Gage Green Group Info Thread

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gens a great tester! no doubt...but somethings wrong when the breeder lists a strain at 6-8 weeks finish and the tester says " i dont know where they got that from, mine were all 9 weekers". why use testers when you dont use their data? id say gens testing for the wrong company... in time ill have him testing something besides my patience. :D
too bad it was a joke. i guess not to the ggg boys....
you could have some damn fine gems,but with the pics you post,and some of the comments you not what i get from you..
stick to it,dont be fake...not calling you that..if you gonna post pics of things you make,make it worth it..not just for today,but tommorow,and the next day too...
it's more than just us that will see these post,way after we are gone,or have just moved on....dont take my harsh text,as a bashing...more of a wake up.

right now,the one i like the most(only one i have grown out)
is honeybee (plushberry x (purple kush x grapestomper og))THE GARDEN 925.JPG

got a few more that a few good peeps have grown out,and still have in their rooms....even got one that just won a 2nd place indoor cup.
hardly wrong intentions. and im sorry to much up the ggg thread....ill take the bullshit to my threads... if gens gonna take a shot at me i must be doing something right eh? :D
what do you get from my post/pics?[/QUOTE]

i get dedication & expert gardening & tell it like it is theory !

its what these solo cup growing fake ass wizards cant understand... & in mega canna conjunction dysfunction , it's what these sites allow.

==> which is faux experience limited to weeks & months passed off as expert grow game.

grab a pack of GGG , find some wack phenos , & call it gold.

how would you know gold or platinum when all you ever smoked or grew was shit.... and , no, not the "pnw doo poo clone only" ...but actual shit. compost. garbage.

maybe after 3000 posts , you'll have canna-creds galore , & you'll make us some seeds?

==> with tiny yield. with lanky huge gaps in the nodes. with wack expressions no REAL gardener would use in any line.

least u got that banana cherry flavor thing working ?

thedocta he's making selections from 1000s. im using a face off male i found from 30 beans.

& i'd NEVER talk as much shit as these guys if i didnt know the power of the selected male... but im using a line worked by a pro ! selected a male from 12 different & collected pollen from the two best to test for traits.

how do you do that in a 2x2 tent ? growing out no strains ? and growing out no crosses you make !!!!

im making selections from 100s... & ive several lines now myself.... ultracon og (f3) , merlin & the magik og (f1) , and a few more... using different males i keep under a 400w.

how u keeping males? how you keeping clones ? <== i know u LOST all the elites i sent u !!

^ which i rooted for you !!!
^ which i sent you quickly & professionally !!!

^^ cant even keep clones, these dudes talking 'ish all day.


& i feel like my space is barely big enough & filled with plants enough to find just a good stunner here & there... running 50 per clip.

its work !
that takes work !

not root bound shit i can see u just crammed into a container. lazy !

how u testing potential like that ?

phenos that would have hit the trash ages ago they're posting on matt riots website, here, there, and everywhere.... like a new incarnation of the legendary "B man".

solo cups.
root bound plants.
breeding in 2x2 tents.

lying, cheating, shit talking w/o ever backing it up.... it all reeks of F@G (fake ass grower) genius.

maybe its me.


doubt it.

pink cheese , 7 years of work & cracking e$ko's shit beans , amazing plant !!!!
new camera 011.jpg

my cut of critical sensi star
garden sex with the gnome 009.jpg

you want this (gooey breeder , as a result the cubing process this pheno is 96% gooey mom expression)
8 ball cornr pocket 006.jpg

ultra-confidential OG (f3) , one lamp , one harvest , tastes 10x better than that hermi prone cherry pie !
group hugz 009.jpg

merlin's magik lemon (mother , now crossed with face off og (bx) )
what what 001.jpg

chocolate romulan w/ my cut of holy grail kush (super kosher leaning) in the background.
howdy doody time 002.jpg
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show you a pheno hunt w/o plastic cups & shit looking plants.

and , when you think of ~gud ...remember we out here & doing it !

it starts like this , kids :

real 'ish.jpg

& ends like this : green crack (pnw clone which won what award ?) & my personal cut of critical sensi star (one selected from 25 fem seeds over two years w/ insane yield & resin profile !!!)

123 crew is called BDP.jpg
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how would you know gold or platinum when all you ever smoked or grew was shit.... and , no, not the "pnw doo poo clone only" ...but actual shit.

im using a face off male i found from 30 beans.& i'd NEVER talk as much shit as these guys if i didnt know................

In my life, I've been inspired by some elites....musicians, athletes, philosophers, leaders and such, so I can truthfully say I have no problem classifying myself as a 'hobby' gardener on a site where some 'elite' gardeners post.

I sure dig looking at all the fantastic bud porn that the 'best' growers are harvesting. I'd sure like to sample some, fer shure.

But if having to endure elitist assholes is the price to pay for smoking those fantastic looking buds, well...I'm more than high enough to pass. The non-elite buds that survive my minimalistic approach will surely do, as do the cool amigas and amigos I choose to be around.
First Off... OMFG. Gud, how are you fella?! Oh yessss, this thread is about to grow it some BALLS lol...

Any of y'all run there stuff out doors
If so what works good for you

I would go for some of the Bastard Series Afghan Haze for an outdoor run ;)



But if having to endure elitist assholes is the price to pay for smoking those fantastic looking buds, well...I'm more than high enough to pass.

Says a man that invites us all to have a look at his wong because he grew himself the wrong herb. And yeah, with guys like Gud around a soft skin is not going to last long lol...
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