Thinking of a new light ..

^^^ Is there a special kind of word in English ,for these " wire -pass-through -panel- mount -o-rings " ?

Look like rubber grommets...good stuff. I'm gonna need some for my small box

^^^ The MeanWell CV-CC led drivers.HLP-80H-42.
Still do not know ,how exactly the Vo trim pot works .And probably nobody else,around here, knows ...

Is this what your looking for....
some pages about the green part of the spectrum...


I just knew it !
That's one of the reasons I really,trully, respect you !

Excellent ,Guod!

This research ,is a 'unique' piece of work ..
My time schedule for the next few days is kinda 'tight' / 'busy' ...

Still,I hope that I'll find the time to discuss the contents of that (awesome) research.

Some short notes about this research.

This paper really deserves careful studying.
It answers many questions and yet ,new are brought up.
I'm not quite sure if it makes the 'green light' issue simpler...
I think the opposite actually happens .

In fact ,studying this research (some time ago) lots of questions of mine 've been answered ...
(* Like ": Why on Earth cheap asian whites ,seem to perform in flowering ,way better than cheap asian monos,but plants look spindly and weird ? "
Or ..To put it on another-more of an old fashioned- way :

"How come MHs grow 'better ' plants than HPS ,but still yields from the latter are way higher ..."

And some interesting parts of it :

(...)For these experiments, lightemitting diodes (LED), which provide narrow-bandwidth light, were used to test the effects ofgreen light in the presence of red and blue light on the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana plants.(...)

A Long-Day plant .(Flowering during Winter )
Green light inhibits flowering ...On Short day plants ,green light has the exact opposite effect .

(...)Green light is typically enriched in natural environments
that are also enriched for far-red light, i.e. any environment that is covered by overhanging
foliage such as the understory of a plant canopy orin a densely-packed field
. Therefore, a logical
hypothesis is that green light may induce similar responses as far-red light.
This chapter presents evidence that greenlight responses oppose those of red and blue
light, and are at times similar to those of far-red wavebands. Although the green signaling
components are largely unknown, this work demonstrates a role for green wavebands in plant
growth and development.However, interpretation of classical work presents some difficulties for
the following reasons: 1. Experiments were usually performed under broadband light conditions not exclusively emitting green light(...)

(...)Green light moves efficiently through the plant body, playing more of a role in photosynthesis than red
or blue light in some contexts (Sun et al., 1998), suggesting that green light may prove useful as a
signal to tissues not directly exposed to the light environment.
Potential green light effects may also vary with developmental context, since an etiolated
seedling emerging from the soil has negligible chlorophyll and will allow green light to penetrate
as efficiently as blue, red, and far-red light.


(...)Interestingly, this work also demonstrated a reversal of green-light-induced
inhibition of root growth by other light qualities. Here, wavebands distributed at 620 nm were
most effective at reversing green light effects,whereas irradiation near
660 nm (phytochrome’s peak absorption) had no effect.(...)

(...)Additionally, while stomatal conductance was greater under cool
white fluorescent lights than in RB+G treatments, the dry
mass of the plants was greater in the latter. This
result implies that weaker stomatal conductance
did not negatively affect carbon assimilation (Kim et al., 2004). Plant dry mass was greatest
under RB+G treatments (where 24% of the spectrum was broadband green light) when compared
to RB, the opposite of the effects noted by Went(1957; Figure 2-2). However, these results do
agree with previous findings that plants grown in RB+G treatments had larger specific leaf areas
than those grown under RB treatments (Kim et al., 2004). These experiments demonstrate that
supplemental green light affects plant physiology in conditions where red and blue systems are
saturated. It remains to be seen whether these effects are cry-dependent or cry-independent, as
they were performed in species where photoreceptor mutants are not yet available.(...)
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Look like rubber grommets...good stuff. I'm gonna need some for my small box

Is this what your looking for....

Not exactly....
This vid shows the adjustment of Io* trim-pot ...(SVR2 )
(* Io=Output max current )

The driver shown at the vid (ELN -60-xx ) has also a Vo trim-pot ..(SVR1 )
(That is not adjusted at all,at the vid )
eln 60 trim pots.JPG

" 7. Output voltage can be adjusted through the SVR1 on the PCB ; limit of output constant current level can be adjusted through the SVR2 on the PCB.
8. Constant current operation region is within the specified output voltage range above. This is the suitable operation region for LED related applications. "
i see...SVR1 adjusts maximum voltage...on other models...

