say goodbye to net-neutrality


Well-Known Member
Despite national outcry and protests both outside and inside a packed hearing room in Washington, DC, the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday voted in favor of advancing a set of rules that threaten the heart of the "open internet" by allowing the creation of "paid priority fast lanes," supplanting the principle known as 'net neutrality' which says all online content must receive equal treatment by the nation's broadband networks.

(Credit: a vote of 3 to 2, with the Democrats on the commission making up the majority, the FCC approved a proposal by Chairman Tom Wheeler which critics say would not just alter net neutrality, but destroy it.

As the Washington Postreports:

The plan, approved in a three-to-two vote along party lines, could unleash a new economy on the Web where an Internet service provider such as Verizon would charge a Web site such as Netflix for the guarantee of flawless video streaming.

Smaller companies that can't afford to pay for faster delivery would likely face additional obstacles against bigger rivals. And consumers could see a trickle-down effect of higher prices as Web sites try to pass along new costs of doing business with Internet service providers.

The proposal is not a final rule, but the three-to-two vote on Thursday is a significant step forward on a controversial idea that has invited fierce opposition from consumer advocates, Silicon Valley heavyweights, and Democratic lawmakers.


Well-Known Member
Obama, the FCC and the Supreme Court are completely to blame for this

Obama ran on net neutrality during his campaign in 08 and made promises to the American people this exact thing that's happening now wouldn't happen. He appointed Wheeler as chairman, the exact same asshole who lobbied for Comcast before becoming chairman of the FCC. In fact, there are about a dozen people inside the FCC who are former lobbyists for Comcast or other telecommunications companies. The Supreme Court says this bullshit "doesn't even appear to be corruption", while almost 90% of the American public are against it.

We need a 28th amendment to stop this shit from happening. Money out of politics is the only answer to progress.


Well-Known Member
Wolf-pac isn't a political party, dumbass

Do a little research into how the world actually works sometime, you might learn something
where did i ever say they were a political party?"Think about how much power we would have if just 1/3 of 1 percent of us were giving only $10 a month to this cause...we would have 10 million dollars a month to educate people and actually change the system for the better."- wolf-pac

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Funny how private interests and private accumulations of power are trying to bring about Orwell's nightmare.

These "private entities" can only do these things thru government. Corporations are a government construct and government protected. In order to solve these kinds of problems the root must be struck rather than flailing around in the branches or something like that.

End coercive government, solve the problem.


Well-Known Member
Well looks like web sites that don't have millions of dollars at their disposal will no longer be viewable. Say goodbye to 99.9999% of everything on the internet. The only thing we will have in 10 years time is .gov and netflix.

You can't have an open source like the internet, it makes it way too easy for people to see what is happening and to learn the truth. The truth is the last thing they want you to know.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

If it was not for government they would have accomplished this long ago. But then they would have private police and armies to enforce their tyranny. They (the ruling class) prefer government, that's why they own one.

I think you just contradicted yourself. If it was not for government they would have accomplished this a long time ago....yet they accomplished thru government sponsored protection...

So to me the solution is to end coercive government. What's your solution? To make a coercive government that will only coerce in ways that spray pretty flowers?


Well-Known Member
Government is more efficient than private state. (voluntaryism [read:feudalism])

The drawback is that they need to provide the illusion that it is democratic and for the benefit of all.

"of the people, for the people, by the people... "

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Government is more efficient than private state. (voluntaryism [read:feudalism])

The drawback is that they need to provide the illusion that it is democratic and for the benefit of all.

"of the people, for the people, by the people... "

Are you advocating an efficient government that involves coercion?

I'm aware that historically illusions have been employed to herd the masses.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
No, I am pointing out that a consistent anarchist opposes the ruling class as well as the state.

Okay. I'm not in favor of a ruling class that automatically encompasses all people in a given area either.

I am in favor of everyone ruling themself, and nobody ruling others. How do you propose that "efficient government" (paraphrasing your words) can accomplish that?

Also you never answered my question about what can or should be property and what should not be.


Well-Known Member
Government is more efficient than a privatized state.

I never said anything about support for government.

You're asking for a definition of anarchosyndicalism or of anarchocommunism as a deflection. That is what your question about property amounts to.

Notice two things here. I'm not promoting any specific philosophy. I will only go so far as to say which utopian philosophy steers my thinking. The other thing to notice is that I have never asked you to define your philosophy. I went and learned about it before I started criticizing it.

You started pushing your ideas, got shot down and deflected by asking for a definition of private property.

I was at one time planning to define property and to describe anarchist philosophy for the forum, but I refuse. I am not pushing the idea. If you don't like me criticizing yours, don't push it.