your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

Hey GroErr...I thought along the same lines as you did/do; however, my spouse works with government contracts and I didn't think it very wise to continue trying to keep it under the radar and jeopardize our lifestyle or income. At least this way, I can go on holidays, across this country anyway, and take my meds with me.

In your case I may have done the same. I'm self employed, older and work only to keep my mind busy (ok I like toys and vacations too - lol) more than anything so there's little financial risk to getting caught, other than my lawyers fees. With a decent lawyer, having cancer, and the mess this country's in with this medical mj fiasco, that risk is low imo.

As far as taking it with me on vacation... doesn't everyone? lol
Blame all security concerns or incidents, going forward, on Health Canada for intentionally publicizing your private info to the world. Even if its simply someone you don't recognize lurking around - keep a record or file a claim against HC. Cause you know what ever happens, HC will link all upcoming incidents or crime as the result of growing at home, not because they released private info
sp those who traded their ATP to buy from PN or PPS are going to be pissed

So glad I held on to mine until the bitter end. And now they've saved me the trouble of having to renew it even looks like. At least until the case is decided.
Justin case anyone wants to start raising more shit...could use some help round and im full of great ideas! ;)

I've followed your efforts for awhile.
Nice to have you here Derek, I'm sure everyone will benefit from your contributions.
Peace, leaf
Blame all security concerns or incidents, going forward, on Health Canada for intentionally publicizing your private info to the world. Even if its simply someone you don't recognize lurking around - keep a record or file a claim against HC. Cause you know what ever happens, HC will link all upcoming incidents or crime as the result of growing at home, not because they released private info

I couldn't believe they wrote, never mind released that statement publicly. As soon as I read it I could smell lawsuits around privacy breaches and the like... It's actually a good thing, the lawyers will have a field day referencing that one - lmao Keep a .pdf copy around in case your lawyer needs it, if anyone over there has any brains they'll quickly try to kill any postings/copies, their own lawyers are probably running around trying to do that right now if they have any brains ;)
I love stirring up shit for a cause I believe in... If we all sit back nothing will happen.... Look at what we as patients have accomplished from rocking the boat sorta speak.. And of coarse we can't forget about John the humanitarian Conroy who took this on.. Thanks again everyone especially you John peace and grow strong friends
I wonder what happens to the ones caught in between? The next few months are gonna be nuts if ya ask me. When they realize how much money they are making off of people with out the 400000 included.
Something about making more off of pot than Alcohol and cigarettes, will really burn a few asses.

I think its awesome!
I wonder how many LP applications will be withdrawn now? Did HC already spend that $400,000 to mail us their bullshit letter that has zero meaning now? What a waste of tax payer dollars. I can't believe the level of incompetence they've displayed lately.
lol you smoking in the streets yet Raider? told you to chill out listen to some

going to chill out now but needed to hit the liquor board first lol...If chilling out means having people over, booze, loud music and of course tons of weed lol.
Hey GroErr...get better best to you Sir.....

Hey thanks bud, no worries, can't be cured but it responds well to treatments, and the mj teas/cookies help ;)

This MJ fight is very near to my heart, it literally saved my life or at least kept me from becoming addicted to the many pharma drugs my oncologists kept trying to throw at me. Had to do the chemo crap or kick it, but it's all the other pharma drugs on top of the treatments that are your worst enemy, that's where MJ is really a miracle drug, I've experienced it first hand and still take no pharma meds, it's all good :)
Hey thanks bud, no worries, can't be cured but it responds well to treatments, and the mj teas/cookies help ;)

This MJ fight is very near to my heart, it literally saved my life or at least kept me from becoming addicted to the many pharma drugs my oncologists kept trying to throw at me. Had to do the chemo crap or kick it, but it's all the other pharma drugs on top of the treatments that are your worst enemy, that's where MJ is really a miracle drug, I've experienced it first hand and still take no pharma meds, it's all good :)

x2 in a different way. Oil is a godsend and I'm not a believer. ;)

Experience is a great thing eh!!!
Awesome to hear GroErr!!! Keep up your intake! oil capsles help 1000s! juicing just look up William Courtney on youtube! All the best to you all! Great Forum People!

For all up to date cannabis news please visit my good frien Marc at forums for the latest and up to date cannabis news in the world!!

Peace Everyone!
HIGH Everyone !

I'm brand new here and appreciate the chance to talk to you fine folks. Or should I say the best folks on the Planet... 420 folks. Yes today's decision is great, but only the beginning of the fight. I plan on donating more $ to this. We need to be ready for this trial. Dollars will count. I'm gonna give as much as I can.
But for today we....rejoice. The unhuman Harper will be pissed and throw all they got at us for sure....scary. They got all my money (taxes) to use against us.
We must bolster the coffers in this fight. Lets not wait for the next guy to do it. Give what ever your able. It's our way of being powerful.
They may beat us by outspending us.
We may not be lawyers, but we have the numbers and a little from everyone will go a long way for Mr Conroy ( God Bless this man ) and his team to this fight. He needs us and I for one will be there. I'm not rich, I struggle too. But it sure makes me feel good to know I'm doing what I can. Which to me, is giving some bucks to this fight.
Fight everyone....FIGHT
March 21st, 2014
On Friday, March 21st, In the trial, the Coalition's legal team intends to demonstrate that cancelling these licenses would be unconstitutional. Justice Manson of the Federal court granted an interim injunction in the case of Allard et al. v. R. This injunction prevents Health Canada from cancelling licenses for personal and designated grower production of medical cannabis but the maximum possession will be 150g while the case proceeds through trial. This includes those who were renewed postSeptember 30th but there is no provision for new applicants. In the trial, the Coalition's legal team intends to demonstrate that cancelling these licenses would be unconstitutional.
We are pleased by this decision, of course. For the time being, it protects thousands of patients across Canada from severe financial and personal hardship. If Health Canada had been allowed to cancel these licenses on April 1, that action would have endangered their health and their freedom." says Jason Wilcox, "Today's decision, however, is only a temporary respite. The court has not yet looked at whether the cancellation of personal and designated producer licenses is constitutionally acceptable or not. The decision to grant the injunction does not in any way imply that we will be successful in the trial, and our work has only begun."

The case will now proceed to trial, where the court will decide whether the elimination of these non-commercial licenses constitutes a violation of patients' rights under section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
x2 in a different way. Oil is a godsend and I'm not a believer. ;)

Experience is a great thing eh!!!

That's the beauty of this plant, even what recreational smokers would consider "garbage" is great for teas, oils, edibles. Yet we continue to be prosecuted and looked down on, while the pharma drug wheel keeps turning, putting out drugs that only work to keep the wheel turning and have more side effects than even smoking this weed could never match... sad when society readily accepts pharma drugs yet rarely questions our whole system for putting that crap on the market...

And said like a true Canadian... eh! lol