Playstation 3 -or- Xbox 360


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if you own a PS3 or 360 .. no one cares about the Wii ... feel free to share that PSN ID or Gamertag ..


Well-Known Member
PS3, my tag is raulduke6 I don't really play all that often now but when I do it's
COD4 or some online GTA4


Well-Known Member
PS3, my tag is raulduke6 I don't really play all that often now but when I do it's
COD4 or some online GTA4
sweet man .. i play COD4 and just got done with MGS4 .. u NEED to play that .. it's the best game u will ever play


Well-Known Member
I have an Xbox, I got an Xbox for a lot cheaper than a PS3. And Halo was the online game I was looking at. So far, only online game I want for PS3 is GTA4 and I got that on Xbox...

GT: The Doppler05
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Well-Known Member
hahahha ... CoD4 is kickass... i just gotta fix my internet cause i cant play without hoppin .. and my KD has dropped madly
I reinstalled windows the other night so my level is like... 12 haha!

Someone should start a COD4 Server, HQ of course ;)

Mr Kush

Active Member
PS3. I know it's typical stoner to sit around all day playing video games and smoking weed but I can't help but do it every once in a while, haha. It helps me to zone out from all the negative shit going on around me plus it's just fun to do :hump:


Well-Known Member
PS3. I know it's typical stoner to sit around all day playing video games and smoking weed but I can't help but do it every once in a while, haha. It helps me to zone out from all the negative shit going on around me plus it's just fun to do :hump:
lovin all these PS3 owners :D


Well-Known Member
I would buy a Ps3 because its the cheapest Blue Ray dvd player on the market ;) and u get a console with it :)

Free online acces, and sony is stupid as fuck so i no problem to fucking hack the shit out of it.... :) Without jailbraking it :)


Well-Known Member

i just ordered a new pc. it is off the charts! so badass. and only for 850$. cant wait to get here!
^^ let me guess quad core 2.4ghz , asus mainboard...... p5b soming maybe... and then a dvd-rw drive - 1terra and a geforce 8800gt ?

Could that be correct.... ???

I love pc over all..... pc rulez.... :)