people with solid opinion , experts , intellectuals , superb gardeners , professors , authors , etc ...are leaders not followers.
the mark of an expert is to take risks (some calculated some not) ...put himself out there for review , for discussion , for ridicule , & more.
its the knowledge people that move & shake.
& canna-idiots do nothing but waste bandwidth & breath.
np. take it as dickery.
its an insecure whiny bitch move.
so i'll label you as a novice douche. fair enough ?
im constantly improving , so im 100% okay with ur insecurities & ur gardening short-comings & never learning a single fu*king thing from u.
plants , actually , are more complex than u give credit oxford scholar (total idiot im sure) recently proved plants "do math" ..."counting" hours at night calculating & regulating starch & sugar levels till lights on ...did u know this ?
how does it effect what u do in that tent , little grow hobbit ?
u dont know.
fact !
so plants are complex & simple organisms at the same time.
ask any biologist.
nah wait ... ur too lazy.
its not mechanical engineering ... nope got that obvious part right ...with regard to modern cannabis strains , its evolution type (biological) engineering sculpted @ the hand of man via purposeful selections & selective x breeding.
landrace means what?
indoor variety means what ?
connected in any way?
& if these modern strains are so simple & easy to grow (which if u checked the help section, the plant problem section, the new grower section , the how to set my room up section ===> u'd see how MEGA stupid that sounds) how is it that many of these killer strains would never make it outdoors?
just simple plants right ?
spacedawg , 1999 cut , dare i say "expertly grown" LOL !