Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

person A owns property

person B does not own person A's stuff.

person A does not wish to associate with person B for any number of reasons, they could even be racist reasons, yet a persons beliefs do not negate their ownership in the subject property do they?

person B goes to person A's property and says I WILL associate with you, despite your wishes.

Who has broken the peace? If you guessed person B, you win a $25 coupon to Wendys.

Segregation is therefore totally ok in your dream world.


So anarchist

Quite paradise...
your ellipses abuse is almost uncanny. seems like every dumb racist on this site has a propensity to abuse the things.

.....indifference.....not stopping others from ellipses abuse

.....actionable harm.......criminal assault.....with a gerbil
person A owns property

person B does not own person A's stuff.

person A does not wish to associate with person B for any number of reasons, they could even be racist reasons, yet a persons beliefs do not negate their ownership in the subject property do they?

person B goes to person A's property and says I WILL associate with you, despite your wishes.

Who has broken the peace? If you guessed person B, you win a $25 coupon to Wendys.

nice euphemism. let me spell it out in the context of your opposition to civil rights.

person A: racist gas station owner
person B: black person wanting to buy gas

the racist gas station owner could have made his gas station "private" and continued segregating blacks, as you so ardently defend.

but if the racist gas station owner serves the public, then he is breaking the peace, initiating aggression, and causing harm by refusing to serve blacks.

you defend racists.
I am a fan of revolution and egalitarianism. If someone "owns" what is the rightful heritage of all and excludes people because he doesn't like them, I'm a fan of killing that sort of person and making his "property" back into...

What was that called?

Oh yeah, earth. You know, that planet we all live on and can't take with us when we die.
nice euphemism. let me spell it out in the context of your opposition to civil rights.

person A: racist gas station owner
person B: black person wanting to buy gas

the racist gas station owner could have made his gas station "private" and continued segregating blacks, as you so ardently defend.

but if the racist gas station owner serves the public, then he is breaking the peace, initiating aggression, and causing harm by refusing to serve blacks.

you defend racists.

You forgot the part about the government. They are in the equation. You remain blind to their intervention and forcing people to associate with people that they prefer not to.

I defend a racists right to be left alone. I defend your right to be left alone. I defend the right of all clean floors to be left alone.
I defend the right of a mulatto gerbil to be left alone.
I am a fan of revolution and egalitarianism. If someone "owns" what is the rightful heritage of all and excludes people because he doesn't like them, I'm a fan of killing that sort of person and making his "property" back into...

What was that called?

Oh yeah, earth. You know, that planet we all live on and can't take with us when we die.
AAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!! a Stalinist! apply fire to it!
You forgot the part about the government. They are in the equation. You remain blind to their intervention and forcing people to associate with people that they prefer not to.

I defend a racists right to be left alone. I defend your right to be left alone. I defend the right of all clean floors to be left alone.
I defend the right of a mulatto gerbil to be left alone.

The government exists to serve the ruling class and protect private property. When you put a boundary on the land and say that you own it and decide who may pass there, you are doing what a government does.
You forgot the part about the government. They are in the equation. You remain blind to their intervention and forcing people to associate with people that they prefer not to.

who preferred not to associate? the white racists. that's who you are defending.

the black customers wanted to associate.

the government stepped in to end the harm that the white racists were causing. association was a byproduct of ending the harm that the white racists caused.

I defend a racists right to be left alone.

you defend segregation, white separatism, and causing harm to blacks.

if the racists want to be left alone, they should not open a store to the public.
I am a fan of revolution and egalitarianism. If someone "owns" what is the rightful heritage of all and excludes people because he doesn't like them, I'm a fan of killing that sort of person and making his "property" back into...

What was that called?

Oh yeah, earth. You know, that planet we all live on and can't take with us when we die.

A person grows a garden from natural earth. They see you stealing the tomatoes they grew. Do you kill them? Kill yourself?
Scream racist and run as fast as you can while tucking the gerbil back in?

D. None of the above.
A person grows a garden from natural earth. They see you stealing the tomatoes they grew. Do you kill them? Kill yourself?
Scream racist and run as fast as you can while tucking the gerbil back in?

D. None of the above.

So your entire world view is based on xenophobia.

I see starving people in a garden where I help a community grow food, I feed them.
A person grows a garden from natural earth. They see you stealing the tomatoes they grew. Do you kill them? Kill yourself?
Scream racist and run as fast as you can while tucking the gerbil back in?

D. None of the above.
E. tackle that motherfucker, an' take my tomatoes back.
A person grows a garden from natural earth. They see you stealing the tomatoes they grew. Do you kill them? Kill yourself?
Scream racist and run as fast as you can while tucking the gerbil back in?

D. None of the above.

being a voluntaryist, will you voluntarily give up the stolen land you live on?
I might take your wallet for the ID, against any payback, but I don't need your money.

If the band needs to fight we fight, even if it is only me. it has nothing to do with State or Tribe.

"Why did you shoot, Wild Bill????"

"He meant me harm."

Deadwood, 1878

In Wing Chun and Akido, (which I train in also to be less than lethal)

...the first move is on the Yuki. All my attacks are based on that initial move, And I count the, in your face, chest butting, "What are gonna do!" as an initial move.

Oh, did I accidentally stomp your instep, weight that leg and pop your knee forward, and you go down on your face as I "help"?

Woops. Me so clumsy.
^^^Doer playing internet tough guy^^^