Q: What do SVR1 and SVR2 do on my D or P model driver?
A: SVR1 adjusts maximum voltage. SVR2 adjusts maximum current.

For the MW ELN drivers there is a knob inside the case called the SVR2 which will limit the maximum current output of the driver. The factory setting is at maximum current (1.3A) so unless you're using XP-G's you'll need to turn that down or your LEDs will fry instantly...

...for that reason I think they did a video of regulation of srv2... and perhaps...or maybe... The factory setting is set to at maximum voltage......???...

..of course methods for measured voltage is different to measure amperage...
...voltmeter in parallel with the load...
...ammeter in series with the load...
...but you know this...

yeah..poor information about the srv1 and srv2...

...where it begins or ends its regulation? the right? the left?... the right ...serve for up?... or serve for down regulation?...
set up srv1 first? or set up srv2 first?...etc..

...and evidently i do not answer all your questions posed on the post...

That driver has two trim pots ..
One is to adjust (limit in fact ) the output current ..( 1.56 -1.95 A )
And the other trim pot adjusts output voltage (? ) (38-46 V ) ...yes i think adjust the max voltage (38-46 V )
While it can provide CC regulation from 25.2 V up to 42 V (output voltage )

Can somebody explain to me in which situation a CV of >42 V is needed ? .....i dont know......
And what would be the current then ?... ....i dont know......
Does it mean ,that once the Vo is adjusted >42 V ,then the current adjust is being done throught the Io trim pot ? ...i dont know...
And the driver works as a CC only when Vo max =42 V ? ..i dont know...

So for my fixture ,which utilises 4x of these drivers ,I should use either a 'B' type circuit breaker at 16 A ,
or a 'C' type circuit breaker at 10 A ..
Correct ? ..i dont know...

So ...
Would be this resettable CB appropriate for my fixture ? ..i dont know...
View attachment 3142858
(SCHURTER T11 211 12 A type C )

...i could venture answers but you expect better answers...

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Ocean ?
Close to OCEAN ?
No ....
I'm close to the sea if that's what you mean ...
(Mediterranean Sea can not be considered as ' ocean' ,right ? )
I'm just few hundred meters away from it ,actually ..
And I've been swimming (and not just soaking),day to day , almost all year round ..
(even during ...the winter...Or at least during what we call as 'winter' here ...)
I 'm not sure about 'detoxing ' ,but I got the flu ,couple of times ...:P
I visited Athens WAY back in 1970,

Please forgive my body of water ignorance

Had my first swinger party there

One American, and one Brit


Ha-ha-ha-ha ....
Yeah...I can imagine ....
Nothing unusual to it !
You really had some nice times ,huh ?
How come you did not visit again ?
(Athens ? That's a shithole compared to other parts of Hellas ,for crying out loud ...)
I was in the Air Force. Took a free hop

And most of all, I was the guest of the woman who lived there

Her boyfriend actually, but he was late riding his new Honda 750 from Weisbaden, Germany

I guess she got horny and I was available

It's an epic story for Hustler magazine

At first, she had ZERO interest in me

She worked on the base, so during the day I saw the sites

Nights, I took her to dinner

She was stunningly hot, bordering on beautiful

Centerfold material

Absolutely no expectations of her coming around

She had no furniture other than 2 lounge chairs

We slept side-by-side on the cushions

One morning I awoke to find her face within 12" of mine. She looked deeply into my eyes and said....

Do you know you sleep with a hard on?

Say hello to my little friend

I was in the Air Force. Took a free hop

And most of all, I was the guest of the woman who lived there

Her boyfriend actually, but he was late riding his new Honda 750 from Weisbaden, Germany

I guess she got horny and I was available

It's an epic story for Hustler magazine

At first, she had ZERO interest in me

She worked on the base, so during the day I saw the sites

Nights, I took her to dinner

She was stunningly hot, bordering on beautiful

Centerfold material

Absolutely no expectations of her coming around

She had no furniture other than 2 lounge chairs

We slept side-by-side on the cushions

One morning I awoke to find her face within 12" of mine. She looked deeply into my eyes and said....

Do you know you sleep with a hard on?

Say hello to my little friend

Pet !!!!
Man !

Right now I'm between getting aroused and pissing myself !
Shit! How come those things do not happen to me ?

"Centerfold material " ....
That hot ?

( BTW ...I never liked that much Playboy ...Too soft and 'glamorous' ,for my taste !
Beautiful girls but way .... 'artistic' .... Penthouse or Hustler were much better ...
Way more dirty ...Anyway... Memories of my puberty ...Long time ago ...)