Random Jibber Jabber Thread

They creep and crawl at night, but walk tall, helpfully opening the door for you or giving up their slot in line during the day. People think they're safe driving across country at night. Or tucked up all tightly in their house at night. The gas stations are all lit up, after all, on the road ... And, they've got a trusty firearm for home defense.

Recently I've had the opportunity to drive a could thousands miles around the southwest weekly. Between setting up business, and moving to the springs. I drive day or night, and make the usual stops... gas stations, shitty diners, rest stops. You see unknowing, random people. You see them stalked by predators of the day and of the night. It's insane how little people see. People fear the wrong things.

I like driving, I prefer the open, anonymous, road. I've driven the east coast, the deep south, the midwest. It always looks the same, and I question how people constantly miss it.
Went into south Boston yesterday for the parade.. Full leprechaun get up, grew out the beard, all the way down to gold buckles on the shoes..handed out hundred bucks of chocolate coins to the ladies and little ones. Kisses and grabs galor, it was an absolute blast! Brining in the gopro next year for sure didn't think it would be such a hit! Also don't think I needed that second tab, but Boston was grateful for it :hump:
I just witnessed a couple of squirrels fucking on my front porch. Tried to snap some video, but I dropped my phone in the toilet the other day, and now it's being retarded.
When I first came on here and would get a rep from a heavy hitter as yourself My status would skip levels..Made me feel all soft and fuzzy inside.
If you were/are a conspiracy theory person. Would you freak out if you saw a guy with a camera hanging out of his attic window taking pictures?
When I first came on here and would get a rep from a heavy hitter as yourself My status would skip levels..Made me feel all soft and fuzzy inside.

seriously, I can't figure out what rep is after a month here. The green dots? some new people have lots some w/ like 1500 posts have none, I need a rep tutorial LOL

(prolly doesn't help that I'm buzzed whenever I read stuff on RIU)
seriously, I can't figure out what rep is after a month here. The green dots? some new people have lots some w/ like 1500 posts have none, I need a rep tutorial LOL

(prolly doesn't help that I'm buzzed whenever I read stuff on RIU)

[h=2]Rep System Information[/h]
Here is how the reputation system works, it has been modified to stop over rep's.

Default Reputation
What reputation level shall new users receive upon registration? Make sure that you have a reputation level that is at least equal to or less than this value.

Number of Reputation Ratings to Display
Controls how many ratings to display in the user's control panel.

Register Date Factor
For every X number of days, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power.

Post Count Factor
For every X number of posts, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power.

Reputation Point Factor
For every X points of reputation, users gain 1 point of reputation-altering power.

Minimum Post Count
How many posts must a user have before his reputation hits count on others?
10 posts

Minimum Reputation Count
How much reputation must a user have before his reputation hits count on others?

Daily Reputation Clicks Limit
How many reputation clicks can a user give over each 24 hour period? Administrators are exempt from this limit.

Reputation User Spread
How many different users must you give reputation to before you can hit the same person again?

Rollitup's ranking system is based on the amount of posts you have:

0 Stranger
25 Learning How To Roll
50 Able To Roll A Joint
100 marijuana Toker
200 Ganja Smoker
400 Pot Head
420 420 TIME
700 Stoner
1200 Teaching How To Roll
1600 Veteran Smoker
2500 Mr.Ganja
5000 Super Stoner
10000 marijuana EXPERT
50000 Ganja God
