The UK Growers Thread!

Easy boys how do on this sunny afternoon? Sae mail matey
Easy shawny hows things m8, im just chilling at home with the kids just home from school so gonna send em out to enjoy the sun, its prob the hottest day of year so far up here, Just wish I had a smoke to sit and enjoy with it but the wifes got my by the balls just now says im not allowed any cash for smoke as its for spending money on hols nxt week, and mostly for the kids so I cant exactly argue about it lol,
Easy shawny hows things m8, im just chilling at home with the kids just home from school so gonna send em out to enjoy the sun, its prob the hottest day of year so far up here, Just wish I had a smoke to sit and enjoy with it but the wifes got my by the balls just now says im not allowed any cash for smoke as its for spending money on hols nxt week, and mostly for the kids so I cant exactly argue about it lol,
HOLS NEXT WEEK? ours only just gone back... phew!!!
Easy shawny hows things m8, im just chilling at home with the kids just home from school so gonna send em out to enjoy the sun, its prob the hottest day of year so far up here, Just wish I had a smoke to sit and enjoy with it but the wifes got my by the balls just now says im not allowed any cash for smoke as its for spending money on hols nxt week, and mostly for the kids so I cant exactly argue about it lol,

Yeh things are good mate just busy as fuck at work can't complain tho aye.....sensible woman u got there Gaz....Yeh save that dough and give the kids a hols to remember ay mate then get back and fuckin smash it big style naaam sayin lol.....

Don't know what u lot on about its been a scorcher today man I've managed to tan me forearms today lmao
HOLS NEXT WEEK? ours only just gone back... phew!!!
Yeah the schools just went back here to but I had booked a hol to spain last year after a harvest this is us just going now, but aft I had to shut grow down I never made the money I expected to for spending so we scraping whatever we can 2gether, at least its all inclusive so all food and more importantly Drinks are free, and kids get free ice cream as well.
Fair fucks on managing a holiday...the gf went to England not 2 long ago so imma use that as an excuse for me to go to the dam by myself come canna cup

Ma wife sent me on a one night stay to the dam last december for me birthday, was pret good but was better the year b4 when she came wit me, its not that great on ur own there, im going for the cup this year that my bday prezzie from the misses but she coming too
Ma wife sent me on a one night stay to the dam last december for me birthday, was pret good but was better the year b4 when she came wit me, its not that great on ur own there, im going for the cup this year that my bday prezzie from the misses but she coming too
Yeah I'd only go for maybe 3 days n I'll see if any of the lads will go but alas their all on the dole n spend their money the day then get it lol...the gf can't come, someone has to mind the dog n cats n she doesn't smoke anyways n it's nice to have some time to myself..away from her lol
Yeah the schools just went back here to but I had booked a hol to spain last year after a harvest this is us just going now, but aft I had to shut grow down I never made the money I expected to for spending so we scraping whatever we can 2gether, at least its all inclusive so all food and more importantly Drinks are free, and kids get free ice cream as well.
banging mate, have a great time!
Ma wife sent me on a one night stay to the dam last december for me birthday, was pret good but was better the year b4 when she came wit me, its not that great on ur own there, im going for the cup this year that my bday prezzie from the misses but she coming too
me and mine went too... didn't go to the cup once tho , couldn't get me out the coffee shops long enough
Yeah I'd only go for maybe 3 days n I'll see if any of the lads will go but alas their all on the dole n spend their money the day then get it lol...the gf can't come, someone has to mind the dog n cats n she doesn't smoke anyways n it's nice to have some time to myself..away from her lol

have a good one , just read this. go for it. time to chill by your self.
cool :bigjoint: