Sannie's SugarPunch

i'm not sure. as the weather is getting warmer, i wonder if that affected anything? i normally soak my beans for 24 hours in a maxicrop solution and then right to soil. as a newb, the winter was my first season and i only had one damp off on me and one die a few days after sprouting because i forgot to water it. so i'm at a loss for why these nine didn't pop. i have been busy so i was only watering them a bit in the morning and the soil did get dried out a bit...could that have done it??

i'm going to try again with blood orange, sunshine daydream, cheese quake, space bomb, sugar punch, and caramel candy kush, as well as chocolate rain...but the others that i tried too (blue dream, casey jones x green manalishi) aren't getting another chance this time.

just had big harvest (six done at the same time and wasn't expecting that! well, one started throwing nanners--my first experience with that--so she got chopped five days early) so them not popping is a bummer, but perhaps i should have waited until i could have paid them more attention :-)

i don't think you'll have a problem with your girls at all with the breaker. i think it takes a lot more screwing up with lights for it to happen... but what do i know? ;-) pics of the twin when you get a chance, please. would love to see her!

Don't put them in dirt. Put them in peat pucks or rockwool first. Do the 12-24hr presoak. Dirt lowers your chances. This can be ok if you're working with a lot of seeds as it is natural selection and only the strong survive, but these beans are limited.

I never let them germinate in a papertowel either. Too much handling and chance to do unintentional damage IMO. I have really high success rates and I've popped hundreds of seeds. Only seeds I've popped that did not go were some PE and Peakseeds Blueberry. But he doesn't guarantee germination on the Blueberry anyway and they're cheap. Had some 10 year old seeds not germinate so well either.

Depending on your house temperature I use a heating mat. Try to keep it around 80f.
I have 5 DP Blueberry, with two distinct phenotypes in my flower room. The first is tall skinny, branchy and streeeeeeeeeetchy... One is the tallest in the room and had to be tied down sideways LST style to fit under the lights... I can crank my lights up pretty high to the point where I can stand under them and I am 6' 2". So she is a tall girl. Her stretchy sister is close to being tied down as well but I think I can leaver her alone. Then I have the three "crinkly leaf" phenos that are short and bushy. These girls look way better than their sisters and are just beginning to smell a bit. I don't think the stretchy ones are going to be good producers. I am very interested in the "crinkly leaf" pheno. Mine are supposed to be ready in about the third week of May, so we shall see...

I may throw in the towel on my last Anesthesia soon...:? 9/10 with a twin isn't so bad though. Although the one twin seems to be incapable of ridding herself of her shell helmet, and I cant help...:-?

Sugar Punch has been a bit of a challenge for me. I think two popped their heads up and died...:( One has tried to opened up it's first set of leaves and has stalled and I have another that is really scrawny and not quite "out of the woods" yet... I would say my most likely outcome for Sugar Punch is 6/10 or 7/10, which is a bit of a poor showing. Especially since I germinated Anesthesia at the exact same time under the exact same circumstances. I also germinated Extrema and Cotton Candy a few weeks ago using the exact same methodology and went 9/10 on Extrema and 8/10 on Cotton Candy.

Is anyone else having germination issues with Sugar Punch?

As far as transplanting one of your Blood Oranges, you may want to consider moving the weakest one. I think the one you move is will be the one that would go through the greatest amount of shock and most likely not to make it. I would want my strongest to have the best chance of survival. Your way would probably give them both the best chance of survival, so once again it is really a matter of personal preference...

My electrician has been here the last couple of days, so hopefully no more unexpected electrical outages... and more $$$ out the door... I love spending money like this. :evil:

Ahhh, but Spring has sprung here in The Land of the Easily Amused and the weather is getting nice and warm. Here is a pic of my Cotton Candy "hardening" in the California shade/sun.


Peace bongsmilie

I've never had a single issue with any seed that came from Sannies shop. I've popped a lot of them.
i had an issue when i dropped 2..still hate myself for it..i felt guilty so i popped a white lavendar and big budda chiesel,along with a maryland it "bean insecurity"
Dirt method works fine. But it's more error prone. You can put them too deep. It will also mean that some less vigorous seeds probably won't make it. They might have been cut anyway so that might not matter, however sometimes you never know. And like I said, these beans are somewhat expensive.
i grow pot,loot for beans is just overhead for me..tbh,i havent bought beans in years till my sannies..i make my own or trade..the blue hawaiian is my creation,and i want to breed it with my pot roast and see what i get..i like buying beans,but i get overwhelmed with selection..i feel like a kid at baskin robbins!..hard for me to decide..
You should probably be more afraid your flower room is going to start a fire IMO.

