To me, 2 weeks seems very young for a lady to have her foliage taken away.
I'll give you credit for getting back up after being knocked down a 100 times. But that is about it.
what? It took extra hrs to reveg your plant out? BUT NEO, You said this wasn't true. and, why would I want to grow an Auto when I have some of the dankest strains in my arsenal? Why don't you go over there and argue with them? do You like my new sig neo? You inspired it.Extra hours of electricity used for 2 weeks vegging for 18 hours per day = 224 hours
Extra hours of electricity used for flowering an Autoflower for nine weeks at 18/6 instead of 12/12 = 378 hours
Autoflowers use more electricity so why is there a whole section devoted to Autoflowers, and why aren't you in there forcing your opinions on them and debunking their theories?
If you veg for 6 weeks and fit in 2 rounds of defoliation during that time, how does defoliation add any time? If you defoliate at weeks 2 and 4 you still get 2 clear weeks growing before the plants are flowered? Maybe I should book a maths course with the agriculture one?
I'll give you credit for getting back up after being knocked down a 100 times. But that is about it.
yet you still want to argue 'no leaves, no grow'?
Where are the pics of the red plant after defoliating twice? You got some gaps there. Me thinks there is some favoritism at play here.
I see a pic of 2 plants, I never saw the plant after you pulled the leaves off each time. NEO, I wouldn't believe you if your tongue came notorized.View attachment 3030559
Can you not see the Red arrow Chuck, I can make it bigger for you if you like? It's the two plants at the back. You can quite clearly see that Red the defoliated plant is about 1" taller than the unplucked plant, so how is this possible as I've 'stunted' her in twice in the last 18 days? Red was the smaller of the two plants to start with too!
There was no favoritism there Chuck, the plants get the same food and feeding schedule, they are the same distance from the lights, so let's not go down that avenue. Unless you think it could be the curvature of the earth or some kind of magnetic field?
So please tell me how it is possible for a plant to do that? How can the smaller plant now be bigger after two lot's of defoliation?
It appears that my Kung Fu is strong.
To me, 2 weeks seems very young for a lady to have her foliage taken away.
I see a pic of 2 plants, I never saw the plant after you pulled the leaves off each time. NEO, I wouldn't believe you if your tongue came notorized.
Why would all of these other people just make this stuff up???
Yep NEo, you are correct, i wouldn't believe anyone. I'll admit that. You got me on this 1, so that's 100 for me and 1 for you.I could have filmed them for the 18 days and posted security guards there and you still wouldn't believe me, which is what I said will happen in Profterpen's experiment. If the outcome doesn't go your way you'll just claim he cheated.
As you can see I've already done these experiments, I didn't do them for this purpose to argue over on a forum. I did them for myself, so I would only be lying to myself. Why would I do that?!
Why would all of these other people just make this stuff up???
No,No,No it is absolute proof that defoliation works and yields more and doesn't cause extended veg times. Aren't you paying attention. SEE defoliation causes a more compact plant, that's why red is taller than blue, RIGHT???????????????????????Thought I was missing something!
Would you consider that perhaps Red is stretching more than Blue due to being deprived of light due to the defoliation?
neo is scratching his head right now, He's like, But I keep saying defoliation creates more nodes and a denser more compact plant, and yet, I'm claiming now that it grows the plant bigger faster too. WTF NEO?Is it too early for Haiku? No? Oh good.
Red plant or Blue plant,
Which will have the greater yield?
Only time will tell...