40 - 60 site commercial setup started Just have a few Q's


Well-Known Member
Personally, I clone in 1 inch rockwool, then just stick the cube into the netpot, filling under and around the rockwool with hydroton. Everyone's got their own technique though.


Well-Known Member

You can split the coco
and place it around your cutting with rooting hormones
wrap it with the neopreme, like in the pix,
and it will hold the cutting.


Well-Known Member
I run EZ-Clone sprayers on a cycle timer. 1 minute on, 5 minutes off.

It's all about Oxygen to the roots!!!! Everyone gets hung up on nutrients and PH and all this other shit when what really matters is O2. If you run sprayers on a timer you can bump your PPM to insane levels with no burn what so ever. Your growth rates will be beyond anything you could ever imagine.

Plant growth is powered by the sugars the plant creates. It needs C6 H12 and O6 as the main elements. Everything else (nutrients) are used in very small amounts. The plant gets it's C (carbon) from the air through the leaves, H (hydrogen) from water through the roots and O (Oxygen) from the air through the roots. Water is easy to give. To boost carbon you would need a CO2 emitter. The only way to increase oxygen is to allow the roots max dry time. It's a fine line between having the roots dry out and giving max O2. That's why a cycle timer is needed. Try it and you will see it works unreal!

I run 2900 PPM all the way through week 6 and then 2400 PPM for week 7. Clearex for 24 hours and then I flush with straight water for week 8/9.

Botanicare Nutrients:
126ML Cal-Mag Plus
180ML Liquid Karma
540ML Pure Bend Pro Bloom
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Active Member
C6 H12 O6 Thats Glucose isnt it..:blsmoke:

Stinkbud, you hit it right on the head.. I have been researching and learning from you guys on RIU for like 4 months and now I'm putting everything together for my first grow.

I like your setup tons, I started out with the drip system for mine because I read commercial's entire post and felt like it was easy and productive.

I really am so close to turning my setup into an aero system.

This is where i am now, i am testing the system as a drip style with one of my test clones. Its imature but has a solid root system. I have the pumps on 24/7 eco396. The lights just kicked off.. I have one small one on so i could take the picks.

I built a new cloner that is totally light proof. My other cloner was too short and was letting in light.. Algae was all over the airstones after about 7 days. I transferred the clones to the new one.

How do the roots look? Sorry about the blurry pick .. phonecam

I also built a new smell killer for 5 bucks.. works pretty good

Thats not piss its pinesol and water:bigjoint:

This is a purple haze from a friends bag. I think its about 2 weeks. Just transplanted it today..

And here are the mums... They need to be stripped of cuttings soon.

Thanks for the info guys, drop me some feedback..
I hope to be here in the next 3-4 weeks...:hump:



Well-Known Member
Ya The Drip Is OK, But Aeroponic's Is Way Better!!!!!......Once You Go Aero!!!!.....You Won't Look Back!!!!:shock::joint::hump::peace:

Say Bro, Her Is Some Info That Might Assist You!!!!


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Active Member
HATCH thanks man, I have decided to start getting materials together to change my setup over. I'm going to replace the two 1/2 vinyl feed lines that run in between each set of PVC pipes with a pvc feed line.

I'm guessing i'll use 1/2 3/4 or 1in. I just dont know the method to use to attach the 1/4 in. spaghetti tubes to a pvc hard line??
Also i have a 396eco pump now. Will i need a larger one?



Active Member
Can someone give me some insight to how i need to setup the aero pvc feed line and what are the best misters to use?


Well-Known Member
yeah thats a lot of lights. Can anyone say that it was all necessary? I bet that room gets to 300 degrees if he/she turns off the vents.

you should convert this system to aero.

spend 1/2 hour walking around Lowes and you will figure out the right adapter. If not, just change your tubing a bit , or ask earl.


Well-Known Member
C6 H12 O6 Thats Glucose isnt it..:blsmoke:
All sugars are made of of these basic building blocks. Even complex starches are just combinations of molecules starting with the basic core of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.

It's wild how close our own body sugar is to all the other types of sugars like fruitcose, sucrose and lactose.


Active Member
thanks fellas, i will update with pics later tonight. I have transplanted 4 clones into the system. I decided to stay with the drip just for money issues. BUT in the next month or two I'm planning on constructing a 60+ aero site right next to the drip system. Thanks again guys:peace:


Active Member
Hello again... Figured i would give everyone an update on how things have progressed.

I transplanted 5 clones into the hydro system thursday night.