I appreciate your comment and basically agree... The breaker that was kicking was a main breaker that I had become aware that it was going bad just as my electrician was leaving the last time he was here. He had to put on a temporary fix until he could come back to replace the whole panel. Plan B was to shut down the veg room that only had 12 plants in it that were headed outside anyway. That would reduce the overall load and allow a flower room that is about 2/3 full to continue to operate safely... The previous owner(s) of the property did some "interesting" electrical work that we have had to undo a few times. I have new wiring on dedicated circuits to all production areas. With my new panel I should be good...:weed: Everything will be up to or exceeding code.
I've never had a single issue with any seed that came from Sannies shop. I've popped a lot of them.

Sannie has a great rep so I am happy to take the blame on this one... The seeds looked great and the sprouts were quite healthy. Like you said, the paper towel method is pretty risky and there is a very high chance of damaging the sprouts in the transfer... But I do find it odd that these little girls would pop up and just die, especially with everything else around them doing just fine...

The Extrema that I have in the flower room is massive, stocky, deep rich emerald green and is beginning to stink. Honestly one of the most impressive plants I have ever seen. I hope Sugar Punch is just as impressive.
Kevin Spacey is the shit! My favorite movie of all time is American Beauty.

As for soil, a member here by the name of "Rrog" first turned me on to ROLS (recycled organic living soil) a couple years back and I have been rolling with it ever since. It's very similar to subs super soil, with a few variations. IMO, the cornerstone of a good organic soil is the quality of the compost, and plenty of rock dusts which improve the CEC of your soil. As soon as I started using my own worm castings from my worm bins and adding rock dusts my plants took off and have been crazy healthy ever since. I really think that is the key. The amendments that you add such as blood meal, alfalfa meal, etc are important, but secondary to the compost and rock dusts. I use the following:

1cf peat moss, 1cf coco coir, 1cf worm castings, 1cf aeration (rice hulls, perlite, pumice, etc)

To that I add (per cubic foot of base): 1/2 cup alfalfa meal, 1/2 cup kelp meal, 1/2 cup neem seed meal, 1/2 cup crab shell meal, 1/2 cup Espoma Garden Tone, 1/2 cup oyster shell flour, 1/2 cup garden gypsum, 3 cups rock dusts. I then wet that down with a compost tea, and let it sit for 6 weeks. I re-use this same soil for several runs until I retire it to my veggie garden outside.

Thanks for the great response! Now to drill down even further...

Dude, you are my hero. You have worm bins. Please tell me about them. I want my own. Are they hard to build or maintain? How does one get started?

What is in the compost tea?

What is rock dust... Is it like rock phosphate?

And yes, Kevin Spacey is the shit! American Beauty is an awesome movie. If you haven't seen him in "House of Cards" on NetFlix, you are missing out... I haven't had the chance to watch the second season yet but I am anxious to start...
lol I have worm beds under my sink I had to move indoors due to winter months. I add the castings to my very own soil recipe when I have enough castings to work with. Just trying to keep these little boogers alive long enough until it warms up a bit, then back off to the compost box they go!! ;)
Thanks for the great response! Now to drill down even further...

Dude, you are my hero. You have worm bins. Please tell me about them. I want my own. Are they hard to build or maintain? How does one get started?

What is in the compost tea?

What is rock dust... Is it like rock phosphate?

And yes, Kevin Spacey is the shit! American Beauty is an awesome movie. If you haven't seen him in "House of Cards" on NetFlix, you are missing out... I haven't had the chance to watch the second season yet but I am anxious to start...
lol.. Had to take a double look at your label on your container... lol Thought It said "Jack Daddy Purp's". I was like wait, what... :confused: that's a name of 1 of my buddies strains he recently made. lol Great looking lady BTW.. Keep up the great work :clap:
no its the mad scientist cross freebie i got with my order..jack hammer i think.or berry..i have it labeled..but i kept the pack..i could e wrong..or high..or both00K0K_SRQwr4CXdV_300x300.jpg
lol I have worm beds under my sink I had to move indoors due to winter months. I add the castings to my very own soil recipe when I have enough castings to work with. Just trying to keep these little boogers alive long enough until it warms up a bit, then back off to the compost box they go!! ;)

Fascinating... How big are the worm beds and how many worms do you keep in them? What are they made of and how do they work?
Thanks.. Hell I just have um in an old hospital pan with a piece of plexiglass over it with breath holes (small) drilled in it. I would say they are around the size, maybe a tad smaller then the ones you'd buy to go fishing with.
Fascinating... How big are the worm beds and how many worms do you keep in them? What are they made of and how do they work?
Thanks.. Hell I just have um in an old hospital pan with a piece of plexiglass over it with breath holes (small) drilled in it. I would say they are around the size, maybe a tad smaller then the ones you'd buy to go fishing with.
you can have a large one in your basement in a rubbermaid storage container