CFL harvest. cut tonight.


Well-Known Member
here are some pics of my harvest. just cut and trimmed, hung to dry.

i dont know why people say cfls cant grow good buds cuz this was a FIRST GROW, and HERMIE so it wasted energy on seed. and i didnt know crap when i started. it still came out pretty good. mt next grow should put this guy to shame :hump:

gonna start a smaller journal on here as well as in the journal section for my upcoming grow.



Well-Known Member
i didnt weigh it at all, its still wet and all on the plant, when it dries im gonna clip off the big stems and trunk and get a REAL wt. my guess though.. .75 oz. to 1oz. dry.

and i forgot a pic, the pretzel stem... its hanging by it. its what makes my plant unique!




Well-Known Member
early in its life it had little light, but i quickly gathered more lights up for it. quickly i got my cfl rig built its a t8 shop light i added CFL sockets to. the t8's are daylight and the cfls varied throughout. getting up to. 3 42 watt cfls directly over and 2 26 watt bulbs over it on each side, but they were a little farther away than id like. basically.

2x 32watt t8 daylight
3x 42watt warm cfls directly over
4x 26watt warm cfls side lighting

it had plenty of light :) BUT... my new rig is gonna so outdo it...

check my journal in my link for the whole story. heres the short version. it begins with the baby pic below. you can see the pretezel stem after i did it. and then the high quality pics a few weeks ago. to the pics above. theres some pics of my old light. and my new one without the cfls the sockets and wires are ready..




Well-Known Member
So do most people keep a couple 6500k veg lights in the mix when they switch to 12/12 and flower... Or do they go to 12/12 with all whites and when they show sex switch to red spectrum?


Well-Known Member
So do most people keep a couple 6500k veg lights in the mix when they switch to 12/12 and flower... Or do they go to 12/12 with all whites and when they show sex switch to red spectrum?
I'm going to keep my 6500k's into flower. I figure my girls would be getting that type of light if they grew naturally outdoors. I don't want to deviate any farther from nature than I have to.


Well-Known Member
red is natural for flowering and helps produce sticky resin,an envirolite would do a good job, great for clones, 12 oz per 400 watts


Well-Known Member
yeah with a 400 watt hps i could do it something fierce... i plan on doing this next one with all cfls/floro. look i the cfl forum for my new thread and in the grow journal section, its already there but very premature.. thanks all!! and yah red is nice for flowring. think about it the sun puts out ALL colors of the spectrum so we would need all colors all the time to match it and like 30x more light power to match nature. do what you can with what you got. and do it as best you can


Well-Known Member
Hay erysichthon. im looking at doning a cfl grow myself. How long did the grow take you? and did your power pill go up very much? thanks