makes sense just to give them a 2 week veg, do what you need to do to them and the switch.

Alrighty, think I am set. Going to run four 5 gallon smart pots under the 600. LST 'em. Then chop 'em, haha.
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