THC Benzoate


Well-Known Member
I am almost done with my grow, so it will soon be time for hash making as I promised. But I came across something strange and thought maybe someone here could comment.

My assumption is that what happens is the open Hydroxide on THC reacts with Benzoic Acid (and similar things) in such a way that it actually forms a NEW molecule (THC Benzoate?)

This (most likely) would help make the THC more of an airborne able molecule, and posibily have added or reduced effects. This could be tested by getting a pure THC extract and making it react (via the Hydroxide, or possibly the H3C) with Benzoic acid (a natural substance).

What do you guys think about the changes that would be made as far as effects?
A bittering agent? I'll pass.

I've been discussing it on another forum, and the people there said that Denatonium is DESIGNED to hit the bitter receptors on your tongue so that people don't decide to drink denatured alcohol.

So something like Benzoic acid would be completely different.

This one is complex and designed SPECIFICALLY to taste bitter

This one is much simpler and is actually used in perfuming
I've been discussing it on another forum, and the people there said that Denatonium is DESIGNED to hit the bitter receptors on your tongue so that people don't decide to drink denatured alcohol.

So something like Benzoic acid would be completely different.

This one is complex and designed SPECIFICALLY to taste bitter

This one is much simpler and is actually used in perfuming

Have you ever wondered how you will pass away?
My guess is "bizarre accident"
And he's life. Not everyone is gifted in all things and great gifts are often balanced by great handicaps, so I continue to watch for moments of brilliance and savor the moment that his overall offerings come into balance.

He is kind enough to the nooobes to portray an image of disorganized idiot savant, rather than the certified voice from the mountain to follow blindly, and good humored enough to endure our candid responses to his reaching out for "acceptance by others."

I have a couple of thoughts on the subject, and the first being that you can measure a society's evolution by how they treat their weakest members, and the second is that gold is where you find it and brilliant breakthroughs often come from left field and from the least likely sources.

That said, someone still has to make sure that the nooobes remain open eyed, and don't get hurt, as well as pick the kernels of whole corn from the cow pies, sooooo as they say, we are our brothers keeper, and it takes a village, and other platitudes along the same line.
Surprised he's made it this far. Perhaps Darwin was way off base in his "survival of the fittest" theory.

Humans have to consider concepts like intelligence and aesthetic (translated: Potential and Luck) which don't come into play with more brutal species.
And he's life. Not everyone is gifted in all things and great gifts are often balanced by great handicaps, so I continue to watch for moments of brilliance and savor the moment that his overall offerings come into balance.

He is kind enough to the nooobes to portray an image of disorganized idiot savant, rather than the certified voice from the mountain to follow blindly, and good humored enough to endure our candid responses to his reaching out for "acceptance by others."

I have a couple of thoughts on the subject, and the first being that you can measure a society's evolution by how they treat their weakest members, and the second is that gold is where you find it and brilliant breakthroughs often come from left field and from the least likely sources.

That said, someone still has to make sure that the nooobes remain open eyed, and don't get hurt, as well as pick the kernels of whole corn from the cow pies, sooooo as they say, we are our brothers keeper, and it takes a village, and other platitudes along the same line.

If my rep ability wasn't disabled you would be getting some, and if we had a like button I would like and unlike this just so I could like it again. And maybe again after that.

Thank you for recognizing that I am just here, and that my nose is not in the air.
I just realized, this could also have applications in creating an "Over the Counter" Cannabinoid.

If you could make a THC molecule (or similar effective molecule) bond to something that was very bitter, but not dangerous. You could create something like a Sleep syrup, or Anti-depressant syrup. Depending on if THC or a stronger Cannabinoid were to be the base.
I was just thinking about THC Benzoate while listening to 2 Chainz "Hit it with the fork" which is about cooking crack.

So I decided to look up what "Crack" actually is, because there has to be a difference between Cocaine and Crack. So I looked up the two molecules.

Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)

And it looks like Bicarbonate (Baking soda) is actually an acid or alcohol type structure with lots of reactable oxygens, but it has a magnetic change because a Sodium is polarized to it (not sure if that is the right word), so in essence when you use baking soda you are hitting it with Oxygen, and something that Catalyzes change (Sodium in the presence of certain things makes them change), basically making Cocaine Bicarbonate.

And this reminded me of some stuff I read about Toad Venom (Bufotenine) which when smoked in its natural acidic form (5-Hydroxy-DMT) it has too many react-able oxygens, but when you mix it with edible lime it becomes safe to use (basically the same as DMT) because the Hydroxy is neutralized by being attached to parts of the edible lime.

Now, my question is... With those 2 loose Hydrogens waving around (15 in total actually, I just don't understand what H3C is and how it reacts, because it is not an independent structure), and a Hydroxide (OH) sticking out like a sore thumb, and that oxygen hiding underneath...

Has anyone ever tried THC in its base form?


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Crack is the base fourm of cocaine , but cocaine is a alckaloid , THC is not

???? I have read THC can be changed into a 'anhydride' with the use of acedic anhydride , making it water soluble and more potent ????????
Crack is the base fourm of cocaine , but cocaine is a alckaloid , THC is not

???? I have read THC can be changed into a 'anhydride' with the use of acedic anhydride , making it water soluble and more potent ????????

I posted this on a chemistry forum and they were so mad at my guesses that they basically argued that crack doesn't even exist. Then someone came along and told me how it works, and someone said that THC is basically already in this form.

So maybe not baking soda, but there will be some kind of simple "hit it with the fork" hash changer one day.

I have not heard of THC Anhydride, is that like Ammonia based THC or what? I have heard of THC-O-Phosphate and that is supposed to be water soluble.
I have a feeling they felt alot like the rest of us when you post

There are like 20 of you, so I wouldn't doubt that it IS one of you spreading the FinShaggy sport via PM to everyone else at the other forum. I joined the Joe Rogan forum and people were openly calling me things like "Shin Faggy" and it was obvious that some of the trolls here are also members of the Rogan forums, so I don't doubt that they could be elsewhere as well.
Im only on this forum and only go by this name..
I was kicked off for proving burnt toast wrong though