I also made some improvements to the pvc setup.
I determined that even with the ends covered to keep out light, the thickness of the pvc itself was also a problem.

I covered the tops with a layer of black duct tape and it pretty much did the trick.

I also found some contractor grade white trash bags that are perfect width to lay across the table for extra light protection and reflectivity to the plants.

I had to bring in my spare CO2 tank because the first one ran out.
I also took 16 new clones to root and be placed in the pvc setup in the next week or two.

I made sure to take the most mature cuttings with good stems. My mothers are still loaded with cuttings that can be taken.

All my ladies are about 7-8 weeks old. They are still in veg phase. Im going to keep them on 18/6 until i have my pvc system filled with health rooted clones.

I moved my little purple haze in front to start getting more light.

I wanted to also go into detail about my ebb/flow table that i built a while back that will be dedicated for mother growth.

I'm going to grow anywhere from 6-10 mothers for future cuttings. The mother tray will be flooded to about 3-4 inches. I'm going to have to do some experimenting with the size pots and the frequency and duration of the flood time.

I will either be using these 5.5 inch kord planters which i really like, or the two gallon pots. I might need to input on this one..

The growing media will be loose rockwool grow cubes.

My mothers should be able to grow to about the 6th week of veg.. roughly 2.5 feet tall max. maybe 3 feet.

More pics

The area on the right side of the room where the mothers are will be another 60+ aero site in the near future.. I will have a single walkway down the middle.

As for my current hydro situation..
I started the systems nutrient bath of with a mix of:
1/2 strength Botanicare Liq Karma
1/3 strength Pure Blend Pro Grow
Tap water... I have been using distilled but i ran out

I'm checking the pH everyday after the lights just come on. I dont have an electronic tester, im using the test vial and the drops.. I can tell you now it does help to have it but I know I need a good tester. I am also without an EC/TDS meter. With that being said, someone who has had good experience with testers please recomend some to me. I am trying to decide between a tester pen and a continuous tester that has a probe in the nutrient tank all the time. I know now that i will be purchasing one with a replaceable probe for sure.

Until I have the proper equipment, I am planning to keep the nute tank at a set level, topping with pH'd water everyday. And change the tank every week.



Active Member
Well its been another day in the garden...

I built another cloner for a total of 48 plant sites possible.
I needed to build another to work towards filling the hydro system quickly.

In the cloner i have 2 18" bubble curtains that fit perfect longways in the bottom.
For the water: it is distilled 6-7 gallons with 5 tsp of h202 and a tsp of pure blend pro Bloom

I planted a clone into one of my 5.5 in Kord planters and it is on the ebb/flow table. I like the grodan grow cubes a lot. i am flooding to 3.5in once a day.

for lighting right now is a 175 MH

I am still in the learning stages for keeping mothers for producing clones. I decided to prune the tops of all 4 mother plants to keep them from growing so tall and to see if that will keep side shoots forming down low and at the middle of the plant for clones

And i am going to see if the tops will root! :mrgreen:
Dont know if this will work, just curious. :blsmoke:

I have been keeping a close eye on the hydro system. I keep the pH around 5.5 and the water at a set level. The plants are doing very well it seems..

These two are REALLy busting out a lot of roots. I'll put some picks up soon of them. They are both about 6" tall already. All the plants have been in the system since friday.

Thats all for now. I'll be sure to update soon


Well-Known Member
Ya, Look's Like You Have Everything Going Your Way!!,,,,,,,,Your Plant's & Clone's Are Looking Awesome!!

Hey What All Kind Of Light's Are Those Without Hood's, & The Side Light Like In The Chair, Or Is It A TV For Your Plant's???HEHEHEHE:roll::mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
What is that black stuff you have on the top of your pipes?

I want to get something like that.



Well-Known Member
What is that black stuff you have on the top of your pipes?

I want to get something like that.

I think that's Blk Fabric Duct tape (correct me if I'm wrong)

I love the set-up, and the plants are showing their love for their home!


Active Member
hey guys,

thanks for the bump..
Hatch, the lights with no hoods for the clones are 23w CFLs.
And the TV haha is a 175 MH:mrgreen:

The black stuff is just black plastic "duck" brand duct tape you can get at wally world for about 2.50 a roll.. It works great at blocking light. You only need one coat and I have noticed it has a very nice tacky adhesive which bonds to plastic exceptionally good..

Hey check out the 1000w MH i'm going to be using soon!

I really need to get a vented hood and dump the heat outside.

How high above the canopy should i mount this monstrosity