Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

Yeah, I guess the worlds scientists just forgot to factor that in when they came up with those models everyone agrees with..

Idk man, I just don't know..

You ever thought of becoming an expert on climate change? The shit you know!? You should be advising the IPCC, damn!
the IPCC has revised it's own claims from "Almost Entirely Man-Made" to "Less than 50%"

so even if all human activity ceases magically, the climate will continue warming by ~0.5 Degree C/100 years, until the worm turns, and it starts getting colder again.

and that worm is gonna turn in 200-300 years by most estimations.

Deal With It.



the IPCC has revised it's own claims from "Almost Entirely Man-Made" to "Less than 50%"

so even if all human activity ceases magically, the climate will continue warming by ~0.5 Degree C/100 years, until the worm turns, and it starts getting colder again.

and that worm is gonna turn in 200-300 years by most estimations.

Deal With It.




what, in your expert opinion, has triggered the last several cold periods?
the IPCC has revised it's own claims from "Almost Entirely Man-Made" to "Less than 50%"

Science changes when new data is collected, that's how it works, deal with it, you scientifically illiterate crackpot

Furthermore, quote the IPCC report that says that

Like I've told you dozens of times by now, you don't understand how science works, so why would anyone expect you to understand the implications of +1*C, 2*C, 15*C...?

You bitch and cry about the economic armageddon that will inevitably befall the .001% of earners when we switch to different energy sources while simultaneously ignore the economic impact predicted environmental conditions will cause in the future, hundreds of magnitudes greater.

You're a fucking dumbass, plain and simple. It's why people like you don't make the big boy decisions
Science changes when new data is collected, that's how it works, deal with it, you scientifically illiterate crackpot

Furthermore, quote the IPCC report that says that

Like I've told you dozens of times by now, you don't understand how science works, so why would anyone expect you to understand the implications of +1*C, 2*C, 15*C...?

You bitch and cry about the economic armageddon that will inevitably befall the .001% of earners when we switch to different energy sources while simultaneously ignore the economic impact predicted environmental conditions will cause in the future, hundreds of magnitudes greater.

You're a fucking dumbass, plain and simple. It's why people like you don't make the big boy decisions

Are you gonna shoot us now?
One news source when the liberals own the other 99%?

"Marge, I agree with you -- in theory. In theory, communism works. In theory." --Homer Simpson

Read between the lines..

"I wouldn't shoot you, I'd take away your [biased media in which you base your entire belief structure upon]"

61% of republicans is surprisingly promising
Furthermore, quote the IPCC report that says that
for all your blather about the IPCC reports, you obviously didnt read it.

"It is extremely likely that human activities caused more than half of the observed increase in GMST from 1951 to 2010.
This assessment is supported by robust evidence from multiple studies using different methods. Observational uncertainty has been explored much more thoroughly than previously and the assessment now considers observations from the first decade of the 21st century and simulations from a new generation of climate models whose ability to simulate historical climate has improved in many respects relative to the previous generation of models considered in AR4. Uncertainties in forcings and in climate models’ temperature responses to individual forcings and difficulty in distinguishing the patterns of temperature response due to GHGs and other anthropogenic forcings prevent a more precise quantification of the temperature changes attributable to GHGs. {9.4.1, 9.5.3, 10.3.1, Figure 10.5, Table 10.1}"

That's from IPCC report #5

thats down from "almost all" in the previous report
and the lower the "anthropogenic" %, the higher the confidence in their ESTIMATIONS.

Deal With It.
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Read between the lines..

"I wouldn't shoot you, I'd take away your [biased media in which you base your entire belief structure upon]"

61% of republicans is surprisingly promising

My point exactly.
People watching ABC,CBS,FOX,NBC,PBS (all air channels)
are pumped with liberal content everyday.
No wonder so many democrats believe in the TV.

Now cable TV is different.
10 times more liberal broadcasts then there is the
asshole of the world news. FOX!

Good Lord how do these crazy people think?
They have morals and respect the constitution.

They are sooooo fucked up!
My point exactly.
People watching ABC,CBS,FOX,NBC,PBS (all air channels)
are pumped with liberal content everyday.
No wonder so many democrats believe in the TV.

Now cable TV is different.
10 times more liberal broadcasts then there is the
asshole of the world news. FOX!

Good Lord how do these crazy people think?
They have morals and respect the constitution.

They are sooooo fucked up!

i literally heard that same rant today at least ten times from sean hannity, mark levin, and other uber-conservative FOX "news" folks while driving through idaho and utah (REAL AMERICA).

you are literally too stupid to realize that you are regurgitating the FOX "news" narrative that you swear by daily.
i literally heard that same rant today at least ten times from sean hannity, mark levin, and other uber-conservative FOX "news" folks while driving through idaho and utah (REAL AMERICA).

you are literally too stupid to realize that you are regurgitating the FOX "news" narrative that you swear by daily.

I have morals, not cable.
Haven't seen FOX in years.
I have morals, not cable.
Haven't seen FOX in years.

if you haven't seen FOX in years, then how do you know that it's "fair and balanced", unlike 99% of all media?

by the way, can you cite the bible to support adultery and bigotry? i figure that's where your "morals" might come from. thanks again.
if you haven't seen FOX in years, then how do you know that it's "fair and balanced", unlike 99% of all media?

by the way, can you cite the bible to support adultery and bigotry? i figure that's where your "morals" might come from. thanks again.

Mostly because they retain the same format over the years.
Why FOX cable is still the #1 news source.

My bible supports love and goodwill to men.

Does the Hebrew bible support homosexuality?
since when is "less than [half]" the same thing as ("notice the quotes"?) "more than half"?
and the lower the % attributed to "anthropogenicness" the higher the confidence in their estimates.

until you get to less than half, where it becomes ~90% confidence.

if you wanna play the semantic games, then it could be nearly 100% man-made, provided you are happy with "confidence" approaching 0%.

in 2 years it went from "Nearly all" to "Less than half" (with respectable levels of "confidence")

in two more years, who knows how low their estimations will be?