Club 600

A nice ride, for sure :-)
Was walking to my scooter in a hospital parking lot and had parked next to a big Harley in the area set aside for motorcycles.
The Harley owner was just getting ready to start up and sees me walking up in full gear and nods as he starts his up.
The rumble and exhaust blast sets off the alarm on my scooter next to him and startles him and he sees me turn it off with my key fob remote and I sheepishly grin and apologize.
He looks at my scooter and laughs & smiles and says, "Man! I'm used to doing that to cars all the time, but I've NEVER seen that in a scooter before!"
A nice ride, for sure :-)
Was walking to my scooter in a hospital parking lot and had parked next to a big Harley in the area set aside for motorcycles.
The Harley owner was just getting ready to start up and sees me walking up in full gear and nods as he starts his up.
The rumble and exhaust blast sets off the alarm on my scooter next to him and startles him and he sees me turn it off with my key fob remote and I sheepishly grin and apologize.
He looks at my scooter and laughs & smiles and says, "Man! I'm used to doing that to cars all the time, but I've NEVER seen that in a scooter before!"

wheres the laughed out loud button?
That secret cup sounds like such a cool thing.

Have you guys heard about the cell phone hacking things the police have now. They are breifcases they can set out and within a certain radius they make everyone's phone think it's the closest tower, and so all their calls and texts are routed through it and strait to the po. I just find it interesting... not saying they are gonna start coming after us or something.
That secret cup sounds like such a cool thing.

Have you guys heard about the cell phone hacking things the police have now. They are breifcases they can set out and within a certain radius they make everyone's phone think it's the closest tower, and so all their calls and texts are routed through it and strait to the po. I just find it interesting... not saying they are gonna start coming after us or something.

so illegal its ridiculous.
i was going to say, doesn't sound very chicken soup to me?? naughty policeman......
Navigation seems to be working better tonight!

So much good stuff on here - like it all!

Planted another girl in the ground and found a mystery seedling in the dirt where the hole was to be dug.


Haha had to share this :D
looks like you stumbled onto something....and it has been in use for years.
from the London Daily Mail

Police across the country using secret cell phone-tracking device known as STINGRAY to catch criminals
•Stingray is a suitcase-size device that tricks cell phones into sending data to police rather than to a tower
•The technology has been credited with helping FBI catch a hacker linked to $4million tax fraud scheme
•Police departments from California to Pennsylvania refuse to share information about contracts with Stingray's maker, Harris Corp.

By Associated Press

PUBLISHED: 13:17 EST, 21 March 2014 | UPDATED: 16:03 EST, 22 March 2014

Police nationwide may be listening in on phone calls or reading text messages to find suspects thanks to a device called Stingray - but they're refusing to reveal details about its use.

Law enforcement officials say Stingray, a suitcase-size device that pretends it's a cell tower, is useful for catching criminals, but that's about all they'll say.

For example, they won't disclose details about contracts with the device's top manufacturer, Harris Corp., insisting they are protecting both police tactics and commercial secrets.

The secrecy — at times imposed by non-disclosure agreements signed by police — is pitting obligations under private contracts against government transparency laws.

Even in states with strong open records laws, including Florida and Arizona, little is known about police use of Stingray and any rules governing it.

A Stingray device tricks all cellphones in an area into electronically identifying themselves and transmitting data to police rather than the nearest phone company's tower.

Because documents about Stingrays are regularly censored, it's not immediately clear what information the devices could capture, such as the contents of phone conversations and text messages, what they routinely do capture based on how they're configured or how often they might be used.

In one of the rare court cases involving the device, the FBI acknowledged in 2011 that so-called cell site simulator technology affects innocent users in the area where it's operated, not just a suspect police are seeking.

Earlier this month, journalist Beau Hodai and the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona sued the Tucson Police Department, alleging in court documents that police didn't comply with the state's public-records law because they did not fully disclose Stingray-related records and allowed Harris Corp. to dictate what information could be made public.

The Stingray has been credited with helping the FBI nab a tax fraud suspect nicknamed the Hacker, who was later identified as 29-year-old California man Daniel David Rigmaiden.
Censored: Police are not being forthcoming with information on the use of Stingrays, regularly censoring documents about how the phone-tracking technology is used or how much it costs taxpayers

Rigmaiden, of Santa Clara, was indicted in April 2010 for allegedly stealing the identities of hundreds of dead and living people and using the information to electronically file for $4million in fraudulent tax returns.

It is believed the federal officials used a Stingray to locate the illusive computer wiz by linking Rigmaiden to a mobile-broadband card, which allows a computer to connect to the Internet through a cell phone network, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The FBI later claimed that it obtained the appropriate court orders to track Rigmaiden's broadband card using an unspecified device, but the documents have remained sealed since his arrest in 2008.

Revelations about surveillance programs run by the federal National Security Agency have driven a sustained debate since last summer on the balance between privacy and government intrusion.

Classified NSA documents, leaked to news organizations, showed the NSA was collecting telephone records, emails and video chats of millions of Americans who were not suspected of crimes.

That debate has extended to state and local governments. News organizations in California, Florida and Pennsylvania are among those that have been denied records about Stingrays or Stingray-like devices, including details of contracts that Harris has with government agencies.

In a response to a records request from the Tallahassee Democrat newspaper about Florida's use of cell-tracking technology, the state's top police agency provided a four-page, heavily redacted document signed by a police investigator.

The newspaper reported that the document referred to guidelines concerning the purchase of items and sought the department's agreement to the 'provisions/content of the Non-Disclosure Agreement.'

The Desert Sun of Palm Springs made a similar request to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, which said it had to maintain secrecy even though the newspaper found information online about cell site simulators.

And in Sacramento, the local sheriff's office told a TV station it would 'be inappropriate for us to comment about any agency that may be using the technology' in light of a Harris non-disclosure agreement.

Many of the requests were part of an effort to investigate the devices by Gannett Co. Inc., which publishes USA Today and owns other newspapers and television stations around the country.

'I don't see how public agencies can make up an agreement with a private company that breaks state law,' said David Cuillier, the director of the University of Arizona's journalism school and a national expert on public-records laws. 'We can't have the commercial sector running our governments for us. These public agencies need to be forthright and transparent.'

A representative for Melbourne, Florida-based Harris Corp. declined to comment or elaborate on how the company's agreements comport with open records laws.

Court documents in Hodai's case show Harris' agreement required the Tucson city government not to 'discuss, publish, release or disclose any information' about its products without the company's written consent.

The agreement also required the city to contact Harris when it receives public-records requests about a 'protected product,' like a Stingray, so that the company can 'challenge any such request in court.' The police department declined to comment on Hodai's lawsuit.

He had sought Harris contracts and police emails about how the technology is used. Email records show a Harris contract manager advised a Tucson police sergeant on what records couldn't be released to the public; the manager relied on the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, which governs records of the executive branch of the federal government.

Nathan Freed Wessler, a staff attorney with the ACLU, said there's often a distinction in public-records laws to protect bona fide trade secrets — such as circuit board diagrams — as opposed to broader information like agency policies governing a Stingray's use or purchase agreements.

He said police in Florida have declined to tell judges about the use of Stingrays because of non-disclosure agreements.

A December 2013 investigation by USA Today found roughly 1 in 4 law enforcement agencies it surveyed had performed tower dumps, and slightly fewer owned a Stingray. But the report also said 36 additional agencies refused to provide details on their use, with most denying the newspaper's public-records requests.

blerry 'ell chaps and chapes's, only gone and put the old back out....bending over, lol. I had been sitting trimming for some time which didn't help. I am going for the BIS treatment, Beer, Ibuprofen, and Shmokenshticky!
Well that wasn't the best idea. Sorry mate hope you feel better and heal up real soon. I imagine little guy will being want picked up soon.