remember they will stretch i fear if you flower them as are with out topping they will create 1 not very good main cola, they will stretch up and the bottom if the main will end up too far from the light, so will be smaller and less mature...
cut em back, get some side growth or more tops and then flower if not go seeds....
yeh i know what your syaing buddy, wen i first potted em up i just threw a splosh of water on em and forgot that the roots wouldnt be nower nr the outside of the pot so im waiting on them to dry out, keep usig rhiz and keep watering to the centre of the pot nr the root ball, checked last night and have got SOME fresh roots and as its only been a few days il give em that, all this is down to being vegged under a sonT bulb,, rather mad how not using the correct spectrum i.e no blue at all can fuck shit up, anwyays i must bare the blame as i wasent in the ame city as them for 10 weeks so couldnt get hands on OR check teh setup, like when i noticed it wasent MH lol