First Grow Day 3

Do they look like happy plants?

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Well-Known Member
3-5 gallon so if you need more soil go get it. also pick up perlite and some rocks. so it holds and drains. have a couple cups of rocks at bottom of pot gives better drainage down there. if you use a cat liter bucket drill holes in it all over the sides near bottom and on the bottom and find a drip pan to catch the water that comes out.


Well-Known Member
My personal opinion would be to leave out the rocks. The size of the pot will determine the amount of medium you have, that is how much room you have for your root growth. A larger root system will provide for a larger/healthier canopy, a larger/healthier canopy will produce more bud sites, more bud sites gets you MORE BUD :D . For me, space is at a premium, and I would just assume fill that premium space with more soil so I can get bigger roots. YMMV


Well-Known Member
Oh by the way:

Unlike most folks here I water my plants DAILY.


I do not water them a lot. I take a 12 OZ Water Bottle and distribute it evenly around the base of the plants (12oz 4 plants). By the next morning the soil is barely damp allowing to water again.

The reason I do this way is because bugs. Where I live too many bugs that thrive on soil and don't want that!!!


Active Member
Guys I never got to read any of these....... Last one I read was Jartlow's post. There doing fine though. No rocks No perlite. Transplanted one plant to 3 gallon and the other to a solo cup (micro). Pic updates soon, doing the second watering today with the molasses water.


Well-Known Member
okay she is looking great. dont let the soil dry all the way out. What is the full strength of your veg nutes and what is full strength of you bloom nutes? dont do anything im gonna help you make the first feed batch. also do you have molasses?


Active Member
51 pages and you are still on day three. They are looking good this time though man! Keep listening!

Only reason there is that many pages is because we decided to keep the updating in this same thread. If not I would of had 3 journals by now. Besides, Jartlow and DCobeen have been helpful enough to keep the thread alive while I was getting caught up. Unlike others and there snarky little comments.
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Active Member
I have a gallon of water with 1/2 TBSP molasses (mixed fNirst with hot water). Nutes are at 1/8 of a teaspoon big bloom and 1/8 teaspoon of grow big. Also have fresh jug of water as well. Strongest dose is 6 teaspoons of big bloom and 2 teaspoons of grow big.


Well-Known Member
do this poor out 1/2 the jug of fresh water. fill that with the 1/2 gallon of your mix. then feed them. slowly add water/feed every 3-5 min let it soak it up real good then keep repeating till you have 1/2 cup run off. now that is the mix you have with molasses.


Well-Known Member
Now you shouldnt have to do anything for 4-5 days. no water. no feed. how far up is your light? move it to 3-4 inches above so the stretch slows down. and just 1 bulb 23 or 13 watt.


Well-Known Member
I would like to reply with a pic of my seedling same age as yours sadly file size 1 megabyte means no more high res pictures from me... till its changed anyway.


Well-Known Member
I light per plant 5 inch is good. You will feed with the other half of the mix you had. which is 1/16 veg 1/16 bloom 1 tsp molasses per gallon of water. do this till they are 4 nodes high then drop the bloom and do 1/8 veg with 1/2 tablespoon molasses. Now its when they are 75% dry so it could be 4 days or even 7 days. get all of them in same size pots. that cup will be to small real quick.


Well-Known Member
I would like to reply with a pic of my seedling same age as yours sadly file size 1 megabyte means no more high res pictures from me... till its changed anyway.
Use its free and i choose private so you can only see if you have the link.


Active Member
@lowryderlove That and I can't seem to find the "like" button.

@DCobeeen yeah I know it will outgrow it quick. It was kind of a last minute thing and the site going down and all. I would like to get the 2 others in a cat litter bucket. What GL are they anyway? .