Marijuana prices falling!!

Depends on where you live. If you're in a state with legal MMJ and you're a legal patient then the laws of economics will balance everything out. Eventually, when Co. and Wa. have had their legal recreational marijuana in operation it will start coming down too. The politicians have no idea of the money they could make if they just took a chill pill and keep an eye on the market. Right now their greed is holding the market back. Eventually it may become legal nationally and America and Canada could become the new Amsterdam.
Depends on where you live. If you're in a state with legal MMJ and you're a legal patient then the laws of economics will balance everything out. Eventually, when Co. and Wa. have had their legal recreational marijuana in operation it will start coming down too. The politicians have no idea of the money they could make if they just took a chill pill and keep an eye on the market. Right now their greed is holding the market back. Eventually it may become legal nationally and America and Canada could become the new Amsterdam.
Agree pounds in Canada have been $1200- $2000 for along time. The prices here have came down 25% plus in three years. Always remember that if you grow chronic there will be a demand for it.
I haven't noticed. all my patients get a reduced flat rate anyways. and I always run out before my next harvest.
In the US, well at least Medical States... despensorys are sure not feeling it, but they are taking the risks I guess!
I think price is relative to who you are dealing with. If your "transferring" it out ounce by ounce to patients yeah it's easy to get 250+, but the wholesale market is so flooded with garbage that now even guys I know growing super dank cant get more than 200-225.

The fact is that your 1/8th buyers don't care about smoking quality and only care about getting medicated. This is who the dispensaries are making all their money off of, and I would say is a hefty percentage of the market. This means that it is more economical for them to buy the garbage at a very low cost, and charge only a few buck less than real top shelf
I hate hearing the complaints about the price falling in a legalized market. I knew full well when I moved from FL that I was never seeing 350-400/oz wholesale again, but I also knew I wasn't facing state mms for 25 or more plants anymore either.....
When people can open state legal warehouses or can collectively grow under the same building under a common name, retailers will have no need for individuals off loading a few lbs. They will be able to stock their whole shop from a few vendors. It makes their business a lot more stable and makes inventory management a lot easier.
If you are a grower transferring 1/2lb and MI lbs to dispensaries at a time, you are going to be pushed out of the market by commercial entities.....

Now mind you , I am not referring to myself in this cannabis analogy . I don't think that Cadillac is too worried about Kia taking their market share .