Google earth sucks ass

:shock: I just looked at my place on google earth. Oh shit!!!! Theres a pot growers hiking map in the works im sure. Smile when you look up. ----mike:joint:
If I was less lazy and more litigious
I could worry less about money while
sitting on my same old ass.
If I was less lazy and more litigious
I could worry less about money while
sitting on my same old ass.

yeah, i'm not into suing people, even if they did something to me that i felt i could get paid for, it's not in me to take someone to court and try and get money out of them..
yeah, i'm not into suing people, even if they did something to me that i felt i could get paid for, it's not in me to take someone to court and try and get money out of them..

I wish I was like that but my false pride
would never allow me to make eye contact with a judge while suing over hot coffee.

Hit and run my kid on tge other hand
and we have a huge frigging tennis court
I dont even like tennis
Years ago their was a class action suit against them for giving thieves ideas about where to steal stuff ............ Dont know what happened with it

Their is a way to opt-out of the street view

I live in the woods so no street view but
they have a good shot of the layout.
No shit though my buddies image yhat is always there shows his meds.
He needs smaller meds.
Yeah I got my old car back too[/QUOTE

Ya know now that I look at it closer it seems the new roof on my hay barn has been changed to a old shitty one. And the asshole that bought my 5th. wheel trailer parked it back under the same tree. Guess I can charge him storage now-----mike
But you never know when they will update it........and you can pay for a real time version.......
Yeah. If he dont pay you have proof in court now too.
Your Honor I wish to direct the jury's annention to Google.
If it please the court of course.
Now I know why RIU is in the dog house with Google...I was forwarded to a malware warning and damned if there was a way to get here via google I didn't find it. Check out how much the Arabs like Earth...especially around the city of Riyad Saudi Arabia. Just about all the major chain US restaurants are there....minus the pork.
Yeah, I couldn't reach RIU from a Google search, only from saved bookmark. Something about a malware issue.
Lol, They updated my area about 3 years ago and I still remember watching a plane fly back and forth >,< I was kinda sketched out that day haha. You can see my plants clear as day though.