Teacher fired for breaking up fight.

that's demonstrably false.

the wedding cake shop that denied service to a gay couple up in oregon is still in business, as is the flower shop that denied service to a gay couple in washington, as is the wedding photographer who denied service to a gay couple getting married in colorado.

businesses that denied service to blacks did just fine for themselves, even as black people protested with sit ins. thy were spat on by white customers and sometimes violence ensued against them.

might want to check up on history before making such silly claims.
comparing today with 1960 is inane.

heck, let's go back to 1860; you're argument will get stronger as we hurtle backwards through history
i gave you concrete examples of businesses that denied service to gays and were not forced to close their doors or shunned by the community.

what gives then?
so, you would have government train guns on people to force them to serve people. as far as those businesses you mentioned, unless you have their tax returns in front of you, you have given no proof.
that's demonstrably false.

the wedding cake shop that denied service to a gay couple up in oregon is still in business, as is the flower shop that denied service to a gay couple in washington, as is the wedding photographer who denied service to a gay couple getting married in colorado.

businesses that denied service to blacks did just fine for themselves, even as black people protested with sit ins. thy were spat on by white customers and sometimes violence ensued against them.

might want to check up on history before making such silly claims.

How does forcing an association foster peace?
How does forcing an association foster peace?

how does segregation and denial of service foster peace?

i can show you study after study after study showing how racism and biases cease to exist in people who are more integrated than others.

can you show me the same for the segregation and discrimination you so fiercely support?
Fail. That was LIthuanian. Still, good guess.
I understand you are a fierce Maori in the flesh (or some such Polynesian). If so, do you miss clubbing and enslaving inferior peoples? lol

None of us are responsible for what our ancestors may have done. I self identify (thanks Buck) as a Sasquatch and would rather make yowling noises and scare campers.
yes......examples of the health of their businesses, lover-girl :) not......"they're still in business."

you are an idiot.

"are there government guns pointed at the woolworth lunch counter?"

lol.........NO. thank you. Woolworth's eventually chose to serve all. it was good for business.
how does segregation and denial of service foster peace?

i can show you study after study after study showing how racism and biases cease to exist in people who are more integrated than others.

can you show me the same for the segregation and discrimination you so fiercely support?

Forced segregation DOES NOT foster peace. Nor does forced association foster peace. I don't need studies, to prove this, the logic is self evident.

People that wish to disassociate or segregate themselves from others are not fostering aggression. Not interacting with somebody is indifference, forcing interactions is not.

My goals are that people who want to be left alone can be left alone. People that won't leave others alone, via forced associations are not peaceful. Self evident as the gerbil hanging from your butt.

For the record, I find racists to be ignorant, another thing you have in common with them.
Forced segregation DOES NOT foster peace. Nor does forced association foster peace. I don't need studies, to prove this, the logic is self evident.

science disagrees with you.

People that wish to disassociate or segregate themselves from others are not fostering aggression.

way to stick up for white separatism, robby.

i bet you are totally not racist.