Male or female

you can wait, but it's still gonna be a dude. why don't you watch it so you can see and learn how they develope?
I will watch it a few more days and see. I suspect that it's a male.what about this one? I also suspectit's a male


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Here is what you are looking for.. This is a male preflower: Notice the claw

It turns into this after a day or two:

Female preflower:
It may be a hermi. I think I seen a female flower on the very top node in the 2nd pic. Hard to see cause its blurry, but it may be a preflower. But use my pics as a guide it will help.
look at those male plants pics above . we don't get to see those often gladly . but good job growing it , looks health would of been a great yield . thing that sucks only if you new it was